Taughboyne Birth Announcements

Transcribed from the Londonderry Sentinel 1829-69

These notices were compiled by Len and forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website

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January 17 1846

At Trentaugh, near St Johnston, on Monday 12th inst, MRS HENRY S. HAMILTON, of a daughter


February 8 1850

On Thursday week, at Monreagh, the lady of the REV ANDREW LONG, of a daughter


February 6 1852

On the 2nd inst, at Monreagh Cottage, the lady of the REV ANDREW LONG, of a daughter


September 30 1853

On the 27th at Monreagh Cottage, the wife of the REV ANDREW LONG, of a daughter


July 20 1855

July 10, near St Johnston, the wife of MR THOMAS McGLINCHEY, farmer, of a son, and on the 13th inst, two daughters. Mother and children are doing well. At her first confinement a few years ago, she had a son and a daughter, all five are alive


August 31 1855

On Thursday, 30th August, in Bishop Street, Derry, the wife of the REV ROBERT BAILLIE,  Taughboyne, of a son


September 14 1855

On February 5th inst, at Monreagh Cottage, the wife of the REV ANDREW LONG, of a daughter


December 26 1856

On the 18th inst, at St Johnston, county Donegal, MRS JOHN DONAGHEY, of a son


September 18 1857

On the 3rd inst, at Monreagh Cottage, the wife of the REV ANDREW LONG, of a daughter


February 3 1860

January 15, at St Johnston, MRS CHARLES WILSON, of a daughter


August 8 1865

August 4, at Castletown, St Johnston, the wife of MR JOHN HALL, of a son


January 11 1867

January 5, at St Johnston, MRS CHARLES WILSON, of a daughter

April 5 1867

April 2, at Castletown, St Johnston, the wife of MR JOHN HALL, of a daughter


December 3 1867

On the 24th November at Feddyglass, the wife of MR ROBERT PORTER, of a son


December 8 1868

Lately, at Pheddyglass, the wife of MR MOSES CROWE, of twin sons


December 10 1869

December 9, at Castletown, St Johnston, the wife of MR JOHN HALL of a son


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Lindel Buckley

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