General Valuation Ballygorman, Clonca, Co Donegal (cont.)
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County of Donegal - Parish
of Clonca
Barony of Inishowen East - Union of Inishowen
Townland of Ballygorman
Electoral Division of Ardmalin - Ord Svy Map 2
FHC Film 0833558
Rpt #/Pg Reference to Map NAMES Description of Tenement Rpt #/Pg OS2 Reference to Map NAMES
Description of Tenement Rpt #/Pg Reference to Map NAMES
Description of Tenement Rpt #/Pg Reference to Map NAMES
Description of Tenement Occupiers Immediate Lessors Occupiers Immediate Lessors Occupiers Immediate Lessors Occupiers Immediate Lessors 1 1910 1 a 1Aa 1aMary Hugh1919 1916 1A 4/10 1 a Philip Doherty Ho off & land 3/9 70 a Philip Doherty (Edwd) Ho off & land 1906 own w Philip Doherty Jr not land 2/25 PhilipDoherty(Edwd)Ho, off & land 1/31 a Mary Doherty (Hugh) Daniel Doherty Ho off & land (Hugh) Daniel Doherty Anne 1910 William Glackin Daniel O'Doherty DanielGrantDanl Doherty 1906 new Ho ? Finished b 1Ab 1bBernard Licd Ho off c land 1919 NB 6/21 b Patrick FarrenHo off & land 71* b William GlackinAnneGrantb Bernard Grant ??in fee ??garcy store Licd ho off & land NB 6/21 1911 House down 72 c Philip Doherty Jun. Philip Doherty (Edwd) 1906 c 1Ac 1cPhilip Doherty Jun. Philip Doherty (Edwd) Ho & land c Philip Doherty (Jr) Philip Doherty (Edwd) Ho & land 1 B Philip Doherty Jr. Philip Doherty JrHut & land ? Warehous?? ???????1919 1B Philip Doherty (Jr) same Hut & land NB 7/53 Admin Blg????????? 1919 Commrs File Philip Doherty Jr??? Anne Grant 2 Michael Deery same Ho off & land 73 2 Michl. Deery Daniel Doherty 2 Michael DeeryDaniel Doherty Land 1916 1919 ?? 2 Annne Grant Daniel Doherty Land John Mrs. Nate 3 Mary Doherty same Ho off & land 74 3 MaryDoherty (Mick)same Ho off & land 1907 3 John Doherty (Mick) same Ho off & land 3 JohnDoherty(Mick)Daniel Doherty Ho off & land '35 (John) Neil Bernd 4 a DenisDohertysame Ho off & land 75 4 a Neil Doherty same Ho off & land 4 a NeilDohertysame Ho off & land 1914 4 a Bernard Doherty (Neil) same Ho off & land 42 Timlin William 5 HughDohertysame Ho off & land 76 5 Timlin Doherty same Ho off & land 5 TimlinDohertysame Ho off & land 23 1/32 5 Wm. Doherty Danl Doherty Ho off & land Hugh Patrick 6 Shane Tolan same Ho off & land 77 6 ShaneTolanHo off & land 1903 6 HughTolansame Ho off & land 25 6 Patrick Tolan same Ho off & land Neele Mooney Betty a 7aPatk a a Owen GormanHo off & land 3/10 78 a NealeMooneyHo off & land 1909 BettyMooneyDaniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 21 Patrick Mooney same Ho off & land 4/11 7 Daniel O'Doherty 7 Daniel O'Doherty 2/26 7 b 7b7 b b John Gorman Ho off & land 79 b Rep Jno Gorman Ho off & land 1908 Rep Jno Gorman Ho off & land Rep John Gorman same Ho off & land James Patrick Glackin 8 John Doherty (Shaun) same Ho off & land 80 8 JohnDoherty(Shaun)same Ho off & land 1907 8 James Doherty Daniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 8 James Dohertysame Ho off & land '40 John McLoughlin 37 38 No change John Edwd Denis Glackin'36 No ?? Change 9 RoseMcLaughlinsame Ho off & land 81 9 Jno McLaughlin same Ho off & land 9 JohnMcLoughlinDaniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 9 Edwd McLoughlinsame Off & land '35 NB 10 65F ?Phil? Doherty (Hugh) James (Hugh) 10 HughDogherty(Philmore)same Ho off & land 82 10 Phil Doherty (Hugh) same Ho off & land 10 PhilDoherty(Hugh)Daniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 222310 James Doherty (Hugh) same Ho off & land ?