Births 1669 to 1783 Cloncha Parish, Co Donegal
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Extracts From the Parish Registers
[From The Late Doctor Robert S. Young, 1898]
The date of the earliest Parish Register of this parish, as given in the Report of the Deputy-keeper of the Public Records, is 1824
It is therefore of much consequence that these early records should be preserved by being now printed
They are probably the only records existing of the events they mention.
Anne YOUNGE borne ye 15th of January.
Elizabeth YOUNGE borne 15th of January.
Margaret YOUNGE borne ye 8th of June.
Sarah YOUNGE borne ye 8th of 7ber. Robt. YOUNGE borne ye 18th of 9ber.
Thomas YOUNGE borne ye 16th of 9ber.
Sarah YOUNGE borne ye 20th of 10ber.
My sone George YOUNGE was borne ye 11th of April.
Mary YOUNGE borne ye 10th of September.
Jeane YOUNGE borne ye 18th of June.
Cary YOUNGE borne ye 10th of January.
Richard McNITT the 4th of September. Allice McNITT was borne ye 15th of April.
Elinor McNITT was borne the 15th of April.
Frances YOUNGE borne ye 10th of November.
Robt. YOUNG son to George YOUNG was borne ye 10th of January 1703.
Mary CARY daughter to Robt. CARY of Carotrasny was borne the 7th day of December in the yeare of God 1703. Ezekiel CUNINGHAM so to Frederick CUNINGHAM was borne ye 7th day of December 1703.
George YOUNGE son to George YOUNGE borne ye 26th of November 1704.
Edward YOUNGE son to George YOUNGE borne 28th of April 1705.
Elizabeth BUTTLER daughter to Mr Stephen BUTTLER was the first day of March 1705, seaven hours after the said Edward.
Robert BUTTLER son to Mr Stephen BUTTLER boren the 15th day of April; 170(?).
Sarah YOUNG daughter to Mr George YOUNG boren the 27 of March 1707(?).
Henry YOUNGE son to George YOUNGE was borne September.
My daughter was baptised (?) the 30th day of October in the year of our Lord God 1697. John BUNBURY. Anno dom. 1707.
April 15th - Rot. BUTLER son to Mr Stephen BUTLER was baptised.
March 7th - Sarah daughter to George YOUNGE was baptised the 23rd in ye year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and eight.
BUTTLER son to Stephen (?) BUTTLER born the first of...(?) one thousand seven hundred and nine.
May 1st - Norton, son to Mr Stephen BUTLER was borne. George son to Mr Stephen BUTLER was baptised.
Elizabeth daughter to Mr Benjamin EVORY was baptised.
John son to Mr John McCURRIE was baptised.
21st - Upon Sunday morning before day Mr Tho. HART had a daughter borne, who was baptised and called Joan, her Godfathers and Godmothers were Mr McMans, Mr YOUNGE, Mrs HUMBLE, & Mrs EVORY.
26th - Andrew son to James McCHAY(?) McACHATNORT(?) was baptised Jo. TARIE and Tho. FLIN and a servt. of Jo. TARIE were Godfathers and Godmother.
19th - Elizabeth daughter to Mr George YOUNGE was baptised. Mr George MacLAUGHLIN Godfather, Mrs Ann CARRY and Mrs Jean CARRY Godmothers.
Catherine daughter to Laughlin McYNRY was baptised. James McKAY Godfather and Jean McKAY &c. Godmothers.
John son to Duald O'DOCHERTY was baptised, John O'DOCHERTY and Thomas FFLINN Godfathers, and Anna McKALY alias O'NOUN Godmother.
3rd - Charles son to Thomas CALWELL was baptised, Robt. AITKEN and his son-in-law Godfathers, and Robt. AITKEN his daughter Godmother.
Mr Thomas HART of Kregnasle Children born & baptised in the parish of Coldaff:-
8br. 21 - Joan HART was born, Godfathers & Godmothers, Henry McNITT, George YOUNGE, Mrs HUMBLE, Mrs EVORY.
9br 5 - Hatton HART was born & Mr (?) (?) of Coldaff. Mrs HUMBLE, Mrs CARY of (?)castle.
Xbr 10 - Francs HART was born who had private baptism, Mr GARDINER, Mr EVORY.
August 10th - Robt. HART was born Mrs McMANUS, Mrs DAVENPORT, Doctor WA(?), Geo. HART.
