The 1796 Spinning Wheel Premium Entitlements List, Co Donegal
This list was compiled by Lindel, and forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources website
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M to Z
A List of Persons to whom Premiums for sowing Flax-seed in the Year 1796 have been adjudged by the Trustees of the Linen Manufacture.
Pursuant to the Scheme offered by them for encouraging the Growth of Flax throughout the Kingdom, vis. "To the Person who should sow between the 10th Day of March and the 1st Day of June 1796, with a sufficient Quantity of good sound Flax-seed, any Quantity of Land, well prepared and fit for the purpose, not less than 1 Acre - 4 Spinning Wheels, - 3 Roods 3 Ditto - 2 Roods 2 Ditto, - 1 Rood 1 Ditto. And to the Person who should sow in like Manner any Quantity of like Land, not less than 5 Acres, a Loom, or Wheels, Reels, or Hatchells to the Value of 50 shillings, and for every 5 Acres over and above the first five a like Premium.
The Claimants for one Rood, who are entitled to one Wheel each, are requested to apply to the County Inspector, Mr William Boyd for their Wheels, there being a sufficient Number ready to distribute among them. The other Premiums will be discharged in Rotation as the Wheels can be made, of which due Notice shall be given.
Every Person preferring Reels may have two of them in lieu of a Spinning Wheel.
The Scheme of Premiums offered by the Board for the Year 1796 has had so extensive an Effect that it will require 37,135 Wheels to discharge the One Rood Claimants, and not less than 88,719 Wheels, together with 227 Looms, to discharge the whole, which necessarily produces much delay in delivering.
As the highest Price is paid for the Wheels in order to have them of the best Fabric, of seasoned Timbers, and of full Size, no Claimant is to receive any Wheel deficient, in any respect: They are all to be stamped with the Board Seal before delivery, and with the Maker's Name.
And in order to render the national benefit proposed by the Trustees as effacious as possible, they request that any neglect of the Inspector in delivering Wheels of the best quality and equal excellence to the Pattern deposited with him, be instantly made known to them by information to any Trustees, or to the Inspector General, or by Letter to their Secretary, at the Linen Office, Dublin.
N.B. Any Inspector, Deputy Inspector, or Surveyor, or other Person acting under him or them who shall directly or indirectly receive any Fee, Gratuity, or Reward for the performance of his duty, becomes by such offence, disqualified by Act of Parliament to hold any Employment under the Linen Board.
Part Two
The only information missing from the list is the number of spinning wheels granted to the following - if you would like to know the amount, please email me
McAaron, Denis - Donagh
Mackey, Abraham - Drumhome
Mackey, Catherine - Raphoe
Mackey, David - Moville Upper
Mackey, Hamilton - Drumhome
Mackey, James - Templemore
Mackey, John - Raphoe
Mackey, Robert - Killea
Mackey, Thomas - Drumhome
Mackey, William - Killea
Mackey, William - Raphoe
McAcrossan, Neal - Moville Upper
McAcrossan, Patrick - Moville Upper
McAdaw, George - Templemore
Madden, Hugh - Donegal
Madden, Neil - Inishmacsaint
Madden, Patrick - Drumhome
McAdoo, Francis - Templemore
McAdoo, James - Raphoe
McAdoo, James - Taughboyne
McAdoo, John - Raphoe
McAdoo, John - Taughboyne
McAdoo, Mongo - Taughboyne
McAdoo, Moses - All Saints
McAdoo, Robert - Tully
McAdoo, William - Tully
Madson, Issac - Killygarvan
McAferson, Robert - Conwal
McAfrey, Owen - Clonmany
Magavern, James - Urney
Magee, Charles - Drumhome
Magee, Jane - Raphoe
Magee, John - Donaghmore
Magee, John - Drumhome
Magee, William - Raphoe
Mageehan, Neil - Conwal
Mageehey, George - Tully
Magher, Andrew - Donaghmore
Maghon, Con - Tully
Magil, James - Clonleigh
Magill, Andrew - Rye
Magill, Henry - Urney
Magill, Mary - Clonleigh
Magill, Robert - Clonleigh
Magill, William - Rye
Magin, John - Fahan Upper
Maginnis, Stuart - Clonleigh
Magottigan, Richard - Clonleigh
Magraw, Edward - Clonleigh
Mahaffey, James - Donaghmore
Mahaffey, John - Clonleigh
Mahon, Andrew - Stranorlar
Mahon, John - All Saints
Mahon, John - Tully
Mahon, Richard - Drumhome
Mahsad, Robert - Conwal
Mairs, Andrew - Templemore
Mairs, James - Rye
Malay, John - Stranorlar
Malcolmson, Thomas - Donaghmore
McAleny, James - Clonmany
McAleny, John - Clonmany
McAleny, William - Clonmany
Malewne, George - Conwal
McAllen, James - Culdaff
McAllen, William - Culdaff
Malley, Owen - Conwal
Maloy, Anthony - Conwal
Maloy, William - Conwal
McAlteer, Thomas - Clondavaddog
Maltseed, Andrew - Tullyaughnish
Maltseed, Elizabeth - Tully
Maltseed, James - Killygarvan
Maltseed, James - Tully
Maltseed, James, Jr. - Tully
Maltseed, Jane - Kilmacrenan
Maltseed, John - Kilmacrenan
Maltseed, John - Tully
Maltseed, Margaret - Tully
Maltseed, Samuel - Tully
Maltseed, Samuel, Jr. - Tully
McAlurdon, Margaret - Donaghmore
McAna, Robert - Leck
McAnagh, John - Clondavaddog
McAnaw, David - Rye
McAnaw, John - Clonleigh
McAnaw, John - Killaghtee
McAnaw, John - Rye
McAnaw, Thomas - Clonleigh
McAnaw, William - Rye
McAneely, John - Inishmacsaint
Manno, Edward - Drumhome
Mannon, James - Donaghmore
Mansfield, Francis - Aghanunshin
Mansfield, Robert - Donaghmore
McAntire, James - Urney
McAnullagh, Hugh - Moville Upper
McAnullagh, John - Moville Upper
McAnulty, Barry - Kilmacrenan
McAnulty, Hugh - Kilbarron
McAnulty, John - Kilbarron
McAnulty, Michael - Kilmacrenan
McAready, Patrick - Donegal
Margey, William - Moville Upper
Margy, John - Clonmany
Markey, David - All Saints
Markey, Johnston - Clonleigh
Marlay, Owen - Donaghmore
Marlay, William - Donaghmore
Marrian, Alexander - Desertegny
Marrick, Richard - Kilmacrenan
Marshal, David - Rye
Marshal, Elenor - Rye
Marshal, George - Rye
Marshal, James - Clonleigh
Marshal, James - Taughboyne
Marshal, John - Donaghmore
Marshal, John - Taughboyne
Marshal, Samuel - Taughboyne
Marshall, Alex. - Templemore
Marshall, Harvey - Templemore
Marshall, John - Rye
Marshall, William - Rye
McArthur, John - Templemore
Martial, Andrew - Donaghmore
Martial, Archibald - Donaghmore
Martial, James - Donaghmore
Martin, Charles - Leck
Martin, Daniel - Drumhome
Martin, Darby - Conwal
Martin, David - Tully
Martin, Denis - Donaghmore
Martin, Denis - Donegal
Martin, Dennis - Drumroosk
Martin, Francis - Drumhome
Martin, Francis - Drumroosk
Martin, Gawen - Clonleigh
Martin, Honor - Tully
Martin, Hugh - Tully
Martin, James - Donegal
Martin, James - Stranorlar
Martin, John - Clonmany
Martin, John - Conwal
Martin, John - Killymard
Martin, John - Stranorlar
Martin, Nathaniel - Leck
Martin, Owen - Donegal
Martin, Owen - Drumhome
Martin, Owen - Tully
Martin, Owen - Urney
Martin, Patrick - Donegal
Martin, Philip - Conwal
Martin, Robert - Stranorlar
Martin, Robert - Taughboyne
Martin, Samuel - Donaghmore
Martin, Samuel - Raphoe
Martin, Thomas - Drumhome
Martin, William - Desertegny
Martin, William - Donaghmore
Martin, William - Taughboyne
McAruddy, Hugh - Donegal
Mason, Alexander - Templemore
McAson, Charles - Clonca
Mason, George - Rye
Mason, James - Killea
Mason, John - Rye
Mason, William - All Saints
Mason, William - Killea
McAtagurt, Margaret - Kilmacrenan
McAtaminey, John - Donaghmore
McAteer, Brien - Clondavaddog
McAteer, Darby - Clondavaddog
McAteer, Edward - Clondavaddog
Mathews, James - Urney
Mathews, John - Fahan Upper
Mathews, Samuel - Urney
McAtigart, John - Kilmacrenan
Matson, Alexander - Tully
McAveigh, Bryan - Clondavaddog
McAvigh, Edward - Tully
McAward, Bryan - Conwal
McAward, Cornelius - Leck
McAward, Darby - Gartan
McAward, Darby - Kilmacrenan
McAward, Darby - Tully
McAward, Francis - Gartan
McAward, Francis - Kilmacrenan
McAward, James - Conwal
McAward, James - Gartan
McAward, James - Leck
McAward, Maurice - Kilmacrenan
McAward, Owen - Taughboyne
McAward, William - Clonleigh
McAward, William - Gartan
McAward, William - Leck
McAwee, Connell - Stranorlar
Maxwell, Albert - Templecarn
Maxwell, Robert - Donaghmore
McBay, Robert - Conwal
McBeath, Alexander - Clonleigh
McBeath, John - Clonleigh
McBeath, Robert - Aghanunshin
McBeath, Robert - Clonleigh
McBeath, William - Clonleigh
McBreartey, Daniel - Kilcar
McBreartey, Thomas - Urney
McBrearty, Charles - Kilcar
McBrearty, John - Stranorlar
McBrearty, Patrick - Kilcar
McBrearty, Thomas - Urney
McBreerty, Neil - Killaghtee
McBride, Brian - Kilmacrenan
McBride, Bryan - Conwal
McBride, Bryan - Tully
McBride, Charles - Clonleigh
McBride, Charles - Conwal
McBride, George - Clonleigh
McBride, James - Tullyaughnish
McBride, John - Conwal
McBride, John - Donaghmore
McBride, John - Kilmacrenan
McBride, John - Raphoe
McBride, Mark - Killymard
McBride, Michael - Kilmacrenan
McBride, Owen - Kilmacrenan
McBride, Patrick - Clonleigh
McBride, Shane - Kilmacrenan
McBride, Shane - Tully
McBride, William - Donaghmore
McCabra, Cormack - Conwal
McCadden, Edward - Killymard
McCadden, Patrick - Drumhome
McCadden, Philip - Killymard
McCafferty, Bryan - Drumhome
McCafferty, Eleanor - Conwal
McCafferty, Francis - Drumhome
McCafferty, Henry - Drumhome
McCafferty, John - Conwal
McCafferty, John - Drumhome
McCafferty, John - Raphoe
McCafferty, Neal - Conwal
McCafferty, Neil - Drumhome
McCafferty, Owen - Raphoe
McCafferty, Patrick - Drumhome
McCafferty, Patrick - Kilbarron
McCaffery, James - Donaghmore
McCaffery, William - Kilmacrenan
McCaffey, James - Drumhome
McCaffrey, Constant - Raphoe
McCaffrey, James - Raphoe
McCaffry, James - Clondavaddog
McCaffry, Patrick - Raphoe
McCahill, John - Donegal
McCaldwell, Rev. ? - Moville Upper
McCaley, John - Tullyaughnish
McCalister, Alexander - Killygarvan
McCalister, James - Killygarvan
McCalkin, Edward - Taughboyne
McCall, James - Donaghmore
McCall, John - Donaghmore
McCalla, Charles - Raphoe
McCalla, John - Templemore
McCalla, Neil - Raphoe
McCalla, Samuel - Templemore
McCalla, Thomas - Templemore
McCallan, Francis - Taughboyne
McCallan, Owen - Culdaff
McCallen, Alexander - Clondavaddog
McCallen, Dennis - Aghanunshin
McCallen, James - Taughboyne
McCallen, John - Leck
McCallen, Neal - Moville Upper
McCallen, William - Aghanunshin
McCallion, Cornelius - Fahan Upper
McCallion, Daniel - Fahan Upper
McCallion, Denis - Moville Upper
McCallion, Edward - Fahan Upper
McCallion, Hugh - Fahan Upper
McCallion, Widow ? - Moville Lower
McCally, Darby - Donaghmore
McCally, Edward - Taughboyne
McCally, George - Tully
McCally, James - Tully
McCam, Michael - Moville Lower
McCammy, John - Fahan Upper
McCan, Michael - Donaghmore
McCanan, William - Raphoe
McCandlis, Samuel - Moville Upper
McCanlis, James - Moville Lower
McCanlis, John - Moville Lower
McCanlis, Thomas - Moville Lower
McCann, Alexander - Conwal
McCann, Daniel - Kilbarron
McCann, Hugh - Moville Lower
McCann, Marthew - Drumhome
McCann, Owen - Kilbarron
McCann, William - Donaghmore
McCanon, James - Moville Lower
McCarland, Philip - Rye
McCarmell, James - Rye
McCarron, Bryan - Moville Lower
McCarron, Daniel - Moville Lower
McCarron, Denis - Culdaff
McCarron, Dinis - Donaghmore
McCarron, James - Moville Lower
McCarron, John - Raphoe
McCarron, Michael - Moville Lower
McCarron, Michael - Raphoe
McCarron, Neil - Raphoe
McCarron, Patrick - Raphoe
McCarron, Philip - Moville Lower
McCarron, Widow ? - Moville Lower
McCarron, William - Raphoe
McCarron, William - Taughboyne
McCart, Charles - Aghanunshin
McCart, William - Culdaff
McCarter, Alexander - Aghanunshin
McCarter, James - Templemore
McCarter, John - Fahan Upper
McCarter, John - Templemore
McCarter, Robert - Conwal
McCarter, Thomas - Templemore
McCarthy, Thomas - Donaghmore
McCasland, Andrew - Taughboyne
McCasland, Rev. Archibald - Kilmacrenan
McCasland, Oliver - Conwal
McCaughil, William - Drumhome
McCawill, James - Clonleigh
McCawley, Andrew - Conwal
McCawley, Edward - Conwal
McCawley, George - Kilmacrenan
McCawley, James - Inishmacsaint
McCawley, James - Rye
McCawley, John - Conwal
McCawley, Owen - Kilmacrenan
McCawley, Patrick - Inishmacsaint
McCawley, Thomas - Conwal
McCawley, Thomas - Kilbarron
McCawley, William - Clonleigh
McCawley, William - Kilbarron
