


This Census was compiled by Lindel and forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website

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Also see Townland Notes below


Early Census Data


1841 - 31 people and 7 houses

1851 - 38 people and 7 houses

1861 - 34 people (19 males & 15 females) and 6 houses

Ardaturr Mountain:

1841 - 4 people and 1 house

1851 - 6 people and 1 house


Population evicted by Landlord in April 1861 - Nil return in census 1871 - 1911





7 tenants

Charles & William Doohan

Patrick & Widow Kelly

Daniel, Denis & John Ward


1847/48 Attendance at the Letterkenny Dispensary


Date Name Age Complaint
1847, Aug 12 Coll, Giles 43 Dyspepsia
1848, Aug 31 Coyle, Edward   Rheumatism
1844, Jan 18 Dogherty, Brian   Bronchitis
1848, Jun 1 Doughan, Catherine 56? Dyspepsia
1847, Nov 11 Doughan, Charles 4 Fever
1847, Nov 11 Doughan, Mary 43 Fever
1848, Apr 3 Doughan, Mary 12 Bronchitis
1847, Nov 11 Doughan, Shelah 11 Fever
1848, Sep 28 Doughan, William 22 Flatulance
1848, Aug 17 Dougherty, Nabla   Morb cordis
1848, May 4 Douglas, Anne 20? Fever
1844, Apr 8 Dugan, Charles   Infantile
1847, Oct 11 Dugan, William 55 Fever
1843, Dec 18 Duggan, Mary    
1848, Mar 13 Dughan, John 17 Dyspepsia
1844, Mar 11 Friel, Biddy    
1847, Sep 23 Friel, Mary 20 Chlorosis
1847, Aug 9 McAward, Daniel 40 Dysentery
1848, Jul 27 McAward, John 13 Contusia
1844, Mar 7 McDade, Nancy   Bronchitis
1844, Jan 18 McFadden, Mary   Bronchitis
1848, Jun 15 McGlin, John 30 Icterus
1844, Apr 1 McWard, Matty   Tonsillitis
1844, Mar 25 Montgomery, John    




Landlord James Johnston


1 William Doohan, John Doohan & Daniel M'Award, 13 acres 3 roods & 10 perches mountain land

2A John Doohan, house and 1 acre & 5 perches of land

2B William Doohan, house and 6 acres 3 roods & 13 perches of land

2Bc Connell Doohan, house & garden

3 Daniel M'Award house, outbuildings & 3 acres 1 rood & 10 perches of land

4 Patrick Curran, house, outbuildings & 25 acres 2 roods & 7 perches of land

5 John M'Award, 7 acres 2 roods & 38 perches of land

6 Patrick Curran & John M'Award, 19 acres 1 rood & 20 perches of mountain land


1851 Census Return


No Surname First Relationship Occupation Comment
1 Doohan William Head Farmer  
Doohan Mary Wife    
Doohan Connell Son    
Doohan Jiley Dau    
Doohan Charles Son    
Doohan John Son   Absent
Doohan Margaret Dau   Absent
Doohan Mary Dau   Absent

John Doohan and Anne Bradley Household

2 Doohan Owen Head Farmer  
Doohan Ann Wife    
Doohan Charles Son    
Doohan Nabla Dau   Absent

Note :