Jany. 2 - Gardiner HART was born Mrs DAVENPORT & Mrs Mary HUMBLE.
April 18th - Thos. HART was born Mrs Sarah (?), Geo. & Chi (?) DAVENPORT.
9br. 21 - Geo. HART was born Mr ELWOOD, & Mr Robt. YOUNGE Jun; Mrs Mary YOUNGE, & Mrs Margaret DAVENPORT Junr.
Jany. Ye 6th - Geo. HART was born The Revd. George McLAUGHLIN & Mrs George YOUNGE; Mrs Ann CARY of White Castle -
'47 Days & 9 months betwixt ye birth of R: Y: & Geo: Y: 6 (weeks) ...5 (days) betwixt the one being born & being wth. Child of ye other.'
Walter McKNILY had a child christened 8 yres, James MICHAEL, Godfather, and two women Godmothers.
25th - Charles SUTHERLAND had a child baptised, Joann, James McELTYRE's wife and ANDREWEs wife Godmothers, John McELTYRE Godfather.
9th - Donald McKAEN had a child baptised John, William CARRUTHERS, John TAFIE Godfathers, Catherine CARRUTHERS Godmother. Jo: FLINN and Knoker McKALA, Elenor McLAUGHLIN Srar McKALA witnesses.
9th - Antony KERR had a child baptised called Ester, Robt. THOMSON, Ann GILL, Margaret McDEAD Godfather & Godmothers.
30th - Mr Thomas BAKER had a child baptised (called) Thomas, Jo: HAMILTOUN in Derry, Robt. RAIMER, and Mrs CONOLY in Redcastle were Godfathers and Godmother.
Neil McGOWEN had a child baptised called Isabel, Thomas FFLIN Godfather, and Martha ALCORNE and Marry GILL Godmothers.
Hugh McKAY had a child baptised called Hugh, David McMullan & Hugh Mc-A-NABBIS Godfathers, Catherine EWEN Godmother.
Hugh McNABB had a child baptised called James, Jo: McINRY & James McLAUGHLIN Godfathers, & EUFFAM (?) BUCHANAN Godmother.
Mr Stephan BUTLER had a child baptised called Grace, Major CARY & Mr GARDINER Godfathers, Mrs YOUNG and Mrs Francis YOUNG Godmothers.
Joan (?) daughter to Mr Thomas HART was borne the 5 about 9 of the clock at night, and baptised upon Wednesday the 12 the Reverend Mr HUMBLE Godfather, Mrs CARY of Whitecastle & Mrs YOUNG of Coldaff Godmothers.
Jo: O'BURK a child baptised called Ann, David McMILLAN Godfather, Isabelle McLENE, Katherine EWEN Godmothers.
William CLERCK had a daughter baptised called Elizabeth, Thomas DAVINPORT, Mary GILL & (?) CADBROTH Godmothers.
William McLEDANY had a child baptised called George, Archibald GRAM & Thomas FLINE Godfathers, and Archibald his wife Godmother.
Hugh McALESTER had a child baptised called Ann, MARTHEN.
Jany. 1st - Thomas CASWELL in Drumly had a son baptised called James, - AITKEN (?) and James McKANLES and James McKANLES' wife...
Jany. 12th - George ALCORNE had a daughter baptised called Helen, James MICHAEL and Alexr. McLINTOCK Godfathers, Sarah GILL and Jane (?) MORRISON Godmothers.
Jany. 18th - James GILCHRIST had a daughter beptised called Elizabeth, J. (?) O'MORAN Godfather, Isabel his wife, Helen the wife of Robert (?) LYON Godmothers.
Feby. 7th - William CLARK had a child baptised called Mary, Tho: FLINN Godfather, Sarah GUILL and his sister-in-law, Mat. GUILL's wife, Godmothers.
Feby. 18th - George H (?)UDD had a child baptised called Ratchel, Arthur WILSON Godfather, Sarah WILSON & Joan MORRAN Godmothers.
March 19th - Robert THOMSON had a child baptised called Ann, James JAMISON Godfather, Ann AIKEN alias McANLES and Ann JAMISON Godmothers.
March 30th - David RITCHIE, in the parish of Cloncha, had a child baptised on Easter, Patrick O'MORAN Godfather, Isabel RITCHIE and Ann PRU... Godmothers.