McCay, Alexander - Conwal
McCay, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
McCay, Charles - Conwal
McCay, Connel - Kilbarron
McCay, Henry - All Saints
McCay, James - Templemore
McCay, John - Kilbarron
McCay, John - Kilmacrenan
McCay, Owen - Donegal
McCay, Owen - Kilmacrenan
McCay, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McCay, Robert, Esq. - Clonleigh
McCay, Shane - Conwal
McCay, William - Clonleigh
McCay, William - Kilbarron
McCay, Wm. - Conwal
McCeland, Samuel - Rye
McChaffey, John - Killea
McClab, William - Raphoe
McClafferty, Roger - Tully
McClaron, Philip - Moville Lower
McClashin, Edward - Desertegny
McClaskey, Patrick - Clonleigh
McClaskey, Roger - Clonleigh
McClay, Alexander - Conwal
McClay, Andrew - Conwal
McClay, Archibald - Conwal
McClay, John - Aghanunshin
McClay, John - Stranorlar
McClay, Robert - Stranorlar
McClay, Samuel - Conwal
McClea, Oliver - Stranorlar
McClea, William - Fahan Upper
McClean, Alexander - Tully
McClean, David - Tully
McClean, Denis - Conwal
McClean, James - Raphoe
McClean, John - Raphoe
McClean, Matthew - Conwal
McClean, Peter - Raphoe
McClean, Thomas - Conwal
McClearn, William - Taughboyne
McCleay, Andrew - Drumhome
McCleery, Thomas - Donaghmore
McCleland, David - All Saints
McClelland, James - Fahan Upper
McClelland, James - Rye
McClelland, Jane - Templemore
McClelland, John - Fahan Upper
McClelland, Robert - Clonca
McClelland, Robert - Templemore
McClelland, Samuel - Rye
McClemmins, Samuel - All Saints
McClenachan, Mary - All Saints
McCleskey, Edward - Aghanunshin
McCleskey, Joseph - Aghanunshin
McCleskey, Mary - Aghanunshin
McCleyn, Archibald - Rye
McClintock, Aaron - Killaghtee
McClintock, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
McClintock, Alexander - Leck
McClintock, Alexander - Raphoe
McClintock, Alexander - Taughboyne
McClintock, Andrew - Raphoe
McClintock, Daniel - Taughboyne
McClintock, James - Taughboyne
McClintock, John - Donaghmore
McClintock, John - Taughboyne
McClintock, Joseph - Taughboyne
McClintock, Robert - Taughboyne
McClintock, Robert, Esq. - Killea
McClintock, Thomas - Taughboyne
McClintock, William - Killaghtee
McClintock, William - Raphoe
McCloskey, Charles - Clondavaddog
McCloskey, James - Clonleigh
McCloskey, Widow ? - Clonleigh
McClosky, Denis - Clondavaddog
McCloud, John - Taughboyne
McCluneuns, Mary - All Saints
McClure, Andrew - Raphoe
McClure, Anne - Conwal
McClure, Elizabeth - Conwal
McClure, Finlay - Conwal
McClure, James - Donaghmore
McClure, James - Raphoe
McClure, James - Stranorlar
McClure, John - Donegal
McClure, John - Raphoe
McClure, John - Tully
McClure, Moses - Donaghmore
McClure, Oliver - Raphoe
McClure, Philip - Raphoe
McClure, Rebecca - Raphoe
McClure, Richard - Clonleigh
McClure, Richard - Raphoe
McClure, Robert - Urney
McClure, Samuel - Raphoe
McClure, Thomas - Donaghmore
McClure, Thomas - Leck
McClure, William - Conwal
McClure, William - Donaghmore
McClure, William - Leck
McClurey, Samuel - Raphoe
McClury, John - Raphoe
McCoach, David - Tully
McCoach, James - Conwal
McCoach, Robert - Clondavaddog
McCob, Margaret - Conwal
McCobb, Thomas - Rye
McCobb, William - Rye
McColgan, Anthony - Clonmany
McColgan, Charles - Culdaff
McColgan, Charles - Donagh
McColgan, Daniel - Donagh
McColgan, Denis - Donagh
McColgan, Dominick - Clonmany
McColgan, James - Clonleigh
McColgan, James - Donagh
McColgan, James - Moville Lower
McColgan, James - Templemore
McColgan, John - Templemore
McColgan, Neal - Clonmany
McColgan, Owen - Clonleigh
McColgan, Patrick - Clonca
McColgan, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McColgan, Patrick - Moville Lower
McColgan, Peter - Donagh
McColgan, Philip - Donagh
McColgan, Richard - Clonmany
McCollin, Patrick - Killygarvan
McCollinn, James - Kilmacrenan
McCollum, Denis - Aghanunshin
McCollum, Denis - Raphoe
McCollum, James - Tullyaughnish
McCollum, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McColly, Patrick - Moville Upper
McComb, James - Taughboyne
McConaghan, Bryan - Clonmany
McConaghey, Alexander - Drumhome
McConaghey, James - Raphoe
McConaghey, James - Rye
McConaghey, Robert - Raphoe
McConaghy, John - Clonca
McConaghy, Neal - Clonca
McConagle, Daniel - Moville Lower
McConagle, Hugh - Clonca
McConagle, Patrick - Clonca
McConagle, William - Donagh
McConaloage, Charles - Moville Lower
McConaloage, Michael - Moville Lower
McConaloague, Hugh - Culdaff
McConaloge, Bryan - Donagh
McConaloge, Daniel - Donagh
McConaloge, Michael - Culdaff
McConaloge, Neil - Donagh
McConaloge, William - Donagh
McConalogue, Bryan - Culdaff
McConalogue, Denis - Raphoe
McConalogue, John - Raphoe
McConegal, Charles - Moville Lower
McConegal, Edward - Clonmany
McConegal, James - Clonmany
McConegal, John - Moville Lower
McConegal, Matthew - Raphoe
McConegal, Patrick - Clonmany
McConegal, Patrick - Moville Lower
McConnel, Daniel - Tully
McConnel, James - Conwal
McConnel, Neal - Conwal
McConnel, Robert - Taughboyne
McConnell, Alexander - Taughboyne
McConnell, Alexander - Templemore
McConnell, Andrew - Leck
McConnell, Andrew - Taughboyne
McConnell, Daniel - Templemore
McConnell, Hugh - Clonleigh
McConnell, John - Kilmacrenan
McConnell, John - Leck
McConnell, John - Raphoe
McConnell, John - Rye
McConnell, John - Taughboyne
McConnell, Joseph - Killea
McConnell, Mary - Templemore
McConnell, Michael - Templemore
McConnell, Neal - Gartan
McConnell, Neal - Kilmacrenan
McConnell, Samuel - Rye
McConnell, Widow ? - Clonleigh
McConnell, William - Taughboyne
McConnellogue, John - Rye
McConnologue, Grace - Conwal
McConway, Edward - Moville Lower
McConway, James - Moville Lower
McConway, Patrick - Moville Lower
McCool, Andrew - Clonmany
McCool, Bridget - Donagh
McCool, Hugh - Aghanunshin
McCool, Hugh - Clonmany
McCool, Hugh - Conwal
McCool, James - Stranorlar
McCool, John - Donaghmore
McCool, John - Stranorlar
McCool, Luke - Stranorlar
McCool, Owen - Moville Upper
McCool, Owen - Raphoe
McCool, Patrick - Clonmany
McCool, Patrick - Donaghmore
McCool, Patrick - Stranorlar
McCool, Philip - Clonmany
McCool, Philip - Conwal
McCool, Philip - Leck
McCool, Redmond - Stranorlar
McCool, Thomas - Moville Upper
McCordack, James - Donegal
McCordack, James - Drumhome
McCordack, John - Donegal
McCordack, John - Drumhome
McCordack, William - Kilbarron
McCorday, James - Donaghmore
McCordey, John - Raphoe
McCordiff, Neil - Clonleigh
McCorkell, James - Fahan Upper
McCorkil, Andrew - Templemore
McCorkil, Manus - Kilbarron
McCorkil, Patrick - Clonleigh
McCorkill, Mary - Templemore
McCorkle, James - Tullyaughnish
McCorkle, John - Conwal
McCorkle, Robert - Rye
McCorkle, William - Fahan Upper
McCorkle, William - Moville Upper
McCormack, Dominick - Conwal
McCormack, Hugh - Urney
McCormack, Isaac - Kilmacrenan
McCormack, James - Urney
McCormack, John - Clonleigh
McCormack, John - Rye
McCormack, Margaret - Clonleigh
McCormack, Owen - Moville Lower
McCormack, Patrick - Moville Lower
McCormack, Philip - Clonleigh
McCormack, Philip - Raphoe
McCormack, Richard - Moville Lower
McCormack, William - Clonleigh
McCormack, William - Stranorlar
McCormick, Bryan - Moville Lower
McCormick, Hugh - Donaghmore
McCormick, Terence - Kilbarron
McCosker, John - Donaghmore
McCosker, Patrick - Donaghmore
McCosty, Denis - Moville Upper
McCouch, John - Clondavaddog
McCrab, Abraham - Taughboyne
McCrab, James - Taughboyne
McCrab, John - All Saints
McCrab, Joseph - Taughboyne
McCrab, Mathew - Taughboyne
McCrab, William - Killea
McCracken, William - Taughboyne
McCrackin, Alexander - Conwal
McCrea, ?, Earl Of - Leck
McCrea, Andrew - Clonleigh
McCrea, James - Taughboyne
McCrea, John - All Saints
McCrea, John - Clonleigh
McCrea, John and Basil - Leck
McCrea, Robert - Clonleigh
McCree, James - Moville Lower
McCreerey, James - Drumhome
McCreery, James - Stranorlar
McCreery, John - Stranorlar
McCreery, Robert - Stranorlar
McCreery, Stephen - Donaghmore
McCreery, William - Drumroosk
McCrey, Esther - Aghanunshin
McCroddin, James - Conwal
McCroddon, Mathew - Clonleigh
McCroddy, Patrick - Rye
McCrossan, Henry - Clonleigh
McCuddy, Owen - Clonca
McCue, John - Clonleigh
McCue, Michael - Tully
McCue, Owen - Donaghmore
McCue, Owen - Drumhome
McCufferty, Michael - Drumhome
McCullien, Owen - Moville Lower
McCulloch, George - Inishmacsaint
McCulloch, William - Donaghmore
McCullock, John - Donaghmore
McCullock, Thomas - Drumhome
McCullouch, George - Inishmacsaint
McCullum, Daniel - Killygarvan
McCullum, James - Killygarvan
McCurday, James - Clonleigh
McCurday, John - Donaghmore
McCurran, Patrick - Raphoe
McCurristin, Mary - Moville Upper
McDade, Edward - Tullyaughnish
McDade, Hugh - Tullyaughnish
McDade, John - Tully
McDade, Neal - Tullyaughnish
McDade, Patrick - Tullyaughnish
McDaid, Charles - Kilmacrenan
McDaid, Hugh - Tully
McDaid, John - Rye
McDaid, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McDavier, Shane - Conwal
McDavit, Patrick - Clonleigh
McDavitt, Anthony - Conwal
McDavitt, Charles - Conwal
McDavitt, Charles - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Charles - Moville Upper
McDavitt, Daniel - Conwal
McDavitt, Daniel - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Daniel - Stranorlar
McDavitt, Edward - Conwal
McDavitt, Edward - Donagh
McDavitt, Edward - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Edward - Raphoe
McDavitt, Francis - Donagh
McDavitt, Francis - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Henry - Kilmacrenan
McDavitt, Henry - Moville Upper
McDavitt, Hugh - Donagh
McDavitt, Hugh - Killygarvan
McDavitt, Hugh - Moville Lower
McDavitt, James - Conwal
McDavitt, James - Donegal
McDavitt, James - Gartan
McDavitt, James - Kilmacrenan
McDavitt, James - Moville Lower
McDavitt, James - Raphoe
McDavitt, James - Rye
McDavitt, John - Moville Upper
McDavitt, John - Rye
McDavitt, Mathew - Donaghmore
McDavitt, Michael - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Neil - Rye
McDavitt, Owen - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Paul - Moville Upper
McDavitt, Peter - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Philip - Moville Upper
McDavitt, Roger - Conwal
McDavitt, Roger - Moville Lower
McDavitt, Susan - Conwal
McDavitt, Thomas - Moville Lower
McDavitt, William - Aghanunshin
McDavitt, William - Moville Lower
McDead, Charles - Gartan
McDead, Denis - Templemore
McDead, Edward - Drumhome
McDead, Patrick - Killymard
McDead, William - Clonleigh
McDermot, Denis - Clonleigh
McDermot, Manus - Clonleigh
McDermot, Neal - Clonmany
McDermot, Patrick - Clonleigh
McDermott, Bryan - Clonleigh
McDermott, Henry - Clondavaddog
McDermott, Hugh - Stranorlar
McDermott, James - Rye
McDermott, Michael - Stranorlar
McDevitt, Andrew - Rye
McDevitt, Francis - Donagh
McDevitt, George - Fahan Upper
McDevitt, Henry - Fahan Upper
McDevitt, Hugh - Donaghmore
McDevitt, Hugh - Raphoe
McDevitt, Hugh - Rye
McDevitt, Hugh - Urney
McDevitt, James - Aghanunshin
McDevitt, James - Kilmacrenan
McDevitt, James - Raphoe
McDevitt, James - Taughboyne
McDevitt, John - Donaghmore
McDevitt, John - Rye
McDevitt, Mary - Clonmany
McDevitt, Neil - Clonmany
McDevitt, Neil - Rye
McDevitt, Niel - Aghanunshin
McDevitt, Owen - Fahan Upper
McDevitt, Patrick - Raphoe
McDevitt, Patrick - Stranorlar
McDevitt, Patrick - Urney
McDevitt, William - Fahan Upper
McDill, William - Moville Upper
McDoal, Hugh - Moville Lower
McDoal, John - Moville Upper
McDonagh, Brian - Tullyaughnish
McDonnel, Robert - Urney
McDonnell, Alexander - Moville Lower
McDonnell, Elias - Clonmany
McDonnell, James - Kilmacrenan
McDonnell, Miles - Inishmacsaint
McDougal, Charles - Clonleigh
McDougal, Henry - Conwal
McDougal, William - Clonleigh
McDougle, Charles - Raphoe
McDougle, John - Raphoe
Meaghan, Neil - Raphoe
Meahan, Hugh - Donaghmore
Meahon, Anthony - Donaghmore
Meahon, James - Clonleigh
Meaklin, James - Donaghmore
Mealey, William - Raphoe
Meaney, Owen - Stranorlar
Meant, John - Drumhome
Mechan, Thomas - Donaghmore
Mecullen, John - Raphoe
Meehan, Edward - Drumhome
Meehan, James - Drumroosk
Meehan, James - Killymard
Meehan, John - Donaghmore
Meehan, Patrick - Donaghmore
Meehan, Patrick - Killymard
Meehan, Robert - Donaghmore
Megara, Daniel - Inishmacsaint
