The Arrival of the Sapphire into Sydney Australia 24 May 1859
Newspaper Articles from the "Freeman's Journal" & "Sydney Morning Herald"
These articles were compiled by Bill (RIP) & Lindel and forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website
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Freeman's Journal 28 May 1859The Sapphire, with the first instalment of the Donegal Immigrants, arrived in Port Jackson on Monday last. Since their arrival, they have been visited on board by several parties - gentlemen connected with the Donegal Relief Fund, and others - all of whom speak in terms of unqualified praise of the immigrants, the ship arrangements, and of the manner in which Mr. Durbin has carried out his mission. The immigrants present a respectable appearance, are very intelligent, and at the same time strong and healthy. On Thursday, Mr. Waller, Mr. Clinton, Mr. J. Moore, and Mr. Carraher, gentlemen who have been active promoters of the fund whereby the immigrants have been brought out, visited them at the Immigration Depot; Father Powell also accompanied the deputation. After minute and searching enquiry as to the appearance, character, and eligibility of the immigrants, the arrangements of the ship, they declared themselves highly satisfied with the result; and every subscriber to the Donegal Relief Fund must feel pleased and proud of being a means of bringing to this country such a number of fine athletic men and innocent, modest, young girls.
The only complaint spoken of by the immigrants was, being put upon half allowance of water, after being seventy-three days out, during the last thirty-three days of the voyage. They speak very highly of the care and attention of Surgeon Davies, the ship's doctor. That gentleman also speaks in the highest terms of praise of their moral character. They are anxious to get employed at once, and speak in terms of deep gratitude of the movement made here to rescue them from their misery. Father Powell admonished them at some length in the Irish language, and made a very vivid impression. A statement having been made by the Herald "that they do not speak English," the deputation examined each separately, and found that all the men speak English, more or less perfect, and that of the females there are only eleven who cannot do so. On this point the doctor, with a solicitude that does him credit, has addressed the following letter to the Herald:- "Sir - With reference to the remarks contained in your journal of this date headed "The chief thing that will miltate against them on their arrival is, that they do not speak English, &c.," I beg to solicit the favour of your informing the pulic that this assertion is entirely without foundation, as it is notorious on board, that, with few exceptions, they speak the English language well, a fact which will be fully borne out when they make their engagements.
I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, Augustus C. Davies, Surgeon-Superintendent, Immigrant Ship Sapphire, on board, May 26th."
We have every hope that the Donegal immigrants will become prosperous and respectable colonists.
The Sydney Morning Herald
IMMIGRANTS PER SAPPHIREThe Married and Single Male Immigrants for engagement by the above vessel, can be hired on board, on FRIDAY, the 27th instant, at noon and following days, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Their trades and callings, and the number of such callings, are as follows, vis.:-
Married Single Agricultural Labourers 12 78 Ploughmen 13 Shepherds 3 Gardener's Labourers 1 Stable Boys 6 Carmen 1 3 Stonemason 1 Plasterer 1 Carpenter 1 Cooper 1 Policeman 1 Porter 1 Groom and Coachman 1 Herdsman 2 Miller 1 Blacksmith 1 Shoemaker 1 School Master 1 Total 19 111 The ship will be anchored at the usual anchorage, off Dawe's Point.
Agent for Immigration
Government Immigration Office, Sydney, 25th May.
The undermentioned persons, who have come out under the Immigration Remittance Regulations in the above vessel, will be prepared to join their friends, from the ship, at and after 12 o'clock on FRIDAY, 27th instant. The unmarried females from the Depot, Hyde Park, forthwith.
Name of Immigrant
From what county selected
Bleakley, George
County Tyrone
Bleakey, Margaret
Bleakley, William
Brodie, Briget
County Clare
Guthrie, John
County Clare
Guthrie, Kate
Guthrie, Patrick
Guthrie, Mary
Guthrie, Margaret
Guthrie, Bridget
Guthrie, Thomas
Agent for Immigration
Government Immigration Office
Sydney, 25th May, 1859FEMALE SERVANTS
The Females, per SAPPHIRE, will be ready for hire at the Depot, Hyde Park, on MONDAY next, after 1 o'clock. There are about one hundred for hire, consisting of general, farm, and ordinary servants.
Orders for admission to the hiring-room may be obtained in the usual way.
Agent for Immigration
Government Immigration Office, Sydney, 26th May.
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