April 15th - James McDEVIT had a child baptised called John, the Godfathers - John MICHAEL & John McDevt, Godmothers Joan M (?) and Margaret McDEVIT.
June 20th - William McDONALD had a son baptised called John, Thomas (?) & Arthur O'MORAN were Godfathers, and Sarah GUILL Godmother.
July 7th - James MICHAEL had a child baptised called Robert, Thomas FLINN & Math: GILL Godfathers, Sarah GILL Godmother.
July 14th - James McKANLES had a child baptised called Robert, Thomas FLINN (?) & Robert McFARLINE Godfathers, Thos: CALWELL's wife godmother.
August 12th - William O'GRANACHINE had a child baptised called Patrick, Thomas BRADLEY and George O'GALACHER Godfathers, and Meve O'QUIGLY Godmother.
Oct. 26th - The Reverend Mr Benjamine EVORY had a son baptised called William, the Revd. Mr peter WARD & Mr George DAVENPORT Godfathers, and Mrs Mary HART Godmother.
Nov. 25th - Mr George YOUNG had a child baptised called Mary, her Godfathers were Mr Tristram CARY & Mr Robert YOUNG, and her Godmothers Mrs Joan DAVENPORT and Mrs Mary EVORY.
Jany. 29th - Mr Stephen BUTLER had a child baptised called James, mr Robert YOUNG and Mr Thomas HART Godfathers, Mrs Charity McLACHLIN alias DOCHERTY & Mrs Francis YOUNG Godmothers.
Feby. 3rd - Alexr. McKAY, a stranger, had a child baptised called ..., Will: O'GUILLANE Godfather, Catherine McLACHLIN & Soelah ... Godmothers.
Feby. 20th - William McELDANY had a son baptised called William, George ... and William GILCHRIST Godfathers, Sarah ALESON Godmother.
April 9th - Anthony CORR had a child baptised called Anthony, Andrew ... & Jo: McDAID Godfathers and Mary McFARLEN Godmother.
Apryle 22nd - Will: McGOWAN had a child baptised called GRACE, ... GWILL Godather, Elizabeth GWILL and Sarah GWILL Godmothers.
May 19th - William McDONALD had a child baptised called Mary, Ro: ... Godfather, Joan O'MORAN and Sarah WILSON Godmothers.
June 26th - Donald CAMRON had a child baptised called Thomas ... and Charles SUTHERLAND Godfathers, ... Godmother.
28th - Robert OLDCORNE had two children baptised, James & ?
22nd - George OLDCORNE had a child baptised called James, ... (?) ... (?) & Alexr. SMITH Godfathers, Margaret KNOX alias ... Godmother.
24th - The Reverend Benjamine EVORY had a daughter baptised called Mary, Robert YOUNG and Stephan BUTLER Godfathers, Mrs CARRY and Mrs Joan EVORY Godmothers.
30th - Mr George YOUNG had a son baptised called George, Major CARRY and the Reverend Mr WARD Godfathers, Mrs Margaret DAVENPORT Senr. aNd Mrs HART of Kildary Godmothers.
Jany. 7th - James MACKAY had a child baptised called Margaret, James CASWELL and his wife and Margaret HENRY Gossips.
7th - James McDED had a son baptised called Daniel, Hugh GILESPIE & James CORKINY Godfathers, and Margaet WILSON Godmother.
William O'GRANACHINE had a child baptised called Luke, Arthur O'MORAN and Ranold McDONALD Godfathers, and Anna McALEA Godmother.
William McNITE had a child baptised called Edward, Neil McGOWEN and James BALFOUR Godfathers, Ann McGOWEN and Joan GILLESPICK Godmothers.
14th - Jo: MURRY had a child baptised called Samwel, John TASY and James McCLAY Godfathers, and Martha RANKIN Godmother.
March 31st - Thomas FELIN had a child baptised called Robert, neil McGOWEN and Arthur O'MORAN Godfathers, Ann JAMISON and Joan O'MORAN Godmothers.
William KELLY had a child baptised called Elsie, Christopher KELLY Godfather and Elizabeth HORK (?) and Uoln (?) O'CONOR Godmothers. The child is a basterd, begotn McDONOGHCH and browght forth in this parish. And Christoper KELLY, before mentioned, the father of the sd William, oblidges himselfe that the child shal not be burdensom to the parish.