Megregor, John - All Saints
Mehaffey, James - All Saints
Mehaffey, James - Clonleigh
Mehaffey, Jane - Clonleigh
Mehaffey, Lexthorn - All Saints
Mehaffey, Margaret - Donaghmore
Mehaffey, Samuel - Clonleigh
Mehaffey, Thomas - Inver
Mehaffey, William - Clonleigh
Mehan, James - Clonleigh
McEheney, Charles - Clondavaddog
McEhenny, James - Clondavaddog
McEhinney, Daniel - Stranorlar
McEhinny, James - Kilmacrenan
McEhinny, James - Leck
McEhinny, William - Aghanunshin
Melarkey, James - Moville Lower
McEldarrey, John - Moville Lower
McEldewney, John - Culdaff
McEldowney, Widow ? - Moville Lower
McEldowny, George - Culdaff
Meldrum, James - Clonleigh
McEleton, Thomas - Clondavaddog
McElhar, Hugh - Conwal
McElhear, Patrick - Conwal
McElheer, Owen - Rye
McElhenny, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McElhenny, Robert - Conwal
McElher, Dominick - Rye
McElher, Manus - Donegal
McElher, Widow ? - Leck
McElhere, Dudley - Clondavaddog
McElhere, James - Clondavaddog
McElhere, Miles - Clondavaddog
McElhere, William - Clondavaddog
McElherr, Simon - Drumroosk
McElherron, Denis - Donaghmore
McElhinney, Archibald - Kilmacrenan
McElhinney, Charles - Raphoe
McElhinney, John - Conwal
McElhinney, Robert - Conwal
McElhinney, Thomas - Raphoe
McElhinney, William - Donagh
McElhinney, William - Tullyaughnish
McElhinny, Alexander - Aghanunshin
McElhinny, Alexander - Leck
McElhinny, Daniel - Donagh
McElhinny, James - Aghanunshin
McElhinny, James - Raphoe
McElhinny, John - Kilmacrenan
McElhinny, John - Raphoe
McElhinny, Joseph - Conwal
McElhinny, Robert - Leck
McElhinny, Robert - Templemore
McElhinny, Samuel - Aghanunshin
McElhinny, Shane - Donagh
McElhinny, Thomas - Drumhome
McElhinny, Thomas - Raphoe
McElhinny, Thomas - Rye
McElhinny, William - Leck
McElhor, Widow ? - Gartan
Meller, Hugh - Killymard
Melley, Thomas - Inishmacsaint
Melly, James - Inishmacsaint
Melly, Owen - Inishmacsaint
McElrath, William - Aghanunshin
McElroy, Patrick - Clonleigh
McElwain, Alexander - Tully
McElwain, Catherine - Conwal
McElwain, Daniel - Clondavaddog
McElwain, James - Clondavaddog
McElwain, James - Kilmacrenan
McElwain, James - Leck
McElwain, John - Clondavaddog
McElwain, John - Tully
McElwain, Moses - Clondavaddog
McElwain, Robert - Kilmacrenan
McElwain, Samuel - Conwal
McElwain, Shane - Clondavaddog
McElwee, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
McElwee, George - Taughboyne
McElwee, James - Kilmacrenan
McElwee, James - Raphoe
McElwee, John - Clonleigh
McElwee, Rev. John - Killygarvan
McElwee, John - Kilmacrenan
McElwee, John - Raphoe
McElwee, John - Tully
McElwee, John - Tullyaughnish
McElwee, Joseph - Tully
McElwee, Marcus - Raphoe
McElwee, Michael - Clondavaddog
McElwee, Patrick - Clonleigh
McElwee, Patrick - Tully
McElwee, William - Clonleigh
McElwee, William - Conwal
McElwee, Wm. - Rye
McElwee, Wm. - Tullyaughnish
Mencely, Andrew - Killaghtee
Mencely, John - Killaghtee
Mencely, Thomas - Killaghtee
Mencely, William - Killaghtee
Mencey, Isaac - Killaghtee
Menelas, Bryan - Killaghtee
Meney, John - Donaghmore
McEntire, Robert - Tully
McEny, Michael - Clonmany
Mercer, Samuel - Conwal
Merkle, Robert - Conwal
Merron, John - Fahan Upper
Metherall, John - Templemore
McEwain, John - Kilmacrenan
McFadden, Charles - Kilcar
McFadden, Charles - Kilmacrenan
McFadden, Daniel - Aghanunshin
McFadden, Daniel - Raphoe
McFadden, Denis - Killaghtee
McFadden, Dougle - Leck
McFadden, Edward - Gartan
McFadden, Edward - Kilmacrenan
McFadden, Fergal - Conwal
McFadden, Fergale - Conwal
McFadden, Hugh - Conwal
McFadden, James - Aghanunshin
McFadden, Jane - Raphoe
McFadden, John - Clonleigh
McFadden, John - Leck
McFadden, Margaret - Kilmacrenan
McFadden, Neal - Aghanunshin
McFadden, Neel - Aghanunshin
McFadden, Nell - Fahan Upper
McFadden, Owen - Clonleigh
McFadden, Owen - Raphoe
McFadden, Patrick - Killaghtee
McFadden, Peter - Raphoe
McFadden, William - Fahan Upper
McFadin, Daniel - Clondavaddog
McFadin, John - Clondavaddog
McFall, Daniel - Clonmany
McFarland, Andrew - Moville Upper
McFarland, Andrew - Raphoe
McFarland, Robert - Donaghmore
McFaughety, Francis - Donaghmore
McFaughy, Charles - Donaghmore
McFeal, Margaret - Tully
McFeal, Samuel - Tully
McFeat, Samuel - Tully
McFeat, Widow ? - Tully
McFeeley, Charles - Moville Lower
McFeeley, John - Moville Lower
McFeeley, Neal - Moville Lower
McFeeley, Patrick - Moville Lower
McFeeley, Philip - Moville Lower
McFela, John - Fahan Upper
McFersin, John - Clondavaddog
McFire, Owen - Killygarvan
McGaghla, Shane - Kilbarron
McGahan, Bryan - Raphoe
McGahan, Charles - Conwal
McGahan, James - Clonleigh
McGahan, James - Raphoe
McGargle, Connel - Drumhome
McGargle, Edward - Drumhome
McGargle, James - Drumhome
McGargle, John - Drumhome
McGargle, Michael - Drumhome
McGargle, Rodger - Drumhome
McGargle, Widow ? - Kilbarron
McGargle, William - Drumhome
McGarra, William - Taughboyne
McGarvey, Andrew - Clondavaddog
McGarvey, Charles - Tullyaughnish
McGarvey, James - Inch
McGarvey, James - Kilmacrenan
McGarvey, John - Kilmacrenan
McGarvey, Thomas - Clondavaddog
McGarvey, William - Clondavaddog
McGaughan, Charles - Clonmany
McGee, Neil - Raphoe
McGee, William - Stranorlar
McGeeaghan, Bryan - Clonmany
McGeehan, James - Raphoe
McGeehan, John - Raphoe
McGeehan, John - Tullyaughnish
McGeehan, Neil - Stranorlar
McGeehan, Owen - Leck
McGeer, Neal - Raphoe
McGeever, James - Kilmacrenan
McGeever, Widow ? - Inishmacsaint
McGeevor, Teague - Kilmacrenan
McGeoghagan, John - Clonmany
McGeohan, Shane - Clonmany
McGettigin, Cornelius - Clonleigh
McGettigin, Daniel - Clonleigh
McGettigin, Hugh - Clondavaddog
McGettigin, Hugh - Fahan Upper
McGettigin, Hugh - Kilmacrenan
McGettigin, James - Clondavaddog
McGettigin, Philip - Kilmacrenan
McGettigin, Teague - Fahan Upper
McGettigin, Thomas - Taughboyne
McGhee, Adam - Moville Lower
McGhee, Alexander - Killybegs Upper
McGhee, Andrew - Stranorlar
McGhee, Charles - Raphoe
McGhee, Cornelius - Stranorlar
McGhee, Dennis - Moville Lower
McGhee, Francis - Raphoe
McGhee, George - Stranorlar
McGhee, Hugh - Stranorlar
McGhee, James - Stranorlar
McGhee, James - Taughboyne
McGhee, Patrick - Clonca
McGhee, Patrick - Taughboyne
McGhee, Robert - Stranorlar
McGhee, Thomas - Aghanunshin
McGhee, Thomas - Stranorlar
McGill, Patrick - Culdaff
McGill, Samuel - Taughboyne
McGillian, Robert - Clonleigh
McGilway, Owen - Templemore
McGilway, Philip - Templemore
McGilway, William - Templemore
McGinlay, Daniel - Clonleigh
McGinlay, Daniel - Urney
McGinlay, Denis - Kilmacrenan
McGinlay, Edward - Urney
McGinlay, Hugh - All Saints
McGinlay, Hugh - Tully
McGinlay, James - Rye
McGinlay, John - Conwal
McGinlay, John - Moville Lower
McGinlay, John - Raphoe
McGinlay, Michael - All Saints
McGinlay, Michael - Taughboyne
McGinlay, Michael - Tully
McGinlay, Patrick - Raphoe
McGinly, John - Aghanunshin
McGinn, Patrick - Clonleigh
McGinnis, Andrew - Moville Upper
McGinnis, Charles - Donagh
McGinnis, Daniel - Moville Lower
McGinnis, Denis - Moville Lower
McGinnis, Hugh - Moville Lower
McGinnis, James - Moville Upper
McGinnis, Noacher - Moville Upper
McGinnis, Owen - Moville Lower
McGinnis, Patrick - Moville Lower
McGinnis, Roger - Moville Lower
McGintay, Bryan - Donegal
McGintay, Charles - Moville Lower
McGintay, Daniel - All Saints
McGintay, George - Stranorlar
McGintay, Hugh - All Saints
McGintay, Hugh - Raphoe
McGintay, James - Raphoe
McGintay, John - All Saints
McGintay, Patrick - Donegal
McGintay, Patrick - Drumhome
McGintay, Widow ? - Donegal
McGintay, William - Raphoe
McGirr, James - Taughboyne
McGirr, Michael - Donaghmore
McGittigan, Hugh - Templemore
McGittigan, Thomas - Clonleigh
McGittigin, Michael - Clonleigh
McGlanaghan, William - Raphoe
McGlashen, James - Clondavaddog
McGlashin, John - Clondavaddog
McGlashin, Patrick - Clondavaddog
McGlasken, Denis - Tully
McGlasker, Michael - Clondavaddog
McGlaskin, Daniel - Clondavaddog
McGlaskin, Patrick - Clondavaddog
McGleskin, John - Killygarvan
McGlin, Darby - Kilmacrenan
McGlin, Eleanor - Conwal
McGlin, George - Donegal
McGlin, Hugh - Conwal
McGlin, James - Conwal
McGlin, Patrick - Conwal
McGlin, Patrick - Stranorlar
McGlinahey, Bryan - Rye
McGlinahey, John - Drumhome
McGlinchy, Hugh - Conwal
McGlinshy, Neal - Kilmacrenan
McGlun, Andrew - Raphoe
McGobrick, Thomas - Donaghmore
McGolrick, James - Drumhome
McGolrick, John - Donaghmore
McGonagle, John - Kilbarron
McGonagle, John - Killaghtee
McGonagle, William - Drumhome
McGonegal, Bryan - Rye
McGonnagle, John - Clonleigh
McGotrick, Patrick - Donaghmore
McGowan, David - Templemore
McGowan, Denis - Rye
McGowan, Dennis - Tully
McGowan, George - Killygarvan
McGowan, Hugh - Clonca
McGowan, Hugh - Clonleigh
McGowan, James - Conwal
McGowan, James - Donaghmore
McGowan, James - Fahan Upper
McGowan, John - Kilbarron
McGowan, Laughlin - Clonleigh
McGowan, Manus - Fahan Upper
McGowan, Manus - Moville Upper
McGowan, Michael - Fahan Upper
McGowan, Neal - Moville Lower
McGowan, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McGowan, Patrick - Killaghtee
McGowan, Philip - Fahan Upper
McGowan, Thomas - Leck
McGowan, Widow ? - Donaghmore
McGowan, William - Clondavaddog
McGowan, William - Donaghmore
McGowan, William - Moville Upper
McGrace, Teague - Tully
McGrace, William - Kilmacrenan
McGran, John - Kilmacrenan
McGranaghan, Hugh - Culdaff
McGranaghan, John - Raphoe
McGranaghan, Michael - Leck
McGranaghan, Neal - Leck
McGranaghan, Philip - Clonleigh
McGranaghan, Thomas - Leck
McGrannahan, John - Conwal
McGrath, James - Killybegs Upper
McGrath, Thomas - Killybegs Upper
McGrau, John - Templemore
McGraw, Francis - Kilmacrenan
McGraw, James - Fahan Upper
McGraw, Mark - Kilmacrenan
McGraw, Patrick - Templemore
McGrean, Peter - Drumhome
McGreger, James - Raphoe
McGregger, John - Tully
McGregor, Peter - Tully
McGrenry, William - Conwal
McGrinder, James - Clonleigh
McGrona, Cornelius - Conwal
McGrorey, Edward - Tully
McGrorey, John - Tully
McGrortey, James - Moville Upper
McGrory, Edward - Tully
McGrory, Miles - Fahan Upper
McGrory, Thomas - Kilmacrenan
McGrosley, Denis - Drumhome
McGrotty, Hugh - Moville Upper
McGuire, Anthony - Tully
McGuirk, Bryan - Clonleigh
McGunagle, Edward - Clonleigh
McGunagle, Philip - Conwal
McGunagle, Thomas - Conwal
McGunigle, Denis - Fahan Upper
McGurk, John - Tully
McGurty, Denis - Killymard
McGwin, Patrick - Donaghmore
McHee, Nicholas - Templecarn
Mickey, Charles - Conwal
Mickey, John - Conwal
Middleton, William - Rye
Miles, George - Killaghtee
Miles, John - Kilbarron
Miles, Thomas - Killaghtee
McIlhenny, Robert - Kilteevoge
McIlhinney, James - Rye
McIlhinney, John - Clonleigh
McIlhinney, John - Rye
McIlhinney, Thomas - Clonleigh
McIlhinny, Francis - Rye
Millar, John - Clonleigh
Miller, John - Templemore
Miller, John - Tullyaughnish
Miller, John - Urney
Miller, Joshua - Conwal
Miller, Joshua - Leck
Miller, Patrick - Conwal
Miller, Robert - Fahan Upper
Miller, Robert - Templemore
Miller, William - Drumroosk
Mills, George - Rye
Mills, Robert - Tullyaughnish
McIlwain, Albert - Killybegs Upper
McIlwain, Andrew - Kilmacrenan
McIlwain, William - Templemore
McIntire, Aaron - Urney
McIntire, Andrew - Urney
McIntire, Catherine - Kilbarron
McIntire, Charles - Moville Lower
McIntire, Connell - Kilcar
McIntire, Daniel - Moville Lower
McIntire, Denis - Killaghtee
McIntire, Edward - Tullyaughnish
McIntire, James - Clondavaddog
McIntire, James - Killaghtee
McIntire, James - Moville Lower
McIntire, Jeremiah - Taughboyne
McIntire, John - Conwal
McIntire, John - Drumhome
McIntire, John - Killaghtee
McIntire, John - Moville Lower
McIntire, John - Raphoe
McIntire, John - Rye
McIntire, Patrick - Aghanunshin
McIntire, Patrick - Drumhome
McIntire, Patrick - Kilbarron
McIntire, Patrick - Killaghtee
McIntire, Thomas - Drumhome
McIntire, Widow ? - Drumhome
McIntire, William - Templecarn
Mitchel, David - Donaghmore
Mitchel, Ellen - Killaghtee
Mitchel, George - Culdaff
Mitchel, James - All Saints
Mitchel, John - Templemore
Mitchel, Robert - Taughboyne
Mitchell, Andrew - Taughboyne
Mitchell, James - Leck
Mitchell, John - Conwal
Mitchell, John - Raphoe
Mitchell, Moses - Templemore
Mitchell, Samuel - Fahan Upper
Mitchell, Widow ? - Culdaff
