Extracted From:

Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee into Destitution in Gweedore and Cloughaneely


British House of Commons Sessional papers

1857-58, Vol. XIII., p. 524-


(© 2002 Tim O'Sullivan)

    Appendix 9. List of persons visited in Gweedore.  

Townland of Meenacung, 15th June 1858. 

1 Widow Mulligan: 1 bed, 3 head of cattle; land cropped.
2 Connell McGinley: 8 cattle; a good house; locked up land, well cropped.
3 Tom McGee: His house locked with a padlock.
4 Connell Doogan: 1 straw bed, 4 cattle, 1 sack of oats.
5 Pat Galagher (or James): a large wooden dish of stirabout; but when I went into the house they commenced eating seaweed.
6 John McCool: A sack of meal; he said it was his own- that he got none from the relief.
7 James Doogan: A shattered house, and the appearance of poverty on the mountain attached; 53 cattle in good condition, 4 horses and 26 sheep.

Townland of Ardun 16th June 1858

8 James Ferry: 4 milch cows tied in his house, a bed and bed clothes. This man is in London, one of Mr Doherty's witnesses.
9 James Boyle: Clean house, chairs, bed and dresser in kitchen; 2 beds in room; chest of meal and woolen wheel; 5 cows and 1 horse.
Townland of Upper Doore, 16th June 1858.

10 Peter Rogers: 1 bed and bedstead; 1 cow; 1 heifer, 1 calf.
11 Pat Boyle: 2 cows; chairs; dresser; bed; woolen wheel, a room locked.
12 Ned Boyle: 3 cows; chairs; dresser; bed and other furniture; a room locked; children looking well; a sheep house and cow house, where it appeared cows and sheep had been.
13 Farrig Boyle: 3 bedsteads and 3 beds, one of them covered with [?]icken; chairs; table; a number of women's gowns, a quantity of potatoes; 1 chest; 5 cows; 20 sheep.
14 James Doherty: 3 beds, bedsteads and bedclothes; a quantity of potatoes; spinning wheel; a sheep house, a place for tying 5 cows. When I came into this townland....[a comment follows about the people hiding their goods].
15 John Boyle: 2 beds and bedclothes; woolen wheel; potatoes; meal; 1 cow in the house. Mr Robinson says the man has 2 cows and a heifer.
16 Charley Boyle: 3 beds and bedclothes; chairs; dresser, and I am told, 2 cows.
17 James Boyle: House locked up, lest I should see it. I am told he has 3 cows, a horse and sheep.
18 Owen Gallagher: This man's house is not more comfortable or better furnished than any of the others, although I am told he is worth £400 ; he sold £200  worth of meal on credit this year.
19 Widow Gallagher: Clean house; bed and bedstead, chairs and dresser.
20 Pat Boyle: 2 beds and bedsteads; dresser and chairs. I am told he has two cows.
21 Daniel McGee: A good house; 3 beds, dresser; press and boxes; potatoes, a good quantity of wearing apparel. I am told he has 5 cows and a horse.
22 James Sweeny: 1 bed and bedstead; 2 chairs, 1 box; potatoes; 1 cow.
23 Charles McGee: 2 beds; dresser; chairs; a large quanity of potatoes; 1 cow tied in an outhouse; a large quantity of potatoes; 8 bags rye. I am told he has 7 head of cattle and a horse.
24 Widow Catherine McCool, or O'Donnell: 1 bed and bedstead; a chest; some meal.
25 Pat McElwaine: 2 beds and bedsteads; chairs; chest; woolen wheel; potatoes; 1 cow tied in.
26 Manus Boyle: 4 beds and bedsteads; chairs; table; dresser; meal; 2 cows; 1 pig; a large quantity of potatoes in the barn. I am told he has 7 head of cattle. This is one of the men that Hugh McBride said used seaweed.
27 Pat O'Donnell: 1 bed, dresser; and a chest; a poor house. I am told he has a cow.
28 Anthony  Gallagher: 2 bedssteads, nothing in them, a dresser. I am told he has 3 head of cattle.
29 Frank Gallagher: 2 beds and bedsteads; dresser; chests; a quantity of potatoes. I am told he has 8 head of cattle.
30 Michael McMunnigle: 2 beds and bedsteads; a dresser; a chest. He appears to be poor.
31 Michael Gallagher (taylor): 1 bed; dresser; 1 cow.
32 Ned Galagher: 2 bedsteads; dresser; chest; some potatoes; 1 cow.
33 Widow N Galagher: This is the woman whose husband died in the mountain; 1 bed; some meal; 1 cow.
34 Magey McGee: A poor and bad house.
35 Magey Coll (widow): 1 bed; 2 dedsteads; 1 dresser. I see she has 2 cows.
36 Daniel O'Connell: House shut up.
37 Widow Rogers: This is the woman McBride said had eaten "a garden of seaweed;" 1 bed and bedstead; 1 dresser; woolen wheel. She said she sometimes ate seaweed, but had meal now; she appears to be poor.
38 Frank O'Donnell (cobbler): 3 beds and bedsteads; dresser; chairs and chests. I am told he has 4 cows.
39 James O'Donnell: 3 bedsteads, the beds appear to have been taken out; a dresser; chest; some meal. I am told he has 1 cow.
40 Paddy Gallagher: 3 beds and bedsteads; dresser; chest; chairs; table; some potatoes and meal; two cows tied in an outhouse.
41 Tole Coll (carpenter): 3 bedsteads, blanket and rug on them; 1 dresser; 1 cow tied in; carpenters tools.
42 Manus O'Donnell (cooper): was working at his trade; 1 bed and bedstead; dresser; chest; 1 cow and calf.