(Senr)Mary Anne 11 John Doherty (Jack) same Ho off & land 83 11 Rep Jno Doherty (Jack) same Ho off & land 1902 11 Rep JohnDohertyDaniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 1917 31 1/33 11 Mary Anne Doherty Danl Doherty Ho off & land (Jno Jackey) (Jack)Bridget RepThomas FarrenMrs. Ellen'36 12 Patk Doherty (Edwd)same Ho & land 84 12 Thos Farren same Ho & land 1902 12 Thomas Farren Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 12 ThomasFerrenDanl Doherty Ho & land '35 Grace Maggie ??????Bernard DonahoeBernard 13 PatrickMcKeenysame Ho & land 85 13 GraceMcKeenysame Ho & land 1902 1909 2/27 13 Maggie Donohoe Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 13 MaggieDonohueDanl Doherty Ho & land '42 Daniel Anne DohertyEllen a 14aa Thomas'44 a James McDaid (Patt?)Ho & land 86 a Anne DohertyHo & land Ellen Doherty Ho & land Patrick'36 Daniel O'Doherty Daniel O'Doherty EllenDohertyDanl Doherty Ho & land '35 4/12 14 John3/11 14 14 b 14b14 b (Bernard) [belong to below?] Cassie Doherty ( ??ice) James Doyle '46 Maggie Donachey?BernardDanl Doherty Ho & land '42b CatherineDohertyHo & Land 87 b Jno Doherty Ho & Land John DohertyHo & Land 1920 Maggie Donachie'36 Cassie Doherty (Bree)Patrick Doherty (Donald) ?Charles McGonagleJohn'41 15 James McDaidsame Ho & Land 88 15 Patk Doherty (Donald) same Ho & Land 15 Patk Doherty (Donald) same Ho & Land 15 PatkDoherty (Donald)Danl Doherty Ho & land '33 Afflot File 206 Patrick 16 James Doyle same Ho & land 89 16 James Doyle same Ho & land 16 JamesDoylesame Ho & land 16 Patrick Doyle Danl Doherty Ho & land Daniel Thomas17 Patk Doherty (Roe) same Ho & Land 90 17 Patk Doherty (Roe) same Ho & Land 17 Bernd Doherty (Roe) same Ho & Land 1/34 17 BerndDohertyDanl O'Doherty Ho & land '35 (Bernard)(Roe)Patrick 1910 18 Neale Mooney same Ho &land 91 18 Rep NealeMooneysame Ho &land 1908 18 Patrick Mooney same Ho &land 18 Patrick Mooneysame Ho & land Anne PatrickDenis'45 19 John Cramsky same Ho & land 92a 19 a John Cramsky same Ho & land 1911 2/28 19A JohnCramskyDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land 19A DaneCramskysame Ho & land '39 John Crampsky Ho& land Donegal Board of Health 92b b Inishowen RDC in fee Land 1912? 19B Inishowen Rural District CouncilInishowen RDC Land1912 19B John Crampsey Inishowen Rural District CouncilHo & land '38 NB VI/43 in feeThomasDaniel(valued with lot 47A and ?1BC)Land'33 Afflot File 206 see lot 47A 48ABC Countess of Shaftenbury Chas. Countess of Shaftesbury 20 PatrickDoherty (Bernard)In fee L.A.P. 20 Patrick McDaid Marquis of DonegalLand 93 20 PatrickMcDaidMarquis of DonegalLand 20 Charles McDaid Countess of Shaftesbury Land 20Charles McDaidCountess of ShaftesburyNeal Daniel O'Doherty Daniel O'Doherty 1908 Ho vac Neil McCullagh 1916 4/13 21 c JamesGallagherJas & Daniel O'DohertyHo & land 3/12 94 21 Neal GallagherDanl O'Doherty Ho & land 98 1906 21 Daniel O'DohertyDaniel O'Doherty Ho &Land1912 Ho down 21 Neil McCullaghDanl O'Doherty Land Rep ??Daniel GallagherNo vac 1922 Bldgs in dis? 22 Philip Doherty (Tom) same same 95 22 Philip Doherty (Tom) same same Thos Doherty same Off & land 1915 Catherine 22 Philip Doherty (Tom)Ho & land1914 22 ThosDoherty (Thomas)same Off & land Joseph 23 Charles McDaid same same 96 23 Charles McDaid same same 23 Charles McDaid same Ho & land 1/35 23 CharlesMcDaidDanl O'Doherty Ho & land '40 Catherine Michael EllenMonagle'23 24 BryanMoniglesame same 97 24 Catherine Monigle same same 2/29 24 Cathe MonigleDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land 1916 24 Michl Monagle same Ho & land ?Mary '46 An office standing Rmd 22.17.9 ?only 25 JohnDohertysame same 98 25 Mary Doherty same same JohnJane'30 Willie Monagle Peggy'23 EdwardOffice (No Val) & land '40 25 MaryDoherty(Roe)Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 