History of Gweedore
i. Primary Sources.
Census , British House of Commons Sessional Papers, 1852-53, vol XCII.
First Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the state of the Irish Fisheries, House of commons Sessional Papers, Vol XXII, 1837.
Report of the Royal Commission on the land law (Ireland) Act of 1851 and the purchase of land (Ireland ) Act, 1885, Minutes of Evidence and Appendices, British House of Commons Sessional papers, 1887, vol XXVI, (Cowper Commission).
Return relating to poor assessment, Ireland., British House of Commons Sessional Papers, LV, 1860, p.382.
Report from.the Select Committee on Destitution in Gweedore and Cloughaneely, British House of Commons Sessional Papers, 1857-58, vol XIII.
Report from the Select Committee on Industries (Ireland), British House of Commons Sessional Papers, 1884-85, vol IX.
Hill, Lord George A, Facts from Gweedore, Compiled from notes made at various times, 5th Edition, Hatchards, London, 1887, reprinted by Queen's University Press, Belfast, 1971.
McFadden, Rev James, P.P., The Present and the Past of the Agrarian Struggle in Gweedore with letters on the Railway extension in Donegal, Derry Journal, Londonderry, 1889.
Nicholson, Asenath, Annals of the Famine in Ireland,, E. French, New York, 1851, reprint Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1998.
ii. Secondary Sources.
Aalen, F.H.A., and Brody, Hugh, Gola: The Life and Last Days of an Island Community , Mercier Press, Cork, 1969.
Bardon, Jonathan, A History of Ulster, Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 1992
Evans, E.E. "Donegal Survivals" Antiquity, 13 (1939), pp.207-222.
Evans, E.E. "Some survivals of the Irish openfield system," Geography, 24(1), 1939, p. 24-36.
Evans E. Estyn, The Personality of Ireland, Habitat, Heritage and History, Cambridge University Press, 1973
Geary, Lawrence M., The Plan of Campaign 1886-1891, Cork University Press, Cork, 1986.
Kinealy, Christine, This Great Calamity, the Irish Famine 1845-52, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin, 1994
Kinealy, C. and Parkhill T., The Famine in Ulster: The Regional Impact, Ulster Historical Foundation, Belfast, 1997
Percival, John, The Great Famine, Ireland's potato famine 1845-51, B.B.C. Books, 1995