Townland of Meenaduff. 

43 Ned Campbell: 2 ticken beds and bedsteads; 1 dresser; chairs; chests; a large quantity of potatoes- more than they will require for their own use; a good deal of milk; 3 cows; crops good.
44 James Boyle: House shut.
45 Hugh Galagher: 2 beds and bedsteads; some potatoes; 4 cows.
46 Widow Norah Galagher: 3 bedsteads; 3 beds, 2 in ticks; 1 dresser; chests; table; chairs; woolen wheel; 6 head of cattle, 3 of them milch cows; 1 horse.
47 Connell Galagher: 2 beds and bedsteads; chest; churn; 1 cow; meal; some potatoes.
48 Manus Coll: A very poor house, I am told he has a cow.
49 Nogher McBride: Family at dinner; potatoes and milk; 1 bed and bedstead; a dresser; 1 cow; 1 heifer.
50 Michael McBride: House shut. This man, I am told, has 7 head of cattle; a horse  and sold meal on credit.
51 Charles Galagher: 2 beds and bedsteads; dresser; some potatoes; a sack of oats, 2 cows.
52 Bryan Boyle: Beds; dresser; chairs &c; potatoes; 4 sacks of oats, which they wanted to conceal; 2 cows tied in. I am told he has 4 cows.
53 Hugh Conaghen: A very poor man.
54 Daniel Galagher: House shut. I am told he has cows.
55 Michael Gumelly: 1 bedstead, and a bed made of hay; as much potatoes as he can use; 2 cows.
56 Neal Diver: House shut. I am told he is well off; that he has 4 cows and a horse; sells potatoes on credit.
57 Dominick Doherty: This man is the husband to the woman Mrs Doherty; said he had no bed or bedclothes the night she was confined; 2 beds and bedsteads; 1 cow; some meal. The man is poor.
58 Hugh Sweeny: 2 beds and bedsteads; a woolen wheel; 1 milch cow. This man is poor.
59 William Doherty: House shut. I am told he has 4 cows. One of Mr Doherty's witnesses.
60 Thomas McBride: House shut; his father standing outside the house; 9 head of cattle; 1 horse; 1 boat.
61 Owen Doherty: Well off, 5 cows and horse.
62 Maggy Sweeny: very poor.
63 Dominick Sweeny: 3 beds and bedsteads; 2 new calf cows; a large quantity of potatoes.
64 Charles Ferry: 1 bed and bedstead; 1 cow and calf.
65 James McGarvey: House shut up; his family sitting outside and would not open it. I am told he has a horse and 3 cows; well off.
66 Edmund Galagher: House shut; same as last. I am told he has 3 cows and some sheep; well off.
67 Michael Ferry: House shut; I am told he is well off; 3 cows; 1 horse.
68 Owen Ferry: House shut, 3 cows and a horse; gave out money on interest and sells meal on credit.
69 Charles Doherty: 2 beds and bedsteads; dresser; 1 chest; I am told he has 4 cows.
70 John McGarvy: 3 beds and bedsteads; dresser; 3 chairs. Would not open his barn. I am told he has potatoes and oats in it. The window was open and [I] saw it full of potatoes. I am told he has 5 cows and a horse; he said he had but 2 cows.