1919 25 Jane Doherty (Donald)same '33 Mary26a??? GormanOffice (No Val) & land 26 a Patrick same same 99 26 a Patk Gorman same same 26 a Patk. GormanDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land 26 a Patk Gorman same MaryGormanb MaryJohn GormanNB 9/90 Mary ??????31 List No 156 evidently refers to the house 4/14 d Michael DohertyDaniel O'Doherty same Charles Daniel Daniel Gallagher '22 the only new ho in Ballygorman `'37 DB 11/11A 27 DanielDohertysame Ho & land 100 27 ChasDoherty (Chas)same Ho & land 27 Daniel Doherty (Chas)Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 27 Danl Gallagher same Ho off & land MB 00- Dan 28 James Gallagher Ho & land 3/13 101 28 Jas Gallagher Danl O'Doherty Ho & land 28 James Gallagher Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 28 JamesGallagher (James)same Ho & land '33 Daniel Gallaghersame Bernard Thomas 29 Thos Gallagher Land & ho 102 29 Thos Gallagher same same 29 ThosGallagherDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land 1926 29 BerndGallaghersame Ho & land '40 Mary same Patrick 30 John Gorman (Chas) same Ho & land 103 30 Rep JnoGorman(Chas)Rep James DohertyHo & land 1905190630 a Mary Gorman Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 1/36 30 a MaryGorman (Mary)Danl O'Doherty Ho & land '42 Mary Patk McQuigg 31 Rep PatrickQuigsame Ho & land 104 31 a Mary Quiq same Ho & land 2/30 31 a Mary QuigDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land '21 31 a Patk McQuigg same same 4/15 OA.P 4315 Daniel O'Doherty Land Henry Boggs Philip Doherty (Hugh) '45 c Charles James & Danl O'DohertyHo off & land105 32 Chas Dohertysame Land 1908 32 Henry Boggs Daniel O'Doherty Land 32 Henry Boggssame Land DanielDoherty32 (of 37) Henry Boggs Rep Michael ditto Ho off & land James??????Land Philip Doherty (Hugh) same Land '45 33 MargaretGorman106 33 Rep Michael Gormansame Ho off & landa905 ??? 33 Henry Boggs (of Bree) Daniel O'Doherty Land 33 Henry Boggs (of Bree)(of Bree) Ho vacant 1903Patrick Hannah Rep ?HowardMcKeeny?'44 34 MichaelMcKeenyditto Ho off & land 107 34 Hannah McKeenysame Ho off & land 1905 34 Patrick McKenny Daniel O'Doherty Ho Off & land 34 Reps Patrick McKenny same Ho off &Land'36 190343b 108 43b 43b 43b'36 bldgs gone 34 a see lot 36 3/14 34 a see lot 36 John McKenny Hannah RepDenis McKenneyOffice 1905 ?Mick34 c PhilipMcLaughlinditto House 109 34 c Hannah McLaughlinDaniel O'Doherty House34 c Denis McKeeneyDaniel O'Doherty office 1920 34 c John McKenny same office '44 '45 '43 NB 13/41F Entry Val 1950 ???RoseEdward'42 In progress See 1943 James ????McQuigforge '41 Ho ???? Listed for 1942 35 a ThomasDohertyditto Ho off & land 110 35 a Jas Doherty ditto Ho off & land 35 a James Doherty Daniel O'Doherty Ho off &land 1/37 35 a James DohertyDanl O'Doherty Ho off & land '37 '38 33a CatherineHenry Boggs36 Daniel Houton36 Barnard Daniel O'Doherty 111 36 Bernard Farrenditto Land 2/31 36 Henry Boggs (of Bree) Daniel O'Doherty Land Ea 106136 Henry Boggs(of Bree)same Land '45 4/16 PatkFarran(Thos)James & Danl O'DohertyHo off & land(of Bree) 34a 34aCharles Doherty (D) MaryJohn Charles Doherty ?23 or 28 Philip Charles112 37 Charles Doherty (D) ditto Ho & land 37 Charles Doherty (D)Daniel O'Doherty Ho &Land1919 37 Jno ChasDohertysame Land '42 37 Daniel Doherty (Chas)sameHo & land(Carpenter) Mary Doherty (Chas) Chas Doherty (John)same Ho & land\ Patk Doherty (Mary) Mrs. Maggie '42 NB 13/8F 38 Daniel Doherty (Pat Harly)113 38 Mary Doherty (Chas) ditto Ho & land 38 Mary Doherty (Chas)Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land '21 38 PatkDoherty(Mary)same Ho off & land '35 ??????Honston Ju?Mrs. Mary