Mitchell, Widow ? - Donaghmore
Mitchell, William - Donaghmore
Mitchell, William - Taughboyne
Mitchell, William, Sr. - Taughboyne
McJunkin, David - Conwal
McJunkin, James - Inver
McJunkin, John - Clonleigh
McJunkin, Matthew - Inver
McJunkin, Robert - Inver
McKain, Archibald - Templemore
McKain, Bartholomew - Rye
McKain, George - Taughboyne
McKain, James - Taughboyne
McKain, John - Kilmacrenan
McKain, John - Taughboyne
McKain, Joseph - Taughboyne
McKay, Henry - Tullyaughnish
McKay, John - Tullyaughnish
McKay, Samuel - All Saints
McKeage, John - Templemore
McKean, James - Taughboyne
McKean, Patrick - Clonmany
McKean, William - Clonleigh
McKee, David - Drumhome
McKee, George - Drumhome
McKee, James - Killymard
McKee, Robert - Donegal
McKee, Robert - Drumhome
McKee, William - Donegal
McKee, William - Drumhome
McKeeney, Patrick - Moville Lower
McKeever, Bryan - Raphoe
McKeever, Hugh - Clonleigh
McKeever, Patrick - Raphoe
McKeevor, James - Donaghmore
McKeig, Daniel - Donagh
McKeig, William - Fahan Upper
McKeig, Wm. - Templemore
McKeige, William - Templemore
McKendrick, Robert - Leck
McKenney, John - Moville Lower
McKenney, Neal - Moville Lower
McKenney, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McKenney, William - Clonleigh
McKenny, Neil - Fahan Upper
McKenny, Neil - Stranorlar
McKeon, Alexander - Stranorlar
McKerrin, Robert - Drumhome
McKever, James - Moville Upper
McKevin, Catherine - Clonmany
McKevin, Neal - Clonmany
McKeviskan, Patrick - Clondavaddog
McKewn, Patrick - Killymard
McKim, John - Raphoe
McKinlay, Andrew - Donaghmore
McKinlay, Charles - Donaghmore
McKinlay, David - Conwal
McKinlay, James - Drumhome
McKinlay, John - Moville Lower
McKinlay, John - Rye
McKinlay, Ralph - Donaghmore
McKinlay, Robert - Donaghmore
McKinlay, Samuel - Killygarvan
McKinlay, Samuel - Rye
McKinlay, William - Rye
McKinley, John - Drumhome
McKinney, Daniel - Desertegny
McKinney, Francis - Urney
McKinney, Matthew - Leck
McKinney, Neal - Clonleigh
McKinney, Neal - Moville Upper
McKinney, Patrick - Donaghmore
McKinney, Walter - Leck
McKinney, William - Leck
McKinney, William - Moville Lower
McKinney, William - Tullyaughnish
McKinney, William - Urney
McKinny, Daniel - Fahan Upper
McKinny, James - Desertegny
McKinny, Michael - Clonmany
McKinny, Owen - Moville Upper
McLafferty, Patrick - Moville Lower
McLarkey, John - Moville Lower
McLarkey, Patrick - Moville Lower
McLaugh, Michael - Kilmacrenan
McLaughlin, Bryan - All Saints
McLaughlin, Bryan - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Bryan - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, Bryan - Templemore
McLaughlin, Charles - All Saints
McLaughlin, Charles - Conwal
McLaughlin, Charles - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Charles - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Charles - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, Charles - Raphoe
McLaughlin, Cornelius - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Daniel - Clonmany
McLaughlin, Daniel - Conwal
McLaughlin, Daniel - Donagh
McLaughlin, Daniel - Kilmacrenan
McLaughlin, Daniel - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Darby - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, Darby - Raphoe
McLaughlin, Denis - Clonca
McLaughlin, Denis - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Denis - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Dolly - Conwal
McLaughlin, Dominick - Conwal
McLaughlin, Edward - Clonca
McLaughlin, Edward - Conwal
McLaughlin, Edward - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Edward - Rye
McLaughlin, George - Clonca
McLaughlin, George - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Hugh - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Hugh - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Hugh - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Hugh - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, Hugh - Raphoe
McLaughlin, Hugh - Templemore
McLaughlin, James - Clonca
McLaughlin, James - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, James - Clonmany
McLaughlin, James - Conwal
McLaughlin, James - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, James - Killybegs Upper
McLaughlin, James - Leck
McLaughlin, James - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, James - Raphoe
McLaughlin, James - Urney
McLaughlin, John - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, John - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, John - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, John - Leck
McLaughlin, John - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, John - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, John - Raphoe
McLaughlin, John - Rye
McLaughlin, John - Taughboyne
McLaughlin, Margaret - Conwal
McLaughlin, Mary - Raphoe
McLaughlin, Michael - Clonca
McLaughlin, Michael - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Michael - Kilmacrenan
McLaughlin, Michael - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Neal - Clonca
McLaughlin, Neal - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Owen - Clonmany
McLaughlin, Owen - Conwal
McLaughlin, Owen - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Owen - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Owen - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, Patrick - Clonca
McLaughlin, Patrick - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, Patrick - Conwal
McLaughlin, Patrick - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Patrick - Killymard
McLaughlin, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McLaughlin, Patrick - Leck
McLaughlin, Patrick - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Patrick - Rye
McLaughlin, Patrick - Templemore
McLaughlin, Peter - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Philip - Clonmany
McLaughlin, Philip - Fahan Upper
McLaughlin, Richard - Clonca
McLaughlin, Roger - Conwal
McLaughlin, Roger - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, Shane - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, Shane - Raphoe
McLaughlin, Teag - Clonca
McLaughlin, Thomas - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, Thomas - Leck
McLaughlin, Thomas - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, William - Clonleigh
McLaughlin, William - Donaghmore
McLaughlin, William - Leck
McLaughlin, William - Moville Lower
McLaughlin, William - Moville Upper
McLaughlin, William - Rye
McLaughlin, William - Templemore
McLaughlin, Wm. - Raphoe
McLaughtan, Edward - Gartan
McLaughtan, Hugh - Gartan
McLaughten, Charles - Gartan
McLaugulin, Hugh - Templemore
McLeanny, Wm. - Templemore
McLeland, George - Inch
McLenny, John - Fahan Upper
McLoon, James - Donaghmore
McLoughlin, Charles - Kilmacrenan
McLoughlin, Daniel - Moville Lower
McLoughlin, David - Culdaff
McLoughlin, Edward - Kilmacrenan
McLoughlin, Eunas - Moville Lower
McLoughlin, Evenue - Culdaff
McLoughlin, Evenue - Donagh
McLoughlin, James - Moville Lower
McLoughlin, John - Culdaff
McLoughlin, John - Fahan Upper
McLoughlin, Mark - Clonmany
McLoughlin, Michael - Desertegny
McLoughlin, Neal - Clonca
McLoughlin, Owen - Culdaff
McLoughlin, Patrick - Culdaff
McLoughlin, Philip - Desertegny
McLoughlin, Terence - Inishmacsaint
McLoughlin, Thomas - Inver
McLoughlin, Widow ? - Desertegny
McLoughlin, Widow ? - Moville Upper
McLoughlin, William - Clonca
McLoughlin, William - Killybegs Upper
McLucas, James - Clonmany
McMacan, Henry - Moville Upper
McMacon, Elizabeth - Moville Upper
McMahon, Daniel - Moville Lower
McMartin, Shane - Conwal
McMaster, Thomas - Drumhome
McMenamin, Hugh - Stranorlar
McMenamin, John - Stranorlar
McMenamin, Patrick - Stranorlar
McMenamon, Denis - Rye
McMenamon, George - Tullyaughnish
McMenamon, Hugh - Donaghmore
McMenamon, James - Rye
McMenamon, John - Rye
McMenamon, Patrick - Stranorlar
McMenamon, Peter - Stranorlar
McMenamy, Denis - Conwal
McMenamy, James - Conwal
McMenamy, Patrick - Fahan Upper
McMichael, James - Inch
McMinamin, Margaret - Clonleigh
McMinamon, John - Leck
McMinnamin, Patrick - Donaghmore
McMinumy, John - Conwal
McMonagle, James - Desertegny
McMonagle, Jane - Raphoe
McMonagle, Neal - Taughboyne
McMonamon, James - Rye
McMorris, Thomas - Taughboyne
McMullen, Alexander - Taughboyne
McMullen, Brian - Raphoe
McMullen, Daniel - Clonleigh
McMullen, William - Drumhome
McMullin, Alexander - Killymard
McMullin, Charles - Donegal
McMunaghtee, Joseph - Raphoe
McMunagle, Hugh - Conwal
McMunagle, James - Conwal
McMunagle, James - Templemore
McMunigle, Daniel - Donaghmore
McMunn, John - Conwal
McMunnagh, Dominick - Conwal
McMunnagh, John - Conwal
McMunnagle, James - Rye
McMurray, Archibald - Moville Lower
McMurray, James - Donagh
McMurray, John - Moville Lower
McNaid, Patrick - Gartan
McName, Hugh - Raphoe
McName, Patrick - Donaghmore
McName, William - Donaghmore
McNamee, Roger - Clonleigh
McNaught, Alexander - Donaghmore
McNaught, Andrew - Templemore
McNaught, Joseph - Killea
McNaught, Matthew - Tully
McNaught, Thomas - Taughboyne
McNaught, William - Killea
McNeilis, Anthony - Drumhome
McNickle, John - Stranorlar
McNight, Thomas - Clonleigh
McNultey, William - Inishmacsaint
McNulty, Connell - Inishmacsaint
McNulty, Denis - Raphoe
McNulty, Felix - Urney
McNulty, Hugh - Taughboyne
McNulty, James - Taughboyne
McNulty, John - Taughboyne
McNulty, Owen - Inishmacsaint
McNulty, Patrick - Inishmacsaint
McNulty, Wm. - Raphoe
McNutt, Archibald - Conwal
McNutt, Francis - Tully
McNutt, James - Templemore
McNutt, James - Tully
McNutt, John - Fahan Upper
McNutt, John - Templemore
McNutt, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McNutt, Robert - Tully
McNutt, Samuel - Fahan Upper
McNutt, Thomas - Inch
McNutt, Walter - Fahan Upper
McNutt, William - Fahan Upper
Mohun, Hugh - Kilbarron
Moloy, Michael - Clonca
Moloy, William - Clonca
Monaghan, James - Kilbarron
Monaghan, Patrick - Donegal
Monaghan, Thomas - Kilbarron
Monagle, Margaret - Conwal
Monday, Jonh - Kilbarron
Monday, Patrick - Inishmacsaint
Money, Cecily - Donaghmore
Monteeth, George - Taughboyne
Monteeth, Robert - Taughboyne
Montgomery, Alexander - Raphoe
Montgomery, David - All Saints
Montgomery, Henry - Rye
Montgomery, Hugh - Rye
Montgomery, James - Killea
Montgomery, John - Killymard
Montgomery, John - Tully
Montgomery, Robert - Killybegs Upper
Montgomery, Thomas - Donegal
Montgomery, William - Rye
Montgomery, Wm. - All Saints
Moodey, William - Rye
Moody, Alexander - Rye
Moody, Samuel - Taughboyne
Mooney, Charles - Clonca
Mooney, Hugh - Moville Upper
Mooney, John - Clonca
Mooney, John - Clonmany
Mooney, Michael - Fahan Upper
Moor, Elizabeth - Clonleigh
Moor, Elizabeth - Urney
Moor, Ephraim - Clonleigh
Moor, Hugh - Leck
Moor, James - Conwal
Moor, James - Donaghmore
Moor, James - Kilmacrenan
Moor, John - Donaghmore
Moor, Robert - Conwal
Moore, Abraham - Tullyaughnish
Moore, Alexander - Templemore
Moore, David - Leck
Moore, David - Raphoe
Moore, David - Rye
Moore, David - Tullyaughnish
Moore, Edward - Clonleigh
Moore, Edward - Raphoe
Moore, Francis - Kilbarron
Moore, George - Donaghmore
Moore, George - Kilbarron
Moore, Henry - Tullyaughnish
Moore, James - Conwal
Moore, James - Donagh
Moore, James - Gartan
Moore, James - Raphoe
Moore, John - Raphoe
Moore, John - Templecarn
Moore, Joseph - Tully
Moore, Moses - Tullyaughnish
Moore, Nathaniel - Clonleigh
Moore, Robert - Clonleigh
Moore, Samuel - Leck
Moore, Thomas - Donaghmore
Moore, Thomas - Leck
Moore, Thomas - Taughboyne
Moore, Thomas - Templecarn
Moore, Thomas - Tullyaughnish
Moore, Unity - Clonleigh
Moore, William - Clonleigh
Moore, William - Raphoe
Moorhead, John - Raphoe
Moorhead, Robert - Donaghmore
Moorhead, William - Raphoe
Moreer, William - Raphoe
Morgan, Patrick - Killaghtee
Morison, David - Tully
Morison, James - Killygarvan
Morrah, Thomas - Donaghmore
Morrin, George - Fahan Upper
Morrin, James - Fahan Upper
Morrison, Anne - Tullyaughnish
Morrison, David - Templemore
Morrison, James - Killygarvan
Morrison, James - Templemore
Morrison, Jane - Killygarvan
Morrison, John - Clonleigh
Morrison, John - Tullyaughnish
Morrison, Joseph - Donaghmore
Morrison, Matthew - Raphoe
Morrison, Moses - Killygarvan