James GILCHRIST had a child baptised called John, Arthur O'MORAN and Ranold McDONALD Godfathers, and Joan MORAN Godmother.
15th - William SMITH had a child baptised called Alexander, Thomas FFLIN and Arthur O'MORAN Godfathers, Ann GUILL Godmother.
20th - George HURD had a child baptised called William, Matthew GILL and Arthur O'MORAN Godfathers and Isabell WILSON Godmother.
13th - William HAMILTON had a son baptised called William, Anthony KER and Patrick O'MORAN Godfathers and Joan HAMILTON Godmother.
6th - Tho: CALWEL had a son baptised called Thomas, Robert AITKINE and Ranold McDONALD Godfathers & Ratchel AITKINs daughter Godmother.
August 10th - Robert HART, son to Mr Thomas HART, was borne about 6 of the clock at night, and was baptised the 16th, the Reverend Mr Benjamine E. EVORY and Mr Robert GARDINER Godfathers, and Mrs Joan DAVENPORT and Mrs McMANUS Godmothers.
Amian WHITE had a son baptised called John, John GILL & Hugh McALESTER Godfathers & Ann McGOWEN Godmother.
(?) McGOWEN had a son baptised called James, And: McATYRE & Geo: HIND Godfathers, Margaret KNOX alias McATYRE Godmother.
John CALWELL in Drumley had a child baptised called Margaret, James McCLENNAN Godfather, James McKANLES' wife and Thomas CASWELL's wife Godmothers.
Jany. 24 - The Reverend Benjamine EVORY had a daughter baptised called Ann. George HOOD has a child baptised called John, James McDEVIT & George ALCORNE Godfathers, Carrull (?) (?) Godmother.
Robt. MOUNG (?) had a child baptised called Isabel ...
20th - Robt. McLACHLINE ... Godfather, his sister & niece were ...
May 27th - Mr george YOUNG had a child baptised ... Mr christopher DAVINPORT & Captain ... Mrs Avis HUMBLE & Mrs CARY ... was joyned were Godmothers.
June 14th - Widow KERR m' CASHEL had a son baptised ...? William KERR and Robt ... (?) Godfathers, ... daughter was Godmother.
June 18th - Mr Stephen BUTLER had a son baptised ... the same day his daughter called ... baptised privately befor was received ... by the cerimony of signing with the cross, Mr Ralph DAVINPORT & Mr ... Godfathers, and Mrs Cary YOUNG Godmother to one; and Mr Robt. KARY (?) Godfather, ... (?) and Mrs Sarah YOUNG a sister ... Carry YOUNG Godmothers for the other.
Jan. 16th - Mr Thomas HART had a son baptised called ... Revd. Doctor Peter WARD and Mr George ... Godfathers, Mrs Margrat DAVINPORT & Mrs (?) HUMBLE Godmothers.
Feb 6th - John McKAIN had a child baptised called ... YOUNG, Mr George McLAUGHLEN Godfathers, ... YOUNGE Godmother.
March 3rd - James McKANLIES had a child baptised ... his brother was Godfather, Thomas CA ... (?) YIELD was Godmothers.
March 9th - William CRAFORD had a son baptised ... Robert MOOR and Patrick O'MORAN Godfathers, Joan O'MORAN Godmother.
April 2nd - John PRESTON had a child baptised called Henry ... Robert MOOR were Godfathers and Margret HOOD (?) Godmother.
May 13th - James McDEVIT had a child baptised called ... ...OBNDEN was Godfather, and his daughter ... GILLESPICK Godmothers.
May 18th - Donald McKANE had a child baptised called ... & William CARRUTHERS Godfathers, William ALCORNE's(?) wife Godmother.
August 24th - William McELDANY had a child baptised called ... James McDEVIT & James O'Ruden Godfathers & ...MALCOME Godmother.
Sept. 8th - Jo: CALWELL m' DRUMLEY had two children baptised one called Ruth the other Joan.
Sept. 22nd - Hugh McALESTER had a child baptised called ... ... WILSON Godfather, Matthew GILL's daughter ... daughter Godmothers.
Oct 4th - Jo: McDEVIT had a child baptised called Mary, Ch..., Mary HUNTER, and Margret McELTYRE sponsors.
William MAXWELL had a child called John, ... and Robt. SMITH Godfathers, and Robert LYON's wife Godmother.
Robert SMITH had a child baptised called Katherine, Archibald )?) O'MORAN Godfather, Ceaty SMITH & Robert ? ...