Townland of Magheraclogher 17th June 1858

71 Jack Mulligan: 3 bedsteads and beds in ticks; good bedclothes; dresser; chairs; table; boxes; woolen wheel; 2 sacks of oatmeal; a horse and cart; 8 head of cattle. I found a new chaff bed, a large quantity of wearing apparel concealed in a loft, and covered with straw.
72 Dolly Gallagher: 2 bedsteads, beds and bedclothes; chair; table; 2 cows; some sheep.
73 William McLean (shoemaker): A clean house; bedstead, curtains, a feather bed, and good bed clothes; a dresser; chairs and table.
74 Sally Peebles: House shut up. I am told she ahs feather beds and 1 cow.
75 Susan Galagher: Small house; 1 bed; 1 bedstead; a dresser; 2 chairs; a chest.
76 Connor Peebles: A good house; 3 rooms and kitchen; 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; dresser; chairs; tables; a quantity of blankets and bed clothes hidden out of the house; 3 cows and a horse.
77 James Sweeny: 2 bedsteads and beds; 1 cow.
78 Anthony Sweeny: 1 bedstead and bed; table; chest; churn; chairs; 4 cows and 1 horse.
79 Owen McBride: 2 bedsteads, beds and bed clothes; dresser; chairs and chests; 2 cows; a horse; a quantity of potatoes.
80 Pat O'Donnell: 2 bedsteads; beds and bed clothes; a dresser; chairs; table; boxes; a quantity of potatoes; 3 head of cattle; 9 sheep.
81 Daniel Doherty: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a dresser; chairs; a churn; some potatoes and meal; 3 head of cattle; 30 sheep.
82 James Roarty: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a dresser; a chest; chairs; a bag of oats; a bag of wool; potatoes and meal; 3 cows; a lot of sheep; 1 horse.
83 Paddy Boyle: 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; 2 large chests; some clothes; some potatoes; 1 cow; a horse; a boat; 6 sheep.
84 Biddy McGee: 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; not good; a donkey and some potatoes.
85 Roger Galagher: 3 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes, not good; a woolen wheel; a dresser; 2 chairs; 3 head of cattle; a donkey and some sheep; a dirty house.
86 Neal Doherty: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a table; chest; and chair; no cattle. Poor.
87 Jack Gallagher: 1 bedstead; 1bed; bedclothes; 2 chests; a dresser; 3 chairs; 2 cows.
88 Cormick Doogan: House shut. I am told this man is rich; sells provisions on time [sic], has a horse and a cart; 6 cows.
89 Tigue Boyle: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a dresser; chairs; some potatoes; 1 cow.
90 Jack Bournes (weaver): 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; 2 chairs; 1 woolen wheel; a loom. Appears to be poor.
91 Thomas Mulligan: House shut. I am told he is a rich man worth 300L;  has a good house; 3 cows; a horse. Sells provisions on time [sic].
92 John or Thomas Galagher: 2 bedsteads and beds, good; a dresser; chairs; a chest; some potatoes; he got 1 cwt. of relief meal; has 5 cows. Sells meal on credit.
93 Daniel McBride (shoemaker): 3 bedsteads and beds; a dresser; chairs; some meal in a sack; 1 horse and cart; 1 cow.
94 Shane Mulligan: A poor and dirty house; a bedstead and bed; 1 cow.
95 Hugh O'Donnell: 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; chest; 2 chairs; a dresser; 2 horses; 3 cows. Sells potatoes, which I am told he delivers at night; he says he would be afraid to deliver them in the day.
96 John Galagher: 1 bedstead and bed; poor.
97 Margaret Sweeny: 2 bedsteads; dresser; chairs; chests; 1 cow and calf.
98 John Gallagher: 2 bedsteads; ticken beds; bedclothes; dresser; 4 chairs; chests; some potatoes; 3 cows, and a horse.
99 John Doherty: 2 bedsteads and beds; table; chairs; dresser; a large quantity of potatoes; 1 horse, cart; and 3 cows.
100 Frank O'Donnell: 2 bedsteads; beds; dresser; table; chairs; a large quantity of potatoes; 3 head of cattle.
101 Ned Sweeny: House locked. I am told he has 2 head of cattle.
102 Nogher Gallagher: 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; a sack of barley and some potatoes.
103 Daniel Coll: No bed- evidently put out of the way; has 20L in cash; 3 cows; sells potatoes. His wife told me they had no bed.
104 Widow Unity McBride: No one in the house. A bedstead; bed and bedclothes; a dresser; 2 cows. Sells milk. A very dirty house.
105 Charles Freel: House locked up. He has 1 horse; 2 cows; 12 sheep. Sells potatoes.
106 Widow Doogan: Poor.
107 Hugh Bourne (weaver): A poor and bad house.

Townland of Middleton.