Morrison, Moses - Tully
Morrison, Moses - Tullyaughnish
Morrison, Philip - Fahan Upper
Morrison, Samuel - Tully
Morrison, William - Conwal
Morrison, William - Rye
Morrison, William - Tully
Morrisson, John - Aghanunshin
Morrow, Alexander - Clondavaddog
Morrow, Alexander - Killaghtee
Morrow, George - Raphoe
Morrow, George - Stranorlar
Morrow, Gustavus - Conwal
Morrow, Isaac - Drumhome
Morrow, James - Conwal
Morrow, James - Kilbarron
Morrow, James - Taughboyne
Morrow, John - Kilbarron
Morrow, Margaret - Templemore
Morrow, Robert - Drumroosk
Morrow, Robert - Killaghtee
Morrow, Samuel - Donaghmore
Morrow, Samuel - Fahan Upper
Morrow, Thomas - Templemore
Morrow, William - Kilbarron
Mortimer, William - Clondavaddog
Morton, John - Clonleigh
Motheral, James - All Saints
Motheral, James - Taughboyne
Motheral, Victor - Donaghmore
Motheral, William - All Saints
Motherall, John - Templemore
Moubray, Robert - Drumhome
Mount, Andrew - Drumhome
Mount, James - Drumhome
Mowbray, James - Drumhome
Mowbray, John - Drumhome
McPaul, Roger - Moville Lower
McPhelim, Con. - Kilbarron
McPhelim, Thomas - Kilbarron
McPherson, Alexander - Killea
McPherson, James - Donaghmore
McQuade, Patrick - Drumhome
McQue, John - Kilbarron
McQuewn, Thomas - Clonleigh
McReady, Denis - Donaghmore
McReady, Hugh - Killaghtee
McReady, Owen - Killaghtee
McRuddy, Hugh - Culdaff
McShane, Bryan - Rye
McShane, Daniel - Clonleigh
McShane, Edward - Moville Upper
McShane, Patrick - Conwal
McShea, Owen - Clonleigh
McShee, Daniel - Kilbarron
McSheffry, Daniel - Moville Lower
McSheffry, Edward - Moville Lower
McSheffry, John - Fahan Upper
McShefry, Daniel - Culdaff
McShefry, Darby - Raphoe
McShefry, Manus - Moville Upper
McShefry, Margaret - Donagh
McShefry, Peter - Donagh
McShiffey, Edward - Moville Upper
McShipey, Charles - Moville Upper
McSwine, Denis - Clondavaddog
McSwine, Dolly - Tullyaughnish
McSwine, George - Killygarvan
McSwine, George - Tully
McSwine, Hugh - Kilmacrenan
McSwine, Hugh - Rye
McSwine, James - Killybegs Upper
McSwine, John - Clondavaddog
McSwine, John - Conwal
McSwine, John - Tully
McSwine, Neil - Raphoe
McSwine, Thomas - Rye
McSwine, William - Clondavaddog
McTagart, John - Kilmacrenan
McTagart, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McTague, Daniel - Kilmacrenan
McTague, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
McTeague, John - Urney
McTeague, William - Kilmacrenan
McTeeley, Neal - Moville Lower
McTeer, Hugh - Tully
McTigart, Cornelius - Kilmacrenan
McTogue, James - Kilmacrenan
Muckey, John - Drumhome
Mulchartagh, Patrick - Drumhome
Mulchertaugh, Phelim - Drumhome
Mulderg, John - Killaghtee
Mulean, Widow ? - Moville Lower
Mulhartaugh, Simon - Drumhome
Mulheerin, Patrick - Inishmacsaint
Mulheran, Charles - Stranorlar
Mulherin, Edward - Templemore
Mulherin, Thomas - Templemore
Mulhern, James - Drumhome
Mulheron, James - Templemore
Mulherran, John - Culdaff
Mulherrin, Daniel - Inishmacsaint
Mulherrin, Edward - Inishmacsaint
Mulherrin, Francis - Kilbarron
Mulherrin, James - Donaghmore
Mulherrin, Mathew - Kilbarron
Mulherrin, Neil - Kilbarron
Mulherrin, Owen - Inishmacsaint
Mulherrin, Thomas - Inishmacsaint
Mulherrin, Widow ? - Templemore
Mulhert, George - Drumhome
Mulkerrin, James - Drumhome
Mullan, Bryan - Clonleigh
Mullan, John - Clonleigh
Mullan, Neil - Clonleigh
Mulland, Daniel - Conwal
Mullarkey, Michael - Moville Lower
Mullen, Thomas - Clonca
Mullen, Thomas - Moville Lower
Mulligan, Francis - Urney
Mulligan, John - Fahan Upper
Mullin, Anthony - Donegal
Mullin, Barny - Drumhome
Mullin, Hugh - Donegal
Mullin, John - Donegal
Mullin, John - Drumhome
Mullin, Robert - Drumhome
Mullinher, Wm. - Templemore
Mullough, Neil - Drumhome
Mulloy, John - Rye
Mulloy, William - Clonca
Mullyan, James - Urney
Mulreine, Lewis - Donaghmore
Mulrin, William - Clonleigh
Mulrine, Christopher - Clonleigh
Mulrine, Michael - Inver
Mulrine, Patrick - Aghanunshin
Munan, James - Conwal
Muney, Hugh - Donaghmore
Murlay, Patrick - Stranorlar
Murphy, Daniel - Moville Upper
Murphy, Michael - Drumhome
Murragan, Charles - Kilmacrenan
Murray, Alexander - Drumroosk
Murray, Andrew - Killaghtee
Murray, Bryan - Clonleigh
Murray, Bryan - Donaghmore
Murray, Bryan - Kilmacrenan
Murray, Catherine - Fahan Upper
Murray, Charles - Gartan
Murray, Charles - Leck
Murray, David - Rye
Murray, Dennis - Conwal
Murray, Hugh - Donaghmore
Murray, Hugh - Killaghtee
Murray, John - Conwal
Murray, John - Donegal
Murray, John - Rye
Murray, Manus - Gartan
Murray, Manus - Leck
Murray, Neal - Kilmacrenan
Murray, Patrick - Donaghmore
Murray, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
Murray, Richard - Killaghtee
Murray, Thomas - Donaghmore
Murray, Thomas - Killymard
Murray, William - Leck
Murrien, Daniel - Tully
Murrin, Mary - Fahan Upper
Murrin, Robert - Fahan Upper
Murtland, Thomas - Donaghmore
McVa, William - Killygarvan
McVeigh, Charles - Clondavaddog
McVeigh, Owen - Clondavaddog
McVeigh, Patrick - Clondavaddog
Nainon, Mark - Moville Lower
Nawrey, George - Moville Upper
Neeley, Samuel - Conwal
Neely, James - Conwal
Neely, James - Kilmacrenan
Neely, Samuel - Kilmacrenan
Neely, William - Kilmacrenan
Neilas, Owen - Raphoe
Neiley, John - Raphoe
Neilson, George - Donagh
Neilson, Robert - Donaghmore
Neilson, Samuel - Fahan Upper
Neilson, William - Urney
Neitson, James - Urney
Nelson, Francis - Kilmacrenan
Nelson, John - Donaghmore
Nelson, Michael - Clonmany
Nelson, Robert - Donaghmore
Nelson, Samuel - Conwal
Nelson, Thomas - Fahan Upper
Nelson, William - Donaghmore
Nesbett, John - Raphoe
Nesbitt, Alexander - Tullyaughnish
Nesbitt, Andrew - Inver
Nesbitt, Arthur - Raphoe
Nesbitt, Hugh - Rye
Nesbitt, Hugh - Stranorlar
Nesbitt, James - Raphoe
Nesbitt, John - Donaghmore
Nesbitt, William - Raphoe
Newburgh, Arthur - Moville Lower
Nicholson, James - Killaghtee
Nicholson, Michael - Donaghmore
Nicholson, Richard - Drumroosk
Nickle, William - Rye
Night, James - Clonleigh
Nixon, Francis - Donaghmore
Nixon, Thomas - Donaghmore
Noble, Alexander - Raphoe
Noble, Jane - Raphoe
Noble, John - Aghanunshin
Noble, John - Killygarvan
Noble, John - Rye
Noble, Joseph - Raphoe
Norry, John - Moville Lower
Nulus, Owen - Clonleigh
O'Boyle, Bryan - Rye
O'Brien, Daniel - Conwal
O'Brien, Henry - Raphoe
O'Brien, Peggy - Donaghmore
O'Connaghan, Bryan - Donaghmore
O'Corran, Owen - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnel, Charles - Donegal
O'Donnel, Daniel - Clonleigh
O'Donnel, Denis - Aghanunshin
O'Donnel, Edward - Clonleigh
O'Donnel, Edward - Rye
O'Donnel, Francis - Conwal
O'Donnel, Hugh - Raphoe
O'Donnel, Michael - Donegal
O'Donnel, Neal - Raphoe
O'Donnel, Owen - Leck
O'Donnel, Owen - Stranorlar
O'Donnel, Thomas - Raphoe
O'Donnel, Wm. - All Saints
O'Donnel, Wm. - Conwal
O'Donnell, Arthur - Aghanunshin
O'Donnell, Bryan - Gartan
O'Donnell, Bryan - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Cahier - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Charles - Clondavaddog
O'Donnell, Charles - Clonmany
O'Donnell, Cornelius - Clonleigh
O'Donnell, Cornelius - Fahan Upper
O'Donnell, Daniel - Drumhome
O'Donnell, Daniel - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Dominick - Donaghmore
O'Donnell, Dominick - Moville Lower
O'Donnell, Fanny - Tully
O'Donnell, Hugh - Conwal
O'Donnell, Hugh - Donaghmore
O'Donnell, Hugh - Drumhome
O'Donnell, Hugh - Fahan Upper
O'Donnell, Hugh - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Hugh - Moville Lower
O'Donnell, James - Clonmany
O'Donnell, James - Rye
O'Donnell, John - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Manus - Donaghmore
O'Donnell, Manus - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Michael - Drumhome
O'Donnell, Michael - Killaghtee
O'Donnell, Neil - Clonleigh
O'Donnell, Neil - Donagh
O'Donnell, Owen - Clonmany
O'Donnell, Owen - Donagh
O'Donnell, Owen - Drumhome
O'Donnell, Owen - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Owen - Leck
O'Donnell, Patrick - Fahan Upper
O'Donnell, Patrick - Moville Lower
O'Donnell, Peter - Donaghmore
O'Donnell, Philip - Kilmacrenan
O'Donnell, Thomas - Templemore
O'Donnell, Thomas - Tullyaughnish
O'Donnell, Toal - Tullyaughnish
O'Farrel, Teage - All Saints
O'Freel, Charles - Kilmacrenan
O'Gara, Francis - Clonleigh
O'Hara, James - Urney
O'Hear, Charles - Donaghmore
O'Hear, John - Donaghmore
O'Hear, Philip - Donaghmore
O'Hear, Thomas - Donaghmore
Oliver, Alexander - Raphoe
Oliver, Francis - Donegal
Oliver, Thomas - Drumhome
Oliver, Thomas - Raphoe
O'Neal, James - Drumhome
O'Neil, Charles - Raphoe
O'Neil, James - Raphoe
O'Neill, Dominick - Donaghmore
O'Neill, Patrick - Raphoe
Orison, Samuel - Urney
Orr, Agnis - Donaghmore
Orr, Alexander - Leck
Orr, Andrew - Killea
Orr, Andrew - Raphoe
Orr, Arthur - Clonleigh
Orr, David - Raphoe
Orr, David - Taughboyne
Orr, James - All Saints
Orr, James - Taughboyne
Orr, Jane - Taughboyne
Orr, Mathew - Taughboyne
Orr, Matt. - Rye
Orr, Robert - Clonleigh
Orr, Robert - Raphoe
Orr, Robert - Taughboyne
Orr, Widow ? - Templemore
Orr, William - All Saints
Orr, William - Donaghmore
Osburn, Catherine - Kilbarron
Osburn, James - Taughboyne
Osburn, John - Killea
Osburn, Thomas - Taughboyne
Osburn, William - Raphoe
Oyns, Hugh - Raphoe
Pain, Thomas - Drumhome
Paine, Robert - All Saints
Park, Andrew - Rye
Park, Andrew - Taughboyne
Park, Anne - Taughboyne
Park, Hugh - Mevagh
Park, Hugh - Moville Lower
Park, John - Kilmacrenan
Park, Robert - Moville Lower
Park, William - All Saints
Park, William - Leck
Parke, Henry - Moville Upper
Parker, John - All Saints
Parker, Martha - Stranorlar
Parker, Richard - Killaghtee
Parker, Widow ? - Donaghmore
Parlin, George - Moville Upper
Patchel, James - Conwal
Patchel, William - Clonca
Paterson, James - All Saints
Paterson, James - Donaghmore
Paterson, Samuel - Leck
Paton, James - Kilmacrenan
Paton, John - Kilmacrenan
Patten, John - Kilbarron
Patten, Patrick - Kilteevoge
Patten, William - Kilbarron
Patterson, Alexander - Donegal
Patterson, Anne - Tullyaughnish
Patterson, Christopher - Kilbarron
Patterson, Daniel - Tully
Patterson, David - All Saints
Patterson, David - Clonleigh
Patterson, Ezekiel - Rye
Patterson, George - Drumhome
Patterson, James - Aghanunshin
Patterson, James - Clonleigh
Patterson, James - Conwal
Patterson, James - Drumhome
Patterson, James - Kilmacrenan
Patterson, James - Raphoe
Patterson, James - Rye
Patterson, Jane - Rye
Patterson, John - Clonleigh
Patterson, John - Donaghmore
Patterson, John - Rye
Patterson, John - Tully
Patterson, Johnston - Clonleigh
Patterson, Joseph - Taughboyne
Patterson, Mary - Conwal
Patterson, Mary - Donaghmore
Patterson, Mary - Templecarn
Patterson, Matthew - Tully
Patterson, Nathaniel - Donaghmore
Patterson, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Patterson, Robert - Raphoe
Patterson, Robert - Rye
Patterson, Robert - Tully
Patterson, Samuel - All Saints
Patterson, Samuel - Clonleigh
Patterson, Samuel - Rye
Patterson, Thomas - Donaghmore
Patterson, Thomas - Rye
Patterson, Thomas - Tullyaughnish
Patterson, Widow ? - Rye
Patterson, William - Clonleigh
Patterson, William - Donaghmore
Patterson, William - Fahan Upper
Patterson, William - Raphoe
Patterson, Wm. - Raphoe
Patton, Andrew - Kilmacrenan
Patton, Henry - Rye
Patton, Hugh - Stranorlar
Patton, James - Stranorlar
Patton, James - Taughboyne
Patton, John - Stranorlar
Patton, John - Tullyaughnish
Patton, Neil - Donaghmore
Patton, Patrick - Conwal
Patton, Richard - Rye
Patton, Thomas - Conwal
Patton, Thomas - Taughboyne
Patton, William - Clondavaddog
Pearson, Gibbons - Leck
Pearson, Henry - Leck
Pearson, James - Donaghmore
Pearson, James - Donegal
Pearson, Richard - Leck
Pearson, Robert - Donegal
Peoples, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
Peoples, Alexander - Rye
Peoples, George - Clondavaddog
Peoples, George - Tully
Peoples, Hans - Tully
Peoples, Hugh - All Saints
Peoples, Hugh - Kilmacrenan
Peoples, Hugh - Tully
Peoples, Isaac - Kilmacrenan
Peoples, James - Kilmacrenan
Peoples, James - Leck
Peoples, John - Clondavaddog
Peoples, John - Conwal
Peoples, John - Kilmacrenan
Peoples, John - Tully
Peoples, Matthew - Conwal
Peoples, Patrick - Conwal
Peoples, Robert - Leck