Oct. 5th - James McCLAY had a child baptised called WILLIAM, ...CAANE & Jo: MURRY Godfathers and Mary TAFIE Godmother.
Oct 19th - Robert OLDCORNE had a child baptised called M...for who Jo: MICHEL, Matha OLDCORNE ... LASON stood sponsers.
Nov. 4th - Ranold McDONALD had a child baptised called Margret, ... SUTHERLAND, Godfather, Ann SUTHERLAND & Jean ....
Nov. 5th - Robt. LYON had a child baptised called Margret, ... Godfather, Isabel WILSON and Jo: LYON's wife Godmothers.
Nov 21st - Robt. MICHEL had a child baptised called Jean, ... THE & Ann JAMISON & Ann GILL Godmothers.
Nov. 30th - George HOOD had a child baptised called ... CONEL Godfather, Ann GIL & ... GRIFFEN Godmother.
Dec. 26th - Alex. McLINTOCK had a child baptised called Mary, ... Jean McTYRE & Jean McLINTOCK Godmothers.
January 2 - Archibald McALESTER had a child baptised ... McALESTER & Tho: McGOWEN Godfathers. Ninian WHIT had a child baptised called?
Jan. 15th - William McConal had a child baptised ... GRIFFETH and Tho: McGOWEN Godfathers ... Godmother.
Jan. 20th - William O'GRANATHAN had a child baptised ... Jo: & Robert RICHEY (?) Godfathers.
...had a child baptised called Elizabeth, John CARUTHERS ... Elizabeth CHAMBERS, Kathrin WATERS Godmother.
... SON had a child baptised called William, Mark THOMSON ... Mc ...LMY Godfathers, Mary McFARLMY & Martha Mc... OTHERS.
...FARMLY had a child baptised called Mary, Malio ... Godfathers, Mary McFARMLY and Margret THOMSON Godmothers.
WILSON had a child baptised called Margret, Georg HUDD and Arthur O'MORAN Godfathers, Joan O'MORAN and Sarah GALLACHER Godmothers.
MICHEL had a child baptised called Ann, John MICHEL Godfather, ... JAMISON and ANN GILL Godmothers.
... had a child baptised called Margret, Jo: GILL Godfather, ...TON & Ann KILCHRIST Godmothers.
... had a son baptised called John, Hugh GILLESPIE and ... McELDANY Godfathers, Sarah ALLEN & Mary ALEXANDER Godmothers.
... had a child baptised called Mary, Mr DAVINPORT, & ... Godfathers, Mrs Margret DAVINPORT & Mrs Mary ...thers.
....had a daughter baptised called Rose, William ..
...AN had a child baptised called Kathleen, ... Godfr, Mary McKAIN & ... McMILLAN Godmothers.
... RANKINE had a child baptised called Joan, Doctor Peter WARD and Mr GARDINER Godfathers, Mrs ASH and Mrs Margret DAVENPORT Godmothers.
... McKANLIES had a son baptised called John, Mr Thomas ... & Mr Chichester DAVINPORT Godfathers, and Mrs Margaret DAVINPORT Godmother.
Jan. 14th - Mr Stephan BUTLER had a son baptised called Norton, Doctor WARD & Mr Michael RANKIN Godfathers, Mrs YOUNG Godmother. .
.. McDEVIT had a child baptised called Patrick, Godfathers: ...GILCHREEST & Neil McGOWEN, Godmother: Margret ... .
Thomas son of Mr Thomas HART was baptised, Mr George DAVINPORT & Mr Chichester DAVINPORT Godfathers, & Mrs Sarah YOUNG Godmother.
...son of George HUDD was baptised, John GRIFFINE & Arthur WILSON Godfathers, & Ann McGOWEN Godmother.
...the son of James CASWELL was baptised, Jo: AITON & Robt. BELL Godfathers, and Ann WORK Godmother.
...the son of James McKANLES was baptised, Tho: CASWELL & Jo: GWILL Godfathers, Elizabeth THOMPSON Godmother.
... McGEWEN had a child baptised called Neil, Andrew McELTYRE & James BALFOUR Godfathers, & Mary HUNTER Godmother.
Thomas FFLINN had a child baptised called Thomas, George GILL & John MICHEL Godfathers, & Mary GILL Godmother. MICHEL had a son baptised called James, Tho: FFLIN & Jo: GILL Godfathers, Elizabeth MICHEL & Ann OLDCORNE Godmothers.
