Kilteevoge Photographs
Submitted by
Bernie Donaghey
Beautiful photos taken in Kilteevoge
Parish, kindly submitted by Bernie.
Select any of the photos below to
view an enlargement.
Reelin Bar
Owned by McGlynn's. They
have a beautiful garden to the left which unfortunately is not
shown in the photo. |
Reelin Bridge. |
Brown/McGinty homestead,
Letterhillue (Stroangarrow).
This area in forestry now.
Brown/McGinty homestead,
Letterhillue (Stroangarrow).
Another view. |
Letterhillue (Stroangarrow).
A path my family would once
have used. |
Letterhillue (Stroangarrow).
Roads the forestry were
making............ |
Old post office Commeen
Old post office Commeen
Closer view |