Peoples, Samuel - Rye
Peoples, Stewart - Conwal
Peoples, Thomas - Conwal
Peoples, William - Clondavaddog
Peoples, William - Conwal
Peoples, William - Leck
Peoples, Wm. - Conwal
Perry, George - Killaghtee
Perry, James - Killaghtee
Perry, Thomas - Killaghtee
Perry, William - Killymard
Pharon, Hugh - Rye
Phillips, Robert - Conwal
Philson, Thomas - Leck
Pinkerton, Alexander - Tullyaughnish
Pinkerton, Anne - Taughboyne
Pinkerton, Benjamin - Donaghmore
Pinkerton, John - Clonleigh
Pinkerton, John - Donaghmore
Pinkerton, Sarah - Raphoe
Pinkerton, William - All Saints
Pinkerton, William - Raphoe
Platt, John - Templemore
Platt, Mathew - Templemore
Platt, William - Moville Upper
Poar, Anne - Conwal
Pollock, David - Stranorlar
Pollock, James - Stranorlar
Pollock, James, Jr. - Stranorlar
Pollock, John - Stranorlar
Pollock, Joseph - Donaghmore
Pollock, Richard - Stranorlar
Pollock, Robert - Stranorlar
Pollock, Samuel - Raphoe
Pollock, Samuel - Stranorlar
Porter, Alexander - Clonleigh
Porter, Alexander - Taughboyne
Porter, Alexander - Tully
Porter, Andrew - Fahan Upper
Porter, Andrew - Moville Upper
Porter, Charles - Aghanunshin
Porter, Charles - Templemore
Porter, David - Templemore
Porter, Hamilton - Fahan Upper
Porter, James - Clonleigh
Porter, James - Donaghmore
Porter, James - Killaghtee
Porter, James - Taughboyne
Porter, James - Templemore
Porter, John - Donaghmore
Porter, John - Killaghtee
Porter, John - Raphoe
Porter, John - Templemore
Porter, Moses - Moville Upper
Porter, Nathan - Taughboyne
Porter, Peter - Fahan Upper
Porter, Richard - Fahan Upper
Porter, Richard - Tully
Porter, Robert - Clonleigh
Porter, Robert - Desertegny
Porter, Robert - Donaghmore
Porter, Rose - Fahan Upper
Porter, Samuel - Taughboyne
Porter, Thomas - Clonmany
Porter, Thomas - Templemore
Porter, William - Clonleigh
Porter, William - Donaghmore
Porter, William - Raphoe
Porter, William - Templemore
Porter, William - Tully
Porterfield, Charles - Clonleigh
Porterfield, James - Donaghmore
Porterfield, John - Taughboyne
Porterfield, Morrah - Taughboyne
Portice, Michael - Drumhome
Potts, John - Urney
Power, John - Clondavaddog
Power, Michael - Clondavaddog
Power, Peter - Clondavaddog
Power, Robert - Tully
Price, John - Leck
Pringle, John - Donegal
Purdon, Sarah - Donaghmore
Purveyance, Samuel - Urney
Pye, Widow ? - Kilbarron
Pyke, Frederick - Clonleigh
Quanrum, David - Clonleigh
Quiglay, Daniel - Clonca
Quiglay, Henry - Moville Lower
Quiglay, John - Moville Upper
Quiglay, Patrick - Rye
Quigley, Edward - Moville Lower
Quigley, James - Fahan Upper
Quigly, Brian - Clonmany
Quigly, Charles - Moville Lower
Quigly, Edward - Clonmany
Quigly, John - Templemore
Quigly, Manus - Clonmany
Quin, Bryan - Taughboyne
Quin, Daniel - Clonleigh
Quin, Daniel, Sr. - Clonleigh
Quin, David - Donaghmore
Quin, Denis - Kilbarron
Quin, Francis - Donaghmore
Quin, Hugh - Donaghmore
Quin, James - Clonleigh
Quin, James - Donaghmore
Quin, John - Clonleigh
Quin, John - Kilbarron
Quin, Matthew - Donaghmore
Quin, Michael - Donaghmore
Quin, Michael - Kilbarron
Quin, Owen - Donaghmore
Quin, Owen - Drumroosk
Quin, Patrick - Donaghmore
Quin, Thomas - Kilbarron
Quin, Unity - Clonleigh
Quin, Widow ? - Clonleigh
Quin, William - Clonleigh
Quinn, Patrick - Clonleigh
Rabb, Samuel - Stranorlar
Rabb, William - Raphoe
Rafferty, Patrick - Moville Lower
Ralston, Archibald - Clonleigh
Ralston, David - Donaghmore
Ralston, James - Donaghmore
Ralston, James - Raphoe
Ralston, Jeremiah - Clonleigh
Ralston, John - Donaghmore
Ralston, John - Taughboyne
Ralston, Joseph - Conwal
Ralston, Joseph - Raphoe
Ralston, Joseph - Taughboyne
Ralston, Oliver - Donaghmore
Ralston, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Ralston, Robert - Taughboyne
Ralston, Samuel - Donaghmore
Ralston, Samuel - Kilmacrenan
Ralston, William - Kilmacrenan
Ramsay, Allan - Templemore
Ramsay, Crawford - Aghanunshin
Ramsay, David - Aghanunshin
Ramsay, David - Tullyaughnish
Ramsay, David, Sr. - Aghanunshin
Ramsay, Edward - Stranorlar
Ramsay, Henry - Templemore
Ramsay, James - Conwal
Ramsay, James - Fahan Upper
Ramsay, James - Raphoe
Ramsay, James - Tullyaughnish
Ramsay, Jane - Conwal
Ramsay, Martha - Templemore
Ramsay, Mathew - Tullyaughnish
Ramsay, Ralph - Tullyaughnish
Ramsay, Robert - Conwal
Ramsay, Robert - Fahan Upper
Ramsay, Robert - Moville Upper
Ramsay, Robert - Raphoe
Ramsay, Robert - Rye
Ramsay, Robert - Templemore
Ramsay, Thomas - Templemore
Ramsay, William - Aghanunshin
Ramsay, William - Raphoe
Ramsay, Rev. William - Raphoe
Ramsey, James - Inch
Ranken, John - Conwal
Rankin, Benjamin - Taughboyne
Rankin, David - Desertegny
Rankin, David - Taughboyne
Rankin, George - Desertegny
Rankin, George - Taughboyne
Rankin, James - All Saints
Rankin, James - Desertegny
Rankin, James - Leck
Rankin, John - Conwal
Rankin, John - Leck
Rankin, John - Taughboyne
Rankin, Mary - Tully
Rankin, Samuel - Leck
Rankin, Samuel - Taughboyne
Rankin, Stephen - Conwal
Rankin, Thomas - Tully
Rankin, Widow ? - Taughboyne
Rankin, William - Donaghmore
Rankin, William - Taughboyne
Rath, Samuel - Templemore
Raughter, Owen - Killaghtee
Rayagh, William - Rye
Raygh, Archibald - Rye
Rea, David - Drumhome
Rea, David - Killymard
Rea, James - Donaghmore
Rea, James - Donegal
Rea, John - Conwal
Rea, John - Donegal
Rea, Joseph - Donegal
Rea, Robert - Donaghmore
Rea, William - Aghanunshin
Read, Mary Anne - Tully
Reagh, Charles - Rye
Reagh, John - Raphoe
Reagh, John - Tullyaughnish
Reed, Adam - Kilmacrenan
Reed, Alexander - All Saints
Reed, Archibald - Kilmacrenan
Reed, Catherine - Clondavaddog
Reed, David - All Saints
Reed, David - Templecarn
Reed, David - Templemore
Reed, James - Clondavaddog
Reed, James - Donaghmore
Reed, James - Stranorlar
Reed, James - Templecarn
Reed, James - Tullyaughnish
Reed, John - All Saints
Reed, John - Templemore
Reed, John - Tully
Reed, Margaret - Donaghmore
Reed, Mary - Tullyaughnish
Reed, Mathew - Tullyaughnish
Reed, Moses - Fahan Upper
Reed, Patrick - Gartan
Reed, Richard - Kilmacrenan
Reed, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Reed, Thomas - Templecarn
Reed, Widow ? - Tully
Reed, William - Conwal
Reed, William - Killea
Reid, John - Templecarn
Reilly, Andrew - Urney
Reilly, Edmond - Urney
Reilly, James - Inishmacsaint
Reilly, John - Urney
Reilly, Patrick - Donegal
Reilly, William - Inishmacsaint
Reilston, Sarah - Raphoe
Renyx, William - Urney
Rice, Samuel - Donaghmore
Richardson, John - Killaghtee
Richey, Anthony - Tully
Richey, Robert - Tully
Richey, Samuel - Tully
Richey, William - Tully
Richley, Samuel - Tully
Richmond, James - Rye
Rickey, Andrew - Donegal
Rickey, John - Kilmacrenan
Rickey, Robert - Tully
Riddle, John - Donaghmore
Riddle, Robert - Clonleigh
Riner, John - Templemore
Risk, George - Fahan Upper
Risk, Mary - Templemore
Roartey, Anne - Conwal
Robinson, Alexander - Leck
Robinson, James - Kilmacrenan
Robinson, John - Conwal
Robinson, Joseph - Kilmacrenan
Rock, Edward - Donegal
Rock, Neil - Donaghmore
Rodany, Philip - Inishmacsaint
Roddan, Bryan - Donagh
Rodden, Hugh - Moville Lower
Rodden, Michael - Moville Lower
Rodden, Patrick - Moville Lower
Rodden, William - Moville Lower
Roddin, Daniel - Moville Lower
Roddin, Michael - Moville Lower
Roddin, Neal - Moville Lower
Roddin, Patrick - Moville Lower
Roddy, Alexander - All Saints
Roddy, Charles - Fahan Upper
Roddy, James - Fahan Upper
Roddy, Margaret - Moville Upper
Roddy, Philip - Clonmany
Roddy, Widow ? - Moville Upper
Roddy, William - Clonmany
Roden, Widow ? - Kilmacrenan
Rodger, Everard - Stranorlar
Rodger, John - All Saints
Rodgers, Alexander - Rye
Rodgers, Alexander - Taughboyne
Rodgers, Alexander - Tully
Rodgers, Andrew - Donaghmore
Rodgers, George - All Saints
Rodgers, Gormly - Raphoe
Rodgers, Hugh - Tully
Rodgers, James - Conwal
Rodgers, James - Donegal
Rodgers, Jane - Clonleigh
Rodgers, John - All Saints
Rodgers, John - Donaghmore
Rodgers, John - Raphoe
Rodgers, Joseph - Tully
Rodgers, Mathew - Taughboyne
Rodgers, Nathaniel - Donaghmore
Rodgers, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Rodgers, Robert - Rye
Rodgers, Thomas - All Saints
Rodgers, Thomas - Clonleigh
Rodgers, William - Taughboyne
Rodgers, William - Tully
Rody, Charles - Clonmany
Rody, Michael - Moville Lower
Rogan, Anne - Inishmacsaint
Rogan, Daniel - Urney
Rogan, James - Inishmacsaint
Rogan, John - Inishmacsaint
Rogan, John - Urney
Rogan, Patrick - Tully
Rogan, Ralph - Donaghmore
Rogan, William - Fahan Upper
Rogers, James - Conwal
Rooney, Charles - Conwal
Rooney, Johnston - Kilbarron
Rooney, Patrick - Conwal
Roper, Bryan - Kilbarron
Roper, Daniel - Kilbarron
Roper, James - Kilbarron
Roper, Thomas - Kilbarron
Ross, James - Leck
Ross, John - Clonleigh
Ross, John - Donaghmore
Ross, John - Fahan Upper
Ross, Moses - Rye
Ross, Robert - Donaghmore
Ross, Samuel - Donaghmore
Ross, William - Clonleigh
Roulston, Andrew - Taughboyne
Roulston, Charles - Donaghmore
Roulston, James - Donaghmore
Roulston, John - Taughboyne
Roulston, Joseph - Taughboyne
Roulston, Mary - Donaghmore
Roulston, Robert - Rye
Rowling, William - Rye
Ruddock, John - Donaghmore
Rush, William - Urney
Rusk, George - Fahan Upper
Rusk, James - All Saints
Rusk, John - Fahan Upper
Rusk, Wm. - All Saints
Russel, Alexander - Conwal
Russel, Alexander - Tully
Russel, Alexander - Tullyaughnish
Russel, Andrew - Donaghmore
Russel, David - Conwal
Russel, Elizabeth - Aghanunshin
Russel, Elizabeth - Conwal
Russel, George - Tully
Russel, Isaac - Conwal
Russel, James - Raphoe
Russel, James - Tully
Russel, James - Tullyaughnish
Russel, John - Aghanunshin
Russel, John - Conwal
Russel, John - Raphoe
Russel, Joseph - Conwal
Russel, Joshua - Tullyaughnish
Russel, Margaret - Clonleigh
Russel, Margaret - Killygarvan
Russel, Mary - Conwal
Russel, Mary - Tully
Russel, Matthew - Raphoe
Russel, Robert - Donaghmore
Russel, Robert - Raphoe
Russel, Samuel - Leck
Russel, William - Gartan
Russel, William - Kilmacrenan
Russell, Alexander - Donaghmore
Russell, Andrew - Killygarvan
Russell, George - Leck
Russell, James - Leck
Russell, James - Templemore
Russell, John - Kilmacrenan
Russell, John - Leck
Russell, Robert - Leck
Russell, Samuel - Kilmacrenan
Russell, Thomas - Leck
Russell, William - Conwal
Russell, William - Donaghmore
Russell, William - Kilmacrenan
Rutherford, Adam - Donegal
Rutherford, Adam - Kilmacrenan
Rutherford, James - Donegal
Rutherford, James - Kilmacrenan
Rutherford, John - Donegal
Rutherford, Widow ? - Kilmacrenan
Rutherford, William - Kilmacrenan
Sairs, Thomas - Leck
Salsbury, Wm. - Templemore
Saunderson, George - Drumhome
Sawers, Andrew - Raphoe
Sawers, John - Raphoe
Sayers, Gilespy - Conwal
Sayers, John - Conwal
Scandlon, John - Urney
Scanlon, Hugh - Urney
Scanlon, Owen - Conwal
Scanlon, Patrick - Drumhome
Schoals, Samuel - Donaghmore
Scot, Andrew - Fahan Upper
Scott, Mrs. ? - Taughboyne
Scott, Alexander - Donagh
Scott, Alexander - Donegal
Scott, Alexander - Drumhome
Scott, David - Clonca
Scott, David - Donagh
Scott, Edward - Drumhome
Scott, George - Drumroosk
Scott, George - Killaghtee
Scott, George - Killymard
Scott, Henry - Killymard
Scott, James - Clonleigh
Scott, James - Drumhome
Scott, James - Stranorlar
Scott, John - Donagh
Scott, John - Donegal
Scott, John - Drumhome
Scott, John - Killymard
Scott, John - Kilmacrenan
Scott, John - Tullyaughnish
Scott, John, Sr. - Clondavaddog
Scott, Joseph - Clondavaddog
Scott, Marshal - Templemore
Scott, Moses - Donegal
Scott, Robert - Drumhome
Scott, Samuel - Drumhome
Scott, Stephen - Drumroosk
Scott, Thomas - Clonmany
Scott, Thomas - Kilmacrenan
Scott, Thomas, Sr. - Kilmacrenan
Scott, William - Donaghmore
Scott, William - Killymard
Scott, William - Leck
Scott, William - Raphoe
Seamour, James - Donaghmore
Seamour, Thomas - Donaghmore
Shanklin, George - Donaghmore
Shanklin, John - Donaghmore
Shanklin, Robert - Stranorlar
Shannon, Hugh - Rye
Shannon, John - Killaghtee
Shannon, John - Rye
Shannon, John - Tully
Shannon, Thomas - Killaghtee
Sharkey, Daniel - Fahan Upper
Sharkey, Edward - Fahan Upper
Sharkey, Edward - Inch
Sharkey, James - Clonmany
Sharkey, John - Fahan Upper
Sharkey, John - Templemore
Sharkey, William - Clonleigh
Sharkey, William - Fahan Upper
Sharp, John - Kilmacrenan