...mond STEPHANS had a daughter baptised called Margaret, George GILL Godfather, & ... GALACHER & Margret McGOWEN Godmothers.
Feb. 2nd - ... BALFOUR had a child baptised called Barbara, Mr Robt. YOUNG Godfather, Mrs Margret DAVINPORT & Mrs Margret HUMBLE Godmothers.
...SON had a child baptised called Dennis, Thomas BRODY & ... BALFOUR Godfathers, and Mary STEWART Godmother.
... had a child baptised called Elizabeth, Robt. ORNDEN ...Margret WILSON & Eliazabeth MICHEL Godmothers.
...ND had a child baptised called Thomas, Jo: McADAMS & ...BARNES Godfathers, and Mary PLATT Godmother.
... had a child baptised called John, John MICHEL and Alex. MICHEL Godfathers, Margret WILSON & Elizabeth Godmothers.
...NLY had a child baptised called Robert, William WILSN an ... WILSON Godfathers, & J. COLQHOUNE Godmother.
...N had a son baptised called Robert, William ... & Robert HALOWDAY Godfathers, Joan HALLOWDAY Godmother.
Mr Thomas HART and Mr Ralph DAVENPORT Godfathers, and Mrs Evor HUMBLE and Mrs Ann CARY Godmothers.
? MITCHELL had a child baptised called George, Arthur WILSON and ? O'MORAN Godfathers, and Bratrice MICHEL and Ann GILL Godmothers.
George HOOD had a son baptised called Robert, his Godfathers were John GILL & Geo: GILL & his Godmother was Margaret McGOWEN.
June 6th - Mr Thomas HART ahd a son baptised called George, his Godfathers were the Revd. George McLAUGHLIN and Mr Geo: YOUNG, his Godmother was Mrs Ann CARY of White Castle.
8th - Ninion WHITE had a daughter baptised called Sarah, her Godfather was Hugh McALLESTER, her Gomothers were Bridget McMANUS & Sarah McGOWAN.
July 8th - Neil McGOWAN had a child baptised called Robert, Ja: ... and Andrew O'MORAN, Godfathers, Ann GILL and Bridget McMANUS Godmothers.
Oct. 16th - James MICHEL had a child baptised called thomas, Robert MICHEL and Jo: GILL Godfathers & Margaret DIO? Godmother.
Nov 13th - Robert McFARLANE had a child baptised called Ann, William ALCORNE Godfather, Margaret McFARLINE and Margaret THOMASON Godmothers.
Feby. 8th - Thomas Duff BUTLER, son of Stephen, was born.
... McDONALD had a child baptised called Donald, ... & William McGOWEN Godfathers, Margret Mc... ...ther.
... a child baptised called Judith, Jo: TAFFIE ... ... Isabel TAFFIE Godmothers.
April 1st - Willian McCONNAL had a child baptised called John, John McDADE & Robert McELDAWNY Godfathers, & Rebecka HOOD Godmother.
Aprile 27th - Robert OLTYRE had a son baptised called John, his Godfathers were Andrew & John McOLTYRE and Joan HUNTER Godmother.
May 7th - Collected for a briefe from balridry(?) 00-2-2-2
17th - Gilbert McCAY of Moville parish had a child baptised called Duncan, Alex: McMULLAN & Jo: McOLTYRE Godfathers, Ann McMULLAN Godmother.
28th - Henry NEWTON had a child baptised called William, Mr Robert GARDINER and James GILCHRIST Godfathers, ? NEWTON Godmother.
29th - Robert MITCHEL had a child baptised called James, Matthew GILL & Jo: MITCHEL Godfathers and Maery ... Godmother.
Jo: McOLTYRE had a child buried.
FFLINN had a child baptised called John, Matthew ? & James MITCHEL Godfathers, and Sarah GILL Godmother.
Helen GILCHRIST was buried.
Jo: OLDCORNE had a child baptised called Margret, George GILL Godfather Ann OLDCORNE & Matilda OLDCORNE Godmothers.
11th - James McKANLES had a child baptised called James, William CALWELL & Timothe BARR Godfathers, and Jane CALWELL Godmother.
15th - John McFARLEN had a child baptised called Robert, James OLDCORNE & Mark KERR Godfathers and Joan OLDCORNE Godmother.
