Headstone Inscriptions, Old Burt Graveyard, Castlecooly, Co Donegal
These inscriptions & photographs were compiled by Bernie and form part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website
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These are all the readable headstones, aside from one. There are also a few which may be able to be partially transcribed.
Of the rest, it is difficult to say how many there are as they are either buried in the ground or in brambles)
Also See Photographs of the Graveyard
In Loving Memory of
Matthew Best, Bogay
Died 27th April 1913 aged 65 years
Also Sarah Ann wife of above
Died 23rd Nov 1937 aged 81 years
In Loving Memory of
Beloved wife of
Matthew Best, Bogay
Died 29th July 1887 aged 37 years
(Double headstone, located inside the old church)
Carrowreagh, Burt.
In Loving Memory of
Samuel Canning
Died 26th May 1918
Also his mother
Mary Jane
Who died 3rd May 1934
Also his father
William Canning
Who died 27th Feb 1940
In Memory of
John, Margaret and Richard
Children of Andrew and Mary Cuningham
Also Andrew Cuningham
Who died Aug 31st 1843 aged 84 years
Mary his wife
Died Sep 31st 1859 aged 82 years
Elizabeth Cuningham
Died Sep 2nd 1874 aged 63 years
Mary Cuningham
Died 1st Jan 1883 aged 75
Susan Macky
Died 9th May 1887 aged 70
Jane Cuningham
Died 15th May 1894 aged 83
In Memory of
John Cuningham
Obiit 25th Nov 1812 aged 27? years
Mary wife of
Richd Cuninngham
Obiit 1821 aged 52 years
Richard Cuningham
Obiit 1834 aged 89 years
RHS of above stone
Susan Cuningham
Obiit 7th Dec 1867 aged 78 years
Anne wife of Hugh Cuningham, M.D.
Obiit 21st June 1869 aged 77 years
Hugh Cuningham, M.D.
Obiit 6th Sep 1878 aged 84? years
(headstone supplied by S. Hunter, Waterside, Derry)
Top of stone broken off
…….March the 25 : 17?? Aged 68 years
Also the body of John Cuningham, Jun
Who departed this life
January the 6 : 1765 aged 70 years
Also……… (rest faded)
(located inside the old church)
In Loving Memory of the
William Laird died 15 Jan 1886
Interred Monday 18 Jan 1886 at 10am
In Loving Memory of
John Maxwell
Born at Drumbo, Co. Down 28th July 1858
Died at Sharon House, Co. Donegal, 21st August 1???
Also his wife Rebecca
Born 23rd December 1866 died 1st December 1943
And his nephew
Samuel Scott Buchanan
Born 27th July 1900 died 30th May 1967
Knits up the revelled sleeves
Of care-balm of hurt minds
Erected in Memory of
Fanny McCrory
Who died 15th March 1911 aged 50 years
In Loving Memory of
William McCrory
Died 22nd April 1949
Also his wife Margaret
Died 15th March 1953????
Also their grandson
Wm Samuel McElhinney
Died 23rh May 1945 aged 4 years
(stone fallen and cracked, located inside the old church)
In Loving Memory of
William A McKemie Buchanan, Bridgetown, Burt
Born 8th March 1891 died 25th July 1977
Also his wife Margaret Agnes
Born 17th July 1902 died 19th Feb 1986
The lord is my Shepherd
In Loving Memory of
The MOORE Family
Carrowreagh & Portlough
Here are deposited in hope of blessed
Resurrection to Eternal life the mortal remains of
The Revd. Cunningham Porter
Who departed this life the
25th January 1819 aged 58 years
(Biblical verse of St. John underneath)
Erected in Memory of
John Porter
Who died Nov 8th 1896 aged 90 years
In Memory of
William Porter, Ballymoney
Who died 8th May 1879 aged 83 years
Also his wife
Mary Anne Lockhart
Who died 27th March 1879 aged 85 years
Also their Daughter
Martha Smith
Who died 28th Jan 1899 aged 71 years
And their son
William Porter
Who died 12th Sept 1914 aged 85 years
Also their daughter
Mary A Smith
Died 3rd June 1926 aged 89 years
At Rest
Erected by the surviving members of their families
William, James, Ellen and Mary Anne
(located inside the old church)
Erected in Memory of
Thomas Robinson
Who died 12th Feb 1893 aged 37 years
In Loving Memory of
James Scott, Bridgetown, Burt
Who died 14th July 1871
Also his wife Rebecca
Died 23rd Feb 1894
And their son William
Died 24th April 1918
His wife Annie Ferguson
Died 20th April 1923
And their daughter Elizabeth
Died 3rd March 1922
Also her husband Thomas Ferguson
Died 18th? Oct 1923
Also their son James Scott
Died 16th October 1937
Alice Scott
Died 13th May 1947
Letitia Scott
Died 28th February 1954
Erected in Memory of
James Speers, Deerpark
Who died 15th Octr 1859 aged 72 years
Also his wife Catherine Young
Who died 22nd July 1878 aged 84 years
Also their daughter Catherine
Wife of John Dean
Who died 20th August 1883 aged 52 years
Also their son James
Who died 22nd November 1906 aged 80 years
Also the above John Dean
Who died 6th May 1914 aged 78 years
And his children
William died 5th April 1917
Mary died 31st March 1931
John Guy died 12th June 1939
Lizzie died 10th April 1940
James died 4th Dec 1941
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