Shaughney, Thomas - Stranorlar
Shaw, Archibald - Donaghmore
Shaw, David - Donaghmore
Shaw, James - Donaghmore
Shaw, James, Jr. - Donaghmore
Shaw, John - Raphoe
Shaw, Walter - Taughboyne
Shaw, William - Donaghmore
Shaw, William - Raphoe
Sheaghney, William - Kilmacrenan
Sheal, Arthur - Tullyaughnish
Sheal, Denis - Clondavaddog
Sheal, John - Clondavaddog
Sheal, John - Conwal
Sheal, Wm. - Tullyaughnish
Sheals, Cain - Kilmacrenan
Sheals, Camack - Clonmany
Sheals, Daniel - Donaghmore
Sheals, Dennis - Clondavaddog
Sheals, Edward - All Saints
Sheals, Edward - Tully
Sheals, George - Raphoe
Sheals, John - Clondavaddog
Sheals, Michael - Kilmacrenan
Sheals, Roger - Tullyaughnish
Sheals, Rose - Moville Upper
Sheals, William - Raphoe
Sheerin, Charles - Clondavaddog
Sheerin, Denis - Tully
Sheerin, James - Kilbarron
Sheerin, Neal - Clondavaddog
Sheerin, William - Tully
Sheil, James - Clonmany
Sheldon, Andrew - Raphoe
Sheldon, William - Raphoe
Sheridan, James - Kilbarron
Sheridan, John - Raphoe
Sheridan, Owen - Kilbarron
Sheridan, Philip - Urney
Sherridan, James - Fahan Upper
Sherridan, Owen - Killygarvan
Sherridan, Thomas - Killygarvan
Sherrin, Charles - Rye
Sherwin, James - Raphoe
Shescoran, Bryan - Clonleigh
Sheskran, Charles - Rye
Sheskran, Edward - Donaghmore
Shiscoran, Bryan - Raphoe
Simes, John - Donaghmore
Simison, John - Clonca
Simpson, Charles - Clonleigh
Simpson, David - Moville Upper
Simpson, Henry - Urney
Simpson, John - Templemore
Simpson, Mathew - Clonleigh
Sims, James - Urney
Sims, John - Kilmacrenan
Sims, Robert - Urney
Sinclair, Malcolm - Clonmany
Skea, Terence - Kilbarron
Skiltoar, Thomas - Raphoe
Slavin, Daniel - Donaghmore
Sleavin, Bryan - Donegal
Sleavin, Edward - Killymard
Sleavin, James - Kilbarron
Sleavin, John - Kilbarron
Sleavin, Maria - Raphoe
Sleavin, Patrick - Donegal
Sleavin, Patrick - Kilbarron
Sleavin, Patrick - Killaghtee
Sleavin, Peter - Donegal
Smellen, James - Stranorlar
Smilay, Elizabeth - All Saints
Smilay, James - Raphoe
Smilay, Robert - Taughboyne
Smilay, Samuel - Raphoe
Smilay, Thomas - All Saints
Smilay, William - Raphoe
Smiley, Thomas - All Saints
Smily, Mary - Leck
Smily, William - Urney
Smith, Alexander - Clonleigh
Smith, Andrew - Taughboyne
Smith, Anthony - Taughboyne
Smith, Archibald - Templemore
Smith, Catherine - Inishmacsaint
Smith, David - Taughboyne
Smith, Hugh - Clonleigh
Smith, Hugh - Killea
Smith, Hugh - Templemore
Smith, James - All Saints
Smith, James - Clonleigh
Smith, James - Donaghmore
Smith, James - Kilbarron
Smith, James - Killea
Smith, James - Killygarvan
Smith, James - Moville Upper
Smith, James - Raphoe
Smith, James - Rye
Smith, James - Templemore
Smith, James, Jr. - Killea
Smith, James, Sr. - Donaghmore
Smith, James, Sr. - Killygarvan
Smith, Jeremiah - Culdaff
Smith, Jeremiah - Templemore
Smith, John - Clonleigh
Smith, John - Moville Upper
Smith, John - Rye
Smith, John - Templemore
Smith, John, Jr. - Rye
Smith, John, Sr. - Rye
Smith, Matthew - Donagh
Smith, Matthew - Drumhome
Smith, Matthew - Kilmacrenan
Smith, Moses - Kilmacrenan
Smith, Oliver - Clonleigh
Smith, Patrick - Inishmacsaint
Smith, Richard - Moville Lower
Smith, Robert - Drumhome
Smith, Robert - Killea
Smith, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Smith, Robert - Raphoe
Smith, Thomas - Clonleigh
Smith, Thomas - Clonmany
Smith, Thomas - Killygarvan
Smith, Thomas - Tullyaughnish
Smith, William - Clonleigh
Smith, William - Killea
Smith, William - Templecarn
Smith, Wm. - Raphoe
Smith, Wm. - Templemore
Smullen, William - Raphoe
Smylay, James - Taughboyne
Smyth, Alexander - Donagh
Smyth, Alexander - Tullyaughnish
Smyth, Daniel - Clonmany
Smyth, James - Clonleigh
Smyth, James - Taughboyne
Smyth, Jane - Culdaff
Smyth, John - Clonleigh
Smyth, Margaret - Raphoe
Smyth, Mathew - Tullyaughnish
Smyth, Robert - Tullyaughnish
Smyth, William - Clonleigh
Smyth, William - Donagh
Smyth, William - Moville Upper
Snodgrass, Alexander - Raphoe
Snodgrass, Benjamin - Clonleigh
Snodgrass, James - Donaghmore
Snodgrass, James - Raphoe
Snodgrass, Jasper - Donaghmore
Snodgrass, John - Donaghmore
Snodgrass, John - Raphoe
Snodgrass, Kobert - Donaghmore
Snodgrass, Robert - Donaghmore
Snodgrass, Robert - Fahan Upper
Snodgrass, Robert - Raphoe
Somerville, Alexander - Clonleigh
Somerville, John - Clonleigh
Sparran, Neil - Drumroosk
Spatt, James - Aghanunshin
Speeg, Andrew - Kilmacrenan
Speer, James - Urney
Speer, Jane - Stranorlar
Speer, Robert - Taughboyne
Speer, Samuel - Rye
Speer, William - Rye
Speere, John - Raphoe
Speir, James - Aghanunshin
Spence, Hugh - Drumhome
Spence, John - Drumhome
Spence, John - Tullyaughnish
Spencer, John - Tullyaughnish
Spowl, Robert - Urney
Sproul, John - Tullyaughnish
Sprowl, Hugh - Conwal
Sprowl, James - Templecarn
Sprowl, Robert - Donaghmore
Sprowle, Robert - Stranorlar
Sprowle, William - Raphoe
Spur, John - Raphoe
Spur, Joseph - Raphoe
Stafford, James - Taughboyne
Stafford, Joseph - Stranorlar
Starret, Adam - Taughboyne
Starret, Samuel - Templemore
Starrett, Alexander - Rye
Starrett, Charles - Leck
Starrett, James - Donaghmore
Starrett, James - Kilmacrenan
Starrett, James - Tully
Starrett, Joseph - Tully
Starrett, Samuel - Tully
Starrett, Thomas - Conwal
Starrett, Thomas - Inch
Starrit, Robert - Fahan Upper
Starrit, Thomas - Tully
Starritt, Andrew - Tully
Starritt, John - Kilmacrenan
Starritt, Robert - Tullyaughnish
Starritt, Samuel - Aghanunshin
Staury, William - Conwal
Steel, Adam - Aghanunshin
Steel, Adam - Tullyaughnish
Steel, Anne - Clonleigh
Steel, Anthony - Gartan
Steel, Anthony - Kilmacrenan
Steel, Patrick - Killymard
Steel, Robert - Rye
Steel, Samuel - Raphoe
Steel, Samuel - Templemore
Steel, Widow ? - Templemore
Steel, William - Moville Lower
Steen, James - Taughboyne
Steen, John - Taughboyne
Steen, Joseph - Taughboyne
Steen, Thomas - Raphoe
Stephens, Alexander - Donegal
Stephens, Hugh - Donegal
Stephens, William - Drumhome
Stephenson, George - Donaghmore
Stephenson, George - Donegal
Stephenson, Hugh - Donegal
Stephenson, John - Donaghmore
Stephenson, John - Donegal
Stephenson, Joseph - Donaghmore
Sterling, Samuel - Inver
Sterling, Wm. - Tullyaughnish
Sterney, George - Moville Lower
Sterratt, Moses - Taughboyne
Sterritt, Bryan - Kilmacrenan
Stevenson, Alexander - Donaghmore
Stevenson, Alexander - Donegal
Stevenson, Andrew - Donegal
Stevenson, Andrew - Raphoe
Stevenson, Andrew - Taughboyne
Stevenson, Arthur - Donegal
Stevenson, Gloud - Conwal
Stevenson, Hugh - Clonleigh
Stevenson, Hugh - Donegal
Stevenson, Hugh - Leck
Stevenson, James - Clonleigh
Stevenson, James - Kilmacrenan
Stevenson, James - Taughboyne
Stevenson, John - Donegal
Stevenson, John - Kilmacrenan
Stevenson, John - Leck
Stevenson, John - Taughboyne
Stevenson, Matthew - Donaghmore
Stevenson, Robert - Raphoe
Stevenson, Samuel - Donaghmore
Stevenson, Samuel - Leck
Stevenson, Widow ? - Kilteevoge
Stevenson, William - Clonleigh
Stevenson, William - Donaghmore
Stewart, Adam - Templemore
Stewart, Alexander - Conwal
Stewart, Alexander - Leck
Stewart, Alexander - Rye
Stewart, Alexander - Tullyaughnish
Stewart, Allen - Fahan Upper
Stewart, Archibald - Tully
Stewart, Charles - Conwal
Stewart, Charles - Tully
Stewart, David - Killymard
Stewart, George - Clondavaddog
Stewart, George - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, Henry - Killygarvan
Stewart, James - Clondavaddog
Stewart, James - Conwal
Stewart, James - Gartan
Stewart, James - Killea
Stewart, James - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, James - Raphoe
Stewart, James - Rye
Stewart, James - Tully
Stewart, John - Donaghmore
Stewart, John - Drumhome
Stewart, John - Killygarvan
Stewart, John - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, John - Rye
Stewart, John - Stranorlar
Stewart, John - Templecarn
Stewart, John - Tully
Stewart, Joseph - Rye
Stewart, Martha - Conwal
Stewart, Nathaniel - Tullyaughnish
Stewart, Peter - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, Robert - Clonleigh
Stewart, Robert - Conwal
Stewart, Robert - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, Robert - Tully
Stewart, Samuel - Conwal
Stewart, Thomas - Donaghmore
Stewart, Thomas - Tully
Stewart, Thomas - Tullyaughnish
Stewart, Walter - Leck
Stewart, Walter - Rye
Stewart, William - Clondavaddog
Stewart, William - Conwal
Stewart, William - Donaghmore
Stewart, William - Drumroosk
Stewart, William - Kilmacrenan
Stewart, William - Leck
Stewart, William - Rye
Stewart, William - Stranorlar
Stewart, William - Templecarn
Stewart, William - Tully
Stewart, Wm. - Rye
Stilley, Andrew - Clonleigh
Stinson, Alexander - Donegal
Stinson, Charles - Donegal
Stirling, Thomas - Moville Upper
Stocan, James - Kilmacrenan
Stone, Andrew - Raphoe
Stony, Robert - Conwal
Storey, Alexander - Conwal
Storey, David - Conwal
Storey, Ephraim - Kilmacrenan
Storey, William - Conwal
Story, Robert - Conwal
Strain, Brian - Kilmacrenan
Strain, Cornelius - Tully
Strain, Daniel - Tully
Strain, James - Tully
Strain, James, Jr. - Tully
Strain, James, Sr. - Tully
Strain, Owen - Conwal
Strain, Owen - Tully
Strawbridge, Thomas - Donagh
Strean, James - Kilmacrenan
Strean, Neal - Tully
Stuart, James - Inishmacsaint
Stun, William - Raphoe
Sueny, Miles - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Alexander - Tully
Sweeney, Andrew - Kilbarron
Sweeney, Catherine - Tully
Sweeney, Charles - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Cornely - Conwal
Sweeney, Daniel - Kilbarron
Sweeney, Daniel - Tully
Sweeney, Edward - Donaghmore
Sweeney, Edward - Tully
Sweeney, George - Kilbarron
Sweeney, George - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Henry - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Hugh - Clonleigh
Sweeney, Hugh - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, Hugh - Tully
Sweeney, James - Clondavaddog
Sweeney, James - Conwal
Sweeney, James - Kilmacrenan
Sweeney, James - Rye
Sweeney, James - Tully
Sweeney, John - Clondavaddog
Sweeney, John - Clonleigh
Sweeney, John - Kilbarron
Sweeney, John - Leck
Sweeney, John - Tully
Sweeney, Margaret - Tully
Sweeney, Mary - Tully
Sweeney, Miles - Donaghmore
Sweeney, Miles - Kilbarron
Sweeney, Miles - Killymard
Sweeney, Miles - Tully
Sweeney, Morgan - Kilbarron
Sweeney, Murgan - Tully
Sweeney, Myles - Donaghmore
Sweeney, Patrick - Clondavaddog
Sweeney, Patrick - Clonleigh
Sweeney, Patrick - Moville Lower
Sweeney, Patrick - Moville Upper
Sweeney, Peter - Moville Lower
Sweeney, Philip - Tully
Sweeney, Roger - Drumroosk
Sweeney, Roger - Killymard
Sweeney, William - Clondavaddog
Sweeny, Charles - Clondavaddog
Sweeny, Connolly - Conwal
Sweeny, Daniel - Kilmacrenan
Sweeny, Edward - Conwal
Sweeny, Edward - Fahan Upper
Sweeny, Francis - Conwal
Sweeny, Francis - Kilmacrenan
Sweeny, George - Conwal
Sweeny, George - Gartan
Sweeny, Henry - Gartan
Sweeny, Hugh - Killygarvan
Sweeny, James - Conwal
Sweeny, James - Donaghmore
Sweeny, James - Kilmacrenan
Sweeny, Morgan - Kilmacrenan
Sweeny, Neal - Donaghmore
Sweeny, Widow ? - Kilbarron
Sweeny, William - Conwal
Swift, Thomas - Kilmacrenan
Symson, William - Clonca
Tate, Adam - Raphoe
Tate, Robert - Drumhome
Tate, Widow ? - Drumhome
Taylor, Andrew - Donaghmore
Taylor, Anne - Conwal
Taylor, Arthur - Drumhome
Taylor, Charles - Conwal
Taylor, Charles - Donaghmore
Taylor, Charles - Raphoe
Taylor, Charles - Rye
Taylor, David - Stranorlar
Taylor, Edward - All Saints
Taylor, Edward - Donaghmore
Taylor, George - Conwal
Taylor, James - Leck
Taylor, James - Raphoe
Taylor, James - Stranorlar
Taylor, James - Taughboyne
Taylor, Jane - Donaghmore
Taylor, John - All Saints
Taylor, John - Donaghmore
Taylor, John - Leck
Taylor, Martha - Tully
Taylor, Mary Anne - Tully
Taylor, Matthew - Drumhome
Taylor, Robert - All Saints
Taylor, Robert - Donaghmore
Taylor, Stephen - All Saints
Taylor, Thomas - Drumhome
Taylor, Thomas - Urney
Taylor, William - Clonleigh
Taylor, William - Donaghmore
Taylor, William - Raphoe
Taylor, William - Rye
Taylor, Wm. - All Saints
Taylor, Wm. - Tullyaughnish
Tays, David - Tully
Teadly, Charles - Donaghmore
Teas, David - Tully
Teas, James - Taughboyne
Teas, John - Rye
Teas, Joseph - Rye
Teas, Matthew - Conwal
Teas, Moses - Kilmacrenan
Teas, Samuel - Conwal
Teas, Samuel - Kilmacrenan
Teas, William - Conwal
Teas, Wm. - All Saints
Tease, Matthew - Conwal
Teat, William - Stranorlar
Teenan, John - Taughboyne
Teeney, James - Templemore
T'Elhinney, James - Conwal
Temple, John - Donaghmore
Temple, William - Donaghmore
Templeton, Alexander - Conwal
Templeton, William - Inch
Tenor, Michael - Moville Upper
Tenslone, Charles - Donaghmore
Terrence, Francis - Conwal
Terry, Michael - Kilmacrenan
Tete, Henry - Conwal
Tharp, George - Moville Lower
Tharp, John - Moville Lower
Tharp, William - Moville Upper
Thimmons, James - Clonleigh
Thomas, Francis - Donegal
Thomas, James - Drumhome
Thomas, John - Killymard
Thomas, Mark - Donegal
Thomas, Michael - Donegal
Thomas, Michael - Drumhome
Thompson, Alexander - Killea
Thompson, Andrew - Clonleigh
Thompson, Andrew - Donaghmore
Thompson, Andrew - Raphoe
Thompson, Andrew - Taughboyne
Thompson, Anthony - Raphoe
Thompson, Anthony - Rye
Thompson, Archibald - Rye
Thompson, Edward - Drumhome
Thompson, Elizabeth - Clonleigh
Thompson, Galbraith - Raphoe
Thompson, George - Clonleigh
Thompson, George - Kilbarron
Thompson, Gustavus - Clonleigh
Thompson, Henry - All Saints
Thompson, Henry - Donaghmore
Thompson, Henry - Killygarvan
Thompson, James - Clonca
Thompson, James - Conwal
Thompson, James - Drumhome
Thompson, James - Raphoe
Thompson, James - Taughboyne
Thompson, John - All Saints
Thompson, John - Donaghmore
Thompson, John - Drumhome
Thompson, John - Kilteevoge
Thompson, John - Raphoe
Thompson, John - Templemore
Thompson, Joseph - Raphoe
Thompson, Moses - Donaghmore
Thompson, Robert - Killygarvan
Thompson, Roger - Fahan Upper
Thompson, Samuel - Taughboyne
Thompson, Thomas - Raphoe
Thompson, Widow ? - Donegal
Thompson, Widow ? - Kilteevoge
Thompson, William - Donaghmore
Thompson, William - Drumhome
Thompson, William - Moville Lower
Thompson, William - Raphoe
Thompson, Wm. - Taughboyne
Thomson, Robert - Donaghmore
Thornton, James - Conwal
Throne, James - Clonleigh
Throne, William - Clonleigh
Tim, Alexander - Kilmacrenan
Timoney, Patrick - Drumhome
Tinaey, William - Clonleigh
Tinney, Alexander - Raphoe
Tinney, Anthony - Drumhome
Tinney, Daniel - Kilbarron
Tinney, Edward - Raphoe
Tinney, Hugh - Clonleigh
Tinney, James - Raphoe
Tinney, Teague - Drumhome
Tinney, William - Raphoe
Tinny, James - Raphoe
Tinny, James - Tullyaughnish
Tinny, John - Tullyaughnish
Tinny, Neal - Raphoe
Tinny, Neal - Tullyaughnish
Tinny, Patrick - Tullyaughnish
Tipsett, Francis - Drumhome
Todd, Jean - Donaghmore
Todd, John - Donaghmore
Tolan, James - Rye
Toland, Bryan - Clondavaddog
Toland, Edward - Clonmany
Toland, James - Clondavaddog
Toland, James - Clonmany
Toland, James - Desertegny
Toland, John - Desertegny
Toland, Manus - Fahan Upper
Toland, Owen - Clonmany
Toland, Patrick - Raphoe
Toland, Patrick - Rye
Toland, Teage - Clonmany
Toner, Hugh - Aghanunshin
Toner, James - Conwal
Toner, James - Moville Lower
Toner, James - Raphoe
Toner, Patrick - Raphoe
Toner, Philip - Moville Lower
Tonner, Hugh - Clonleigh
Tonstone, John - Donaghmore
Toodey, John - Urney
Torgey, James - Donagh
Torrence, John - Conwal
Torrence, John - Tullyaughnish
Torrence, Joseph - Conwal
Torrens, David - Leck
Torrens, Samuel - Donaghmore
Townley, John - Fahan Upper
Toy, Charles - Moville Upper
Toy, Daniel - Moville Upper
Toy, Francis - Moville Upper
Toy, James - Moville Upper
Toy, Neal - Moville Upper
Toye, John - Stranorlar
Travers, Bryan - Drumhome
Travers, James - Drumhome
Travers, Patrick - Drumhome
Travers, Terence - Drumhome
Treacey, Patrick - Clonleigh
Treacey, Thomas - Drumhome
Trearty, William - Tully
Treastey, John - Tully
Trimble, George - Drumhome
Tumbling, Patrick - All Saints
Tummoney, Owen - Inver
Tummonney, Patrick - Inver
Tummony, Laurence - Inishmacsaint
Tunney, Francis - Kilbarron
Tunney, James - Kilbarron
Tunney, Owen - Kilbarron
Tunney, Thomas - Kilbarron
Tunney, Widow ? - Kilbarron
Turner, John - Raphoe
Turnony, John - Drumhome
Tuvan, James - Urney
Tuvan, John - Urney
Twigg, Robert - Raphoe
Tynan, Christopher - Donaghmore
Tynan, James, Jr. - Donaghmore
Vance, George - Inver
Vance, Henry - Fahan Upper
Vance, John - Desertegny
Vance, John - Taughboyne
Vance, Robert - Taughboyne
Vance, Thomas - Desertegny
Vance, Thomas - Leck
Virtiue, Thomas - Donaghmore
Virtue, Carthan - Donegal
Virtue, David - Templecarn
Virtue, James - Donaghmore
Virtue, James - Drumhome
Virtue, James - Templecarn
Virtue, John - Templecarn
Virtue, Robert - Donegal
Virtue, Robert - Kilbarron
Virtue, Thomas - Donegal
Virtue, William - Donegal
Wacheel, Robert - Templecarn
Wacheel, Thomas - Templecarn
Wacheel, William - Templecarn
Wachob, Andrew - Donaghmore
Wachob, Thomas - Urney
Wachub, Andrew - Donaghmore
Wachub, Andrew - Urney
Wachub, Nathaniel - Donaghmore
Wachub, William - Donaghmore
Waddell, Robert - Raphoe
Wade, Owen M. - Drumhome
Wakelim, Edward - Drumhome
Walker, Adam - Templemore
Walker, Edward - Killaghtee
Walker, James - Donaghmore
Walker, James - Killea
Walker, James - Moville Upper
Walker, James - Templemore
Walker, John - Donaghmore
Walker, Matthew - Donaghmore
Walker, Patrick - Killaghtee
Walker, Richard - Killaghtee
Walker, Robert - Stranorlar
Walker, Samuel - Clondavaddog
Walker, Thomas - Rye
Walker, William - Donaghmore
Walker, William - Stranorlar
Walker, Wm. - Templemore
Wall, Patrick - Conwal
Wallace, Andrew - Donaghmore
Wallace, Benjamin - Rye
Wallace, Daniel - Conwal
Wallace, George - Rye
Wallace, James - Donagh
Wallace, James - Donaghmore
Wallace, James - Kilmacrenan
Wallace, James - Moville Lower
Wallace, James - Raphoe
Wallace, James - Templemore
Wallace, John - Donaghmore
Wallace, John - Fahan Upper
Wallace, John - Moville Lower
Wallace, John - Rye
Wallace, Moses - Fahan Upper
Wallace, Oliver - Donaghmore
Wallace, Robert - Moville Lower
Wallace, Samuel - Conwal
Wallace, Samuel - Donaghmore
Wallace, Thomas - Conwal
Wallace, Thomas - Fahan Upper
Wallace, Thomas - Leck
Wallace, William - Conwal
Wallace, William - Tully
Wallen, Alexander - Conwal
Waller, Joseph - Conwal
Wallis, Francis - Rye
Walls, Widow ? - Donaghmore
Walsh, James - Templemore
Walsh, John - Fahan Upper
Walsh, Patrick - Donegal
Walsh, Patrick - Fahan Upper
Walsh, Richard - Drumhome
Walsh, Thomas - Donaghmore
Wanton, William - Drumhome
Ward, Anthony - Inishmacsaint
Ward, Bryan - Inishmacsaint
Ward, David - Tully
Ward, Denis - Raphoe
Ward, Francis - Conwal
Ward, Hugh - Clonleigh
Ward, Hugh - Conwal
Ward, Hugh - Taughboyne
Ward, James - Donaghmore
Ward, James - Kilbarron
Ward, James - Killymard
Ward, John - Kilbarron
Ward, John - Tully
Ward, Patrick - Drumhome
Ward, Patrick - Raphoe
Ward, Patrick - Tullyaughnish
Ward, Robert - Donaghmore
Ward, Widow ? - Kilmacrenan
Ward, William - Drumhome
Ward, William - Inishmacsaint
Ward, William - Kilmacrenan
Ward, Wm. - Conwal
Wardlaw, James - Donaghmore
Wardlaw, Samuel - Urney
Wark, Henry - Taughboyne
Wark, Joseph - Moville Upper
Wark, Robert - Moville Upper
Wark, William - Clonleigh
Warrell, James - Donaghmore
Warrell, Walter - Donaghmore
Wask, James - Killea
Wason, Archibald - Taughboyne
Wason, George - Rye
Wason, James - Rye
Wason, John - Rye
Wason, William - Taughboyne
Watch, Nicholas - Templemore
Waters, James - Tully
Waters, John - Tully
Wathcrow, John - Fahan Upper
Watson, Andrew - Drumhome
Watson, Edward - Killaghtee
Watson, George - Rye
Watson, Hugh - Rye
Watson, James - Killybegs Upper
Watson, James - Rye
Watson, John - Drumhome
Watson, John - Killybegs Upper
Watson, John - Raphoe
Watson, John - Taughboyne
Watson, William - Taughboyne
Watson, William - Tully
Watt, James - Fahan Upper
Watt, James - Tully
Watt, John - Conwal
Watt, John - Templemore
Weir, Frederick - Desertegny
Weir, John - Templemore
Welsh, Alexander - Clonleigh
Welsh, James - Drumhome
Welsh, Philip - Drumhome
Welsh, Widow ? - Urney
West, James - Taughboyne
Whally, John - Clonleigh
White, George - Kilbarron
White, James - Clonleigh
White, James - Conwal
White, James - Kilbarron
White, James - Kilmacrenan
White, James - Templemore
White, John - Drumhome
White, John - Kilbarron
White, John - Leck
White, Mary - Tullyaughnish
White, Patrick - Kilmacrenan
White, Robert - Drumhome
White, Robert - Fahan Upper
White, Robert - Kilmacrenan
White, Robert - Taughboyne
White, Robert - Tullyaughnish
White, Samuel - Clondavaddog
White, Samuel - Tullyaughnish
White, Sarah - Tully
White, Thomas - Conwal
White, Thomas - Leck
White, William - Conwal
White, William - Donaghmore
White, William - Urney
Wier, Alexander - Clonleigh
Wier, Andrew - Donaghmore
Wier, Charles - Conwal
Wier, Frederick - Fahan Upper
Wier, James - Donaghmore
Wier, Jane - Clonleigh
Wiley, Allen - Leck
Wiley, James - Donaghmore
Wiley, James - Taughboyne
Wiley, John - Templemore
Wiley, Richard - Taughboyne
Wiley, Richard - Templemore
Wiley, Samuel - Leck
Wiley, Thomas - Templemore
Wiley, Wm. - Templemore
Wilkey, Alexander - Urney
Wilkin, James - Conwal
Wilkin, James - Gartan
Wilkin, James - Kilmacrenan
Wilkin, James - Raphoe
Wilkin, John - Clonleigh
Wilkin, John - Conwal
Wilkin, Wm. - Raphoe
Wilkinson, Anthony - Conwal
Wilkinson, Bernard - Conwal
Wilkinson, Robert - Conwal
Williams, Andrew - Kilmacrenan
Williams, Charles - Kilmacrenan
Williams, Daniel - Tully
Williams, John - Taughboyne
Williams, John - Tully
Williams, Joseph - Tully
Williams, Lewis - Templemore
Williams, Mathew - Raphoe
Williams, Richard - Tully
Williams, Robert - Killea
Williams, Robert - Tully
Williams, Thomas - Tully
Williams, William - Tully
Williamson, James - Leck
Williamson, John - Donaghmore
Williamson, Matthew - Raphoe
Williamson, Robert - Killymard
Willock, Robert - Taughboyne
Willson, Abraham - Stranorlar
Willson, George - Stranorlar
Willson, John - Leck
Willson, John - Templemore
Willson, Thomas - Leck
Willson, William - Stranorlar
Wilson, Aaron - Kilmacrenan
Wilson, Abraham - Donaghmore
Wilson, Abraham - Drumhome
Wilson, Alexander - All Saints
Wilson, Alexander - Killaghtee
Wilson, Alexander - Raphoe
Wilson, Charles - Donaghmore
Wilson, David - Drumhome
Wilson, George - Killaghtee
Wilson, Hugh - Donaghmore
Wilson, James - Donaghmore
Wilson, James - Kilmacrenan
Wilson, James - Rye
Wilson, James - Taughboyne
Wilson, James - Urney
Wilson, Jane - Clondavaddog
Wilson, John - Clonleigh
Wilson, John - Donaghmore
Wilson, John - Killaghtee
Wilson, John - Moville Upper
Wilson, John - Raphoe
Wilson, John - Rye
Wilson, John - Templemore
Wilson, Moses - Raphoe
Wilson, Robert - All Saints
Wilson, Robert - Clondavaddog
Wilson, Robert - Clonleigh
Wilson, Robert - Culdaff
Wilson, Robert - Leck
Wilson, Robert - Moville Upper
Wilson, Robert - Raphoe
Wilson, Robert - Rye
Wilson, Robert - Taughboyne
Wilson, Robert - Urney
Wilson, Samuel - Donaghmore
Wilson, Thomas - Leck
Wilson, Thomas - Moville Upper
Wilson, Thons - Tullyaughnish
Wilson, William - Aghanunshin
Wilson, William - All Saints
Wilson, William - Conwal
Wilson, William - Culdaff
Wilson, William - Killaghtee
Wilson, William - Leck
Wilson, William - Moville Upper
Wilson, William - Raphoe
Wilson, William - Rye
Wilson, Wm. - Raphoe
Winter, James - Stranorlar
Winters, Patrick - Clonleigh
Witheral, William - Fahan Upper
Withers, Richard - Stranorlar
Woddefard, John - Drumhome
Woods, Archibald - Rye
Woods, James - Taughboyne
Woods, John - Conwal
Woods, John - Moville Upper
Woods, John - Raphoe
Woods, John - Rye
Woods, Margery - Taughboyne
Woodward, Andrew - Drumroosk
Woodward, Thomas - Drumhome
Wray, Alexander - Leck
Wray, Charles - Donaghmore
Wray, Francis - Donegal
Wray, James - Donaghmore
Wray, James - Raphoe
Wray, John - Donaghmore
Wray, Ladowick - Donaghmore
Wray, Mathew - Fahan Upper
Wray, Matthew - Tully
Wray, Samuel - Donaghmore
Wray, Stephen - Donaghmore
Wray, Stephen - Raphoe
Wray, Thomas - Raphoe
Wray, William - Donaghmore
Wray, William - Donegal
Wright, Charles - All Saints
Wright, James - Taughboyne
Wright, John - All Saints
Wright, Wm. - All Saints
Wynne, Patrick - All Saints
Young, Andrew - Templemore
Young, James - Donaghmore
Young, John - All Saints
Young, John - Donaghmore
Young, Matthew - Donaghmore
Young, William - All Saints
Young, William - Donaghmore
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