Land Valuation Book for Summy, Inishkeel Parish, Co. Donegal
Gallaghers and some neighbouring families
This Valuation was compiled by Maureen and forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website
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This is not the complete townland valuation - Gallaghers & neighbouring families only
1st Griffith's Valuation published in 1858 but were conducted in 1855-1957
The first "Revised Valuation" didn't occur until 1862, then every year thereafter until 1935
The "Date" column lists the year the revision was entered into the bookSelecting the highlighted entries in the Census column will take you to the 1901/1911 census information for the household
Ref to Maps Occupier Immediate Lessor Description Acres/Roods/Perches Date 1901 Census 9 b Marquis of Conagham In Fee
Land 5-3-0 1878 10 a Michael McNelis (Manelis crossed out, spelling correction?) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 35-2-20 1878 10 a Thomas McNelis (Michael McNelis crossed out) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land abc 1902 10 b Bryan McNelis (Manelis crossed out, spelling correction?) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 1878 10 b Patrick McNelis (Bryan McNelis crossed out) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 1901 10 c Bryan McNelis (Manelis crossed out, spelling correction?) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 1878 10 c Patrick McNelis (Bryan McNelis crossed out) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 1901 8 11 Bryan McNelis (???? Manelis Jun.crossed out) Marquis of Conagham Land 2-3-30 1878 11 Patrick McNelis (Bryan McNelis crossed out) Marquis of Conagham Land 2-3-30 1901 8 2987 11 Patrick McNelis In Fee (LAP) Land 2-1-28 1920 11 Patrick Manelis In Fee (LAP) Land 2-1-28 1929 12 a Owen McHugh Marquis of Conaghan
Ho, Off, Land 20-1-20 1862 12 b Daniel O'Donnell 1862 12 a Owen McHugh Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 20-1-20 1864 12 b Rep? Daniel O'Donnell 1864 12 a Owen McHugh Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 20-1-20 ???? 12 b Rep? Daniel O'Donnell Ho, Off, Land ???? 12 a Owen McHugh Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 20-1-20 1878 12 b Bryan McNelis (Rep Daniel O'Donnell crossed out) Ho, Off, Land 1878 12 a Catherine McHugh Marquis of Conagham Land 20-1-20 1910 12 b Patrick McNelis (Bryan McNelis crossed out)(1907 house down) Land 1908 8 2988 12 a Kate McNelis (Catherine McHugh crossed out) In Fee Land 8-0-26 1920 12 a Andew McNelis (Kate and Patrick crossed out) In Fee (LAP) Land 8-0-26 1931 2989 12 b Patrick McNelis In Fee Land 11-3-10 1920 12 b Patrick McNelis In Fee Land 11-3-10 1929 13 Charles Gallagher Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1862 9 13 Charles Gallagher Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1864 13 Charles Gallagher Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 ???? 13 Charles Gallagher Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1878 13 Catherine Gallagher (Charles Gallagher crossed out) ???Gallagher under Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1892 13 Catherine and William Gallagher Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1901 2990 13 a Catherine Gallagher (Cate Gallagher and William Gallagher crossed out) In Fee Ho, Off, Land 45-3-10 1912 2990 13 a Catherine Gallagher In Fee Ho, Off, Land 37-3-5 1920 13 a Catherine Gallagher In Fee (LAP) Ho, Off, Land 37-3-5 1929 14 a Francis Crawford (Same as 14b) Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 25-1-20 1862 10 14 a Francis Crawford (Same as 14b) Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 25-1-20 ???? 14 a Francis Crawford (Same as 14b) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 25-1-20 1878 14 a William Browney (Francis Crawford crossed out)(Same as 4b) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 25-1-20 1885 14 b Francis Crawford (Same as 14a) Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 17-0-35 1862 10 14 b Francis Crawford (Same as 14a) Marquis of Conaghan Ho, Off, Land 17-0-35 ???? 14 b Francis Crawford (Same as 14a) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 17-0-35 1878 14 b William Browney (Francis Crawford crossed out)(Same as 4a) Marquis of Conagham Ho, Off, Land 17-0-35 1885 2991 14 ab Dennis Breslin (William Browns crossed out) In Fee Ho, Off, Land 42-8-15 1913 2991 14 ab Dennis Breslin In Fee Ho, Off, Land 41-3-11 1920 14 ab Mary Breslin (Dennis crossed out) In Fee (LAP) Ho, Off, Land 41-3-11 1929 15 ab Water 24-1-3 1862 15 ab Water 24-1-3 ???? 15 ab Water 24-1-3 1878 15 ab Water 24-1-3 1885
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