4th - James GILCHRIST had a child baptised called William, Will: GILCHRIST and Henry NEWTON Godfathers, and Ann NEWTON Godmother.
August 3rd - Dennis CLARKE had a child baptised called John, John GILL & Adam CARUDDERS Godfathers and Ann McCONNEL Godmother.
Feby. 11th - William ALCORN had a child baptised called ELENORE, John GILL Godfather, Isabel DESNY and Mary McKINLY Godmothers.
March 3rd - Willliam LITLE had a child baptised called Joane, Roynald McCONNEL Godfather, Joan McCONNEL & ? Godmothers.
March 17th - James McCLAY had a son baptised called John, Matthew GILL & James KERR Godfathers, Joan LAWSON Godmother.
April 17th - James MITCHEL had a child baptised called Joan, George GILL Godfather, Sarah GILL & Martha OLCORNE Godmothers.
May 19th - Edward OLDCORNE had a child baptised called Marry, William OLDCORN Godfather, his wife and stepmother Godmothers.
August 1st - John MITCHEL had a son baptised called Thomas, Richard GRIFFITH and Edward OLDCORN Godfathers, & Isabel DESNY Godmother.
Nov. 5th - Johon GILL and Ann JAMESON were married.
18th - Daniel McBEA had a child baptised called Hugh, George HARROD and Hugh McMATH Godfathers, Meve LINCHECHON Godmother.
Feby. 28th - William CALWELL, of the parish of Templemore, and Catherine McFARLINE were married ?
17th - Henry NEWTON had a son baptised called George, James GILCHRIST and James McSWINE Godfathers, Margaret McKINLY Godmother.
18th - Mr Stephan BUTLER had a child baptised called John, Mr George CAREY and Mr Robert YOUNG Godfathers, and Mrs Mary HART Godmother.
June 8th - Thomas CARVALIN had a child baptised called John, his Godfathers were John McFARLIN & William OLDCORN, his Godmother William OLDCORN's wife.
Oct. 25th - Mr Robert YOUNG had a son baptised called George, the Revd. Robt. GARDINER and Mr George HART Godfathers, and Mrs YOUNG and Mrs HART Godmothers.
Dec 1st - Mr Stephen BUTLER had a son baptised called Joseph, Mr ELWOOD and Mr PORTER Godfathers.
George, son of James DAVENPORT of Craignasole and of Mary his wife.
George, son of George YOUNG of Culdaff Esq. & of Rebecca his wife (born in Derry).
Oct. - Catherine daughter of George YOUNG Esq. of Craignasole & of Catherine his wife.
... (?) Patrick, son of .... McMONEGILL of Owart & of ... his wife.
Jany. 4th - Robert son of Andrew MITCHEL of Kindroid & of Sarah his wife.
Jany. 19th - Andrew son of William HUTCHINSON of Carrhunneg and of Mary his wife.
Isaac son of John HUTCHINSON of Carrhunneg and of ... his wife.
Feby. 23rd - Margaret & Jane daughters of Owen DOUGHERT of Tiermacroragh & of ... his wife.
... of Charles McINTYRE of Tiermacroragh (the church Sexton) and of ... his wife.
4th - John, son of John McILDANEY of Ballymagarachy & of Margaret his wife.
9th - George son of Ralp DAVENPORT of Claggan and of ... his wife.
Oct 9th - Samuel son of Paul PATCHEL of Glacknadrumon parish of Clonca and of ... his wife.
Jany. 1st - Jane daughter of John SMITH of Dr... & of ... his wife.
James son of John McCANLESS of (?) and of ... his wife.
19th - William son of Gilbert DOUGLASS of Monedaragh & of Susan his wife.
April 19th - Charity daughter of James McCAULEY and of ... his wife.
Oct. 4th - John son of John GILL of Disternan and of ... his wife.
4th - Ralph son of George YOUNG of Culdaff and of Rebecca his wife; received publick Christening. He had before received private Baptism in Derry.
Dec. 6th - Alice daughter of John SIREE of Syracuse & of Mary his wife.
... DISTERMAN and of Isabel his wife.
May - Mary daughter of William McMONIGLE of Owart and of ... his wife.
3rd - Rose & Jane daughters of Owen DOUGLAS & of ... his wife, who died soon after her delivery.
May 31st - Mary daughter of William HUTCHISON and of Carhunigen (?) and of Mary his wife.
July 15th - ... of George YOUNG & of Rebecca his wife.
'ber. - Mary daughter of William THOMSON of Ballymagarachy & of ... his wife.
Elizabeth daughter of James LONG of Carhunney & of Susanna his wife.
Feby. 17th - Jane daughter of George McILDANEY of Ballymagarachy & of Rachel his wife.
5th - George son of ... McCANLASS of Drumley & of ... his wife.
6th - Andrew son of Andrew MITCHEL of Kindroit & of Sarah his wife.
Sep. 2nd - George son of ... McILDANEY of Ballymagarachy & of ... his wife.
Jany. 28th - Margaret daughter of William HUTCHISON of Carhumney & of Mary his wife.
30th - Mary daughter of James FLEMING P... & of ... his wife.
Jane daughter of Robert DICKEY of Dristernan & of ... his wife.
August 25th - mary daughter of Samuel BALL of Grousehall.
Sep. - Elizabeth daughter of Alexr. SMITH of Kindroid & of Jane his wife.
... (?) daughter of Walter McFARLAND of Craignasole & of Elizabeth his wife.
Dec. 13th - Frederick son of James FLEMING P. Clerk & of (?) his wife; baptised by the Rev. Richd. RUSSELL.
Feby. 6th - Ann daughter of Mr James DAVENPORT of Clagin & of ...(?) his wife.
March 2nd - Elizabeth daughter of John WALLACE of Caramenagh Par. Of Movil, & of Letitia his wife; baptised by the Revd. Robt. MORTIMER.
March 20th - Mary daughter of Eneas McMAGH of Carabeg & Par. of Movil & of Letitia his wife.
March 24th - Isabel daughter of joseph McMAGH of Carabeg & Par. of Movil & of Mary his wife.
Same day - Rebecca daughter of John WALLACE of Carabeg & Par. of Movil & of Jane his wife.
31st - Matthew son of George ...(?) of Disternan & Isabel his wife.
James son of Samuel WALLACE of Ballymagarachy & of Catherine his wife.
Jane daughter of John McKAY of ...(?)agh Par. of Movil & of Margaret his wife.
James son of Michael THORPE of Drumley & of Ann his wife.
October 31st - James son of john and Mary McCANLASS of Drumley.
March 30th - Francis son of John McILDANY of Ballymagarachy & of Elizabeth his wife. The sponsors were John WALLACE Junr. of Carabeg, John LOCHREY & Susanna wife of John WALLACE of Carabeg.
March (?) 7th - William son of Samuel WALLACE of Ballymagarachy & of Catherine his wife; the sponors John CAMPBELL and his wife Mary of Carabeg.
At the same time, William son of Church SMITH of Drumley & of Mary his wife; the sponsors John McCANLASS & Elizabeth of Drumley.
... (?) 16th - Sarah daughter of William McMONEGILL of Owart & (?) his wife.
June 17th - Sarah daughter of (?) PORTER of Buncrana (?) of Fawan & of Mary his wife of Kindroid by the Revd. Robt. MORTIMER.
3rd - William Chichester son of Samuel BALL of Grousehall & of Catherine his wife - private baptism.
Dec. 24th - Robt. Son of William THOMPSON of Ballymagarachy & of Mary his wife.
Jany. 14 - George son of Alexr. CAMPBELL of Carrableagh & of Martha his wife, of the Parish of Movil.
...(?) daughter of Walter McFARLAND of Craignasoile & of Elizabeth his wife.
March 16th - John son of Robert McCANLASS of Laracrile in the Parish of Cloncah & of Jane his wife.
March 30th - Robert son of George BUTLER of Clonkeen & of ...(?) his wife.
May 1st - Samuel son of John MAKEY of Dristernan & of Rose his wife.
May 20th - John son of Neal PATERSON of Drumley & of Jane his wife.
John son of Thos: McCANLASS of Drumley & of Mary his wife.
Sarah & Elizabeth, twin daughers of Alexr. SMITH of Kindroid & of Jane his wife.
Oct 13th - William son of James McGinniss & of Ann his wife of Leitrim.
Oct. 14th - Mary daughter of Daniel McCANN & of Rose his wife of Irish Ballycharry.
Oct. 16th - (?) son of John GILL & of Elizabeth his wife of Dristernan, baptised by the Revd. Mr HICKSON.
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