108 Frank McConnor: A poor house; he says he pays no rent; 1 bedstead and bed.
109 Anne Doogan (widow): A small and bad house; seems to be poor. I am told she pays no rent.
110 Charley Mc Bride: A good house, no person in; seemed well furnished with beds, &c. cows; a horse and cart.
111 Hugh McBride (smith): A very dirty house; 1 cow.
112 Andy Carrol: A bad and dirty house; 1 cow and a donkey.
113 Hugh Galagher: House shut; he has, I am told, enough of provisions; 2 beds; 2 cows; and 9 sheep.
114 Owen McGarvey: A bad house and a poor man.
115 Bryan McCool: 1 bedstead; bed and bedclothes; 1 dresser; a chest; a large quantity of potatoes; 3 cows in his room; 1 cow out, and a horse.
116 Widow Hugh Doogan: 2 bedsteads and a bed; a woolen wheel; table and chairs; a good quantity of potatoes; 1 horse and 2 cows.
117 Owen Galagher: 1 bed; a chest; 1 cow, tied in; a bad house; he has been selling potatoes.
118 Widow Mary Booner: A poor and bad house, has a few sheep. She is, I am told, poor.
119 Margaret Galagher: A poor house; no person in it.
120 Sophia McCool: A very bad house; and appears very poor.
121 Fanny Boyle (widow): A bad house, and appears very poor; no cattle.
122 James Galagher, junior: Lives in a bad house; had a cow tied in the end of it; says he got a new cut, and will build a house on it.
123 James Galagher, senior: Father to James Galagher, junior; a bad house; 1 heifer and 2 goats; seems poor.
124 John O'Donnell: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a dresser; table; chairs; a chest; 2 cows; 10 sheep.
125 William Coll: 1 bedstead and bed; a dresser; chest and chairs; a heap of potatoes; 1 horse and 3 cows.
126Widow Ellen Galagher: A poor and bad house.
127 James McColl: 2 bedsteads; beds and bedclothes; a dresser; boxes; a good heap of potatoes; 3 cows; a horse and some sheep. Sells meal and potatoes on credit.
128 John Feeny: A small house; 1 bed; dresser and chests; 1 cow.
129 Charley Doherty: A poor looking house; 3 cows. I am told he is not in want.
130 Biddy McBride (a blind woman): A poor house; a bedstead and a bed; a dresser.
131 Michael McBride: A poor house; 1 bed; 1 dresser; 1 cow; 2 calves.

Townland of Carrick.

132 Hugh Feeny: keeps a shop; 2 bedsteads; chaff beds; bedclothes; dresser; chairs; woolen wheel; 4 cows; a horse and cart.
133 Hugh Sweeny (taylor): 2 bedsteads; chaff beds and bedclothes; 1 dresser; 3 chairs; 1 box; 1 woolen wheel; 1 cow.
134 Maurice Freel: 1 bedstead and straw bed; a dresser; some potatoes; 1 cow.
135 Ned Sweeny: 2 bedsteads; 1 chaff bed and 1 straw bed; a dresser; chest and 3 chairs; 1 cow.
136 Michael McGue (blacksmith): 1 bedstead; chaff bed; bedclothes; some potatoes; 2 cows.
137 Dominick McGarvey: 2 bedsteads and beds, 1 chaff, 2 ditto straw; dresser; table; chairs; 1 horse; 4 cows; a barn, locked up, which they refused to open.
138 Shane McFadden: 2 bedsteads, with straw in them, appearing as if the beds and clothes had been taken away; two children in the house. I am told he has 3 cows and 1 horse.
139 Widow Magey Gallagher: Bedsteads and beds; a dresser press; 2 sacks of meal and some potatoes; 4 cows and a horse.
140 Jemmy Conaghen: 2 bedsteads and straw beds; a dresser; chairs; a quantity of wearing apparel concealed in the end of the house, under straw; 2 cows.
141 James McGinty: 3 bedsteads, chaff beds and good bedclothes in each; a dresser; chairs and chest; a large quantity of potatoes and oats in sacks; 4 sacks of oats in barn; 10 head of cattle, horses.
142 Shela McGinley (widow): 2 bedsteads and beds, 1 chaff, 1 ditto straw; bed clothes; dresser; chairs and chest; a sack of meal and a sack of oats; 6 cows.
143 William Coyle: 2 bedsteads and chaff beds and bedding; a dresser; chairs; 4 sacks of meal; 1 chest of barley; a quantity of potatoes; 4 cows; 1 horse.
144 Charles McHugh: 3 bedsteads; chaff beds; bedclothes; 4 large sacks of oats; a dresser; chairs in his room; a stand full of oats; a large quantity of potatoes; 4 cows and a horse.