Mullan 39 a Danl Houton same Ho & land 114 39 a Danl Houtonditto Ho & land 39 Dan Honston Jun Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 39 a Dan Hojston Junrsame Ho & land '44 Mrs. M.J. Burns '38 Mary John Willy'35 40 John Deery same Ho & land 3/15 115 40 JnoDeeryDanl O'Doherty Ho & land 40 MaryDeeryDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land '27 40 John Deerysame Ho & land '33 Afflot file 206 41 Denis McKeeny 116 41 41 MickJohn McKenny1920 1/38 41 Patrick McLaughlinsame Ho & land Denis McKeeny same Ho & land DenisMcKeenyDaniel O'Doherty Ho & land 1914 John McKenny Danl O'Doherty Ho & land 42a 117 42a 42a 42a Daniel O'Doherty Charles Doherty (Chas) 4/17 42 Edward Doherty James & Danl DohertyHo & land 118 42 Edward Dohertysame Ho &Land2/32 42 Charles Doherty (Edward) Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land 42 Charles Doherty (Edward) Daniel O'Doherty Ho & land Mary ??????DohertyPatk Doherty (Mary) Mrs. Maggie 43 (Chas) (Pat Harly)same Ho off & land 119 43 Mary Doherty (Chas) same Land 43 Mary Doherty (Chas)Daniel O'Doherty land '21 43 PatkDoherty (Mary)same Land '35 Catherine James '38 Bldg ??value ???BernardWillie Monagle 44 Charles McKeeny same Ho off & land 120 44 DanlMcKeeneysame Ho off & land 44 CatherineMcKeenyDaniel O'Doherty Ho off & land 1919 44 James McKeenysame Ho off &Land'36 Encl 21x16x8?? BernardThomas35 No change '36 '40 ThosGallagher'34 Afflot File 106 Daniel O'Doherty In fee A Irish Land Commission'33 Afflot File 206 45 a James O'DohertyMarquis of DonegalHo off & land 121 45 Daniel O'Doherty in fee Ho off & land 45 a Daniel O'Doherty in fee Ho off & land 45A 45a Daniel O'DohertyIn fee Land '44 Recreation Hall; RC Chapel '27 James McLaughlin 45 b Rev Father ? (as trustee) in fee 1919 45B Mary C. HallIn fee House & land '33 NB 10/15 1915 1917 c R. C. Chapel see exemptions 3/16 122 45 exempt R.C. Chapel C 45 bRev Father O'Brien In fee Recreation Hall 1915 Obs co? 1915 1st Appeal (as trustee) 1/39 C 45 cRC Chapel & land '33 Afflot File 206 See pg 41 Reps Daniel O'Doherty Mrs Madge '44 ??? 46 Jas O'DohertyIn fee Land 123 46 Daniel O'Doherty in fee Land 46 Daniel O'Doherty in fee Land 46 DanlO'Dohertyin fee land '35 Daniel O'Doherty Madge Doherty '44 Down ??? To lot 46 a Patrick Gallagher Jas & Danl O'DohertyHo off & land 124 a Patk GallagherDanl O'Doherty Ho & ??? 1907 46 a Madge Doherty Daniel O'Doherty Ho & gar 46aMadge DohertyDaniel O'DohertyHo & gar2047A. 48ABCIrish Land Commission Daniel O'Doherty Countess of47 48Danl O'DohertyIn fee Land & mountain 4/18 47 James O'DohertyMarquis of DonealLand & Mountain 48c John PatkDoherty (Donfer)In fee ????????47Land & mountain 47b CharlesJoseph McDaidIrish Land Commision Land 48 in fee 125 47 48 Danl O'Doherty In fee 1907 47 48 Danl O'Doherty In fee Land & mountain 48D Neil McCullagh Irish Land Commision 4849 James Daniel O'Doherty Land John Charles Doherty Philip DanielDoherty(D)James & Danl O'DohertyHo & Land126 49 Chas Doherty (D) Daniel O'Doherty Land 49 Chas Doherty (D)Daniel O'Doherty Land 1919 49 John ChasDohertyDanl O'Doherty Land 26f(Carpenter) 48 e Right of way 127 50-55 Foreshore 50 to 55 Foreshore 1/40 50 to 55 Foreshore Patrick (Mary) '42 56 MaryGorman(???)In fee ?L.A.P. Land '34 Afflot File 106 Farren '35 NB 10/69 57 Most Rev Dr. ?Obrien& Revin fee Ho off & land '34 William Meehan? ?Bernard McManis'42 & P.J. McHugh 58 Patk Quigg & Owen Quigg in fee Land '34 59 David Gallagher in fee Land '34 60 Patk Gorman in fee Land '34 61 Denis Glackin in fee Land '34 ?inian 62 Mary J.Boggsin fee Land '34 1/41 45 aCbRC Chapel land
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