Kilmacrenan School Registers 1900 - 1909
The information on this page is the result of work done by the Kilmacrenan School Reunion Committee, for their reunion held August 2007
It forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources website
You may link to this page but not copy it
Some names and townlands are spelled differently in the school records from how we now spell them, for example "Halferty" instead of "Helferty" and "Clunkillymore" instead of "Clonkillymore". We did not correct these spellings dfferences.
Some text in the records is unreadable, wherever we could not read some text we have inserted an asterisk character to represent the unreadable text, for example in the following date we could not read the day of the month "*/6/1920".
From 1932 onwards the records were written in Irish, wherever we were not sure of the English translation of some text we have left the text in Irish and placed brackets around
it, for example (Ceairaian na gCanonach)There will certainly be many inaccuracies in the records, in particular many of the Dates of Birth will be inaccurate, if you find any errors or inaccuracies in our records then
please let me know (Email)We tried to cross reference the Kilmacrennan school records against the 1901 Census records. For each student who is also present in the 1901 Census records there is a link beside the student's name below. Clicking on this link will open this student's family record in the 1901 (under construction)
Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 1901 Census 2/01/1900 Joe McTeague 6 Kilmacrennan Kilmacrennan 2/01/1900 James Peoples 6 Ballyherron - 2/01/1900 Bernard McElwee 7 Towney - 2/01/1900 John O'Connell 5 Kilmacrennan - 2/01/1900 Edward McGarvey 8 Clunkillymore - 2/01/1900 Neal McElwane 7 Prucklish - 2/01/1900 Mary Alice Rodden 7 Clunkillymore Kilmacrennan 2/01/1900 Ellen Bradley 6 Keenaghan * 12/03/1900 Alice McGettigan 7 Goal * 17/09/1900 Nora Lynch 11 Kilmacrennan * Dublin Enrolled in 1901 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 16/12/1901 Patrick Crearand 9 Keenaghan - 11/03/1901 Maggie Doherty 8 Legnahoory Legnahoory 1/04/1901 Maggie Lynch 7 Leiter - 18/11/1901 Bridget O'Donnell 9 Cashleenan - Enrolled in 1902 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 31/01/1902 James Dillon 8 Kilmacrennan - 31/01/1902 Joseph McCabe 7 Kilmacrennan - 31/01/1902 Johnny Gorman 7 Kilmacrennan - 22/03/1902 Mary A. Dillon 8 Kilmacrennan - 22/03/1902 Mary Fries 7 Kilmacrennan - 22/03/1902 Mary Sheil 8 Massreagh - 22/03/1902 Teresa Dillon 7 Kilmacrennan - 22/03/1902 Sara McLaughlin 7 Coyton - 22/03/1902 Bridget Gorman 7 Kilmacrennan - 22/03/1902 Mamie McFadden 7 Keenaghan - Enrolled in 1903 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 9/02/1903 Denis Ward 9 Drimaboden - 2/02/1903 Mary E. McCormack - Ballyherron - 1/04/1903 Lizzie Sheil 6 Massreagh - 1/04/1903 Mary McCormack 5 Miltown - 1/04/1903 Catherine O'Donnell 5 Miltown - 1/04/1903 Rose Friel 5 Clunkillymore - 1/04/1903 Hannah McElwane 6 Prucklish - 1/04/1903 Bridgid Strain 6 Clunkillymore - 1/04/1903 Mary A. O'Donnell 8 Cashlenan - 12/10/1903 Rose Doherty 9 Legnahoory Legnahoory Enrolled in 1904 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 14/06/1904 Neal Doherty 13.9 Legnahoory Legnahoory 25/04/1904 Dominick Doherty 7 Legnahoory Legnahoory 4/07/1904 George Delap 8 Dromore Star of the Sea, Belfast 1/04/1904 Hugh Strain 7 Kilmacrennan - 1/04/1904 Johnny McFadden 7 Keenaghan - 1/04/1904 William McLaughlin 7 Coyton - 1/04/1904 John Durin 9 Kilmacrennan - 1/04/1904 Neal Coyle 8 Coyton - 19/12/1904 Alexander McDonald 11 Grovehall - 1/10/1904 Denis Durnin 7 Cleggan - 1/04/1904 Anthony Dillon 6 Kilmacrennan - 20/01/1904 Sarah Cullen 8 Towney - 17/10/1904 Katie McGarvey 8 Grovehall - 18/10/1904 Kate Morrison 10 Drumaboden - 1/04/1904 Mary A. Devenny 8 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1904 Rose A. Cullen 7 Towney - 1/07/1904 Bridgid Strain 10 Kilmacrennan - 6/12/1904 Ellen Delap 8 Dromore - Enrolled in 1905 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 21/04/1905 James McGettigan 7 Goaldrum - 21/11/1905 Hugh McLaughlin 11 Clonkillybeg - 1/04/1905 Maggie Dillon 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/04/1905 Mary A. Sweeney 6 Letterfad - 1/04/1905 Mary A. Friel 7 Clunkillymore - 1/04/1905 Maggie Gallagher 6 Clunkillymore - 1/04/1905 Mary McGarvey 6 Grovehall - */11/1905 Brigid Ward 6 Drumbrick Termon */11/1905 Bridgid Gallagher 7 Skerry Termon */1905 Rose Fries 6 Kilmacrennan - Enrolled in 1906 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 1/07/1906 James Gorman 7 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1906 Michael Gorman 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1906 John Devenny 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1906 Charles Cullen 6 Towney - 1/07/1906 Bernard McLaughlin 5 Coyton - 1/07/1906 Dominick Harkin 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1906 Peter Crearand 7 Kennaghan - 1/07/1906 Patrick McElwane 6 Prucklish - 1/07/1906 John Gallagher 6 Skerry - 1/07/1906 Michael Durnin 7 Cleggan - 19/11/1906 James McLaughlin 11 Legnahoorey Legnahoorey 19/11/1906 Bernard McLaughlin 8 Legnahoorey - 20/11/1906 Denis O'Donnell 9 Clunkillymore Termon */1906 Ellen McCormack 6 Miltown - 1/07/1906 Kate Coyle 7 Coyton - 1/07/1906 Mary O'Donnell 7 Ballyherron - 1/07/1906 Charlotte Fries 7 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1906 Agnes McFadden 6 Keenaghan - 1/07/1906 Lizzie Cullen 7 Doon - Enrolled in 1907 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 1/07/1907 Henry McBride 7 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1907 John J. Strain 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1907 Patrick Friel 8 Clunkillymore - 1/07/1907 James Cullen 7 Towney - 1/07/1907 Hugh Fries 7 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1907 Johnny McGarvey 6 Grovehall - 1/07/1907 Anthony Stewart 7 Kilmacrennan - */12/1907 Andrew Stewart 11 Kilmacrennan Currin 1/07/1907 Kate Sweeney 7 Letterfad - 1/07/1907 Maggie McCormack 5 Miltown - 1/07/1907 Margery A. Sweeney 8 Ballyherron - 1/07/1907 Mary Coyle 7 Coyton - 1/07/1907 Grace O'Donnell 6 Clonkillybeg - 26/11/1907 Ellen McLaughlin 12 Ballyherron - */12/1907 Kathleen McMacken 12 Grovehall Enniss* 9/12/1907 Hannah O'Donnell 9 Cashleenan - Enrolled in 1908 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school 7/01/1908 Neal Doherty 9 Letterfad - 5/02/1908 Robert Stewart 9 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1908 Hugh Coyle 8 Coyton - 30/06/1908 Francis Gallagher 6 Leiter Tullybeg, Donegal 1/07/1908 James O'Donnell 12 Ballyherron - 1/07/1908 Joseph Harkin 12 Kilmacrennan - */7/1908 John Coyle 7 Coyton - 1/07/1908 Rose Fries 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1908 Ellen Devenny 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1908 Rose A. Gallagher 6 Skerry - Enrolled in 1909 Date started Name Age Townland Previous school */3/1909 Tom Durnin 7 Cleggan - */5/1909 Joseph H. Reilly 9 Kilmacrennan Manor Cunningham, Donegal */6/1909 Dan Cullen 7 Towney - */7/1909 Charles O'Donnell 6 Ballyherron - 1/07/1909 Francis J. McFadden 7 Keenaghan - 1/07/1909 Denis Gorman 6 Kilmacrennan - 1/07/1909 Sam McGarvey 8 Grovehall - 1/07/1909 Tom McCormack 6 Ballyherron - 1/07/1909 James Duffy 8 Ballyherron - 6/12/1909 John Coyle 7 Coyton - 1/07/1909 Charles Reilly 7 Kilmacrennan - */5/1909 Ona O'Reilly 8 Kilmacrennan Eraity, Co. Donegal */7/1909 Madge Sweeney 7 Letterfad - */7/1909 Rose McLaughlin 7 Coyton - */7/1909 Lizzie Gallagher 8 Clonkillymore - */7/1909 Mary Durnin 6 Cleggan - 28/11/1909 Fanny O'Donnell 9 Cashleenan - 13/12/1909 Bridgid O'Donnell 11 Cashleenan Termon © 1998/2008 Donegal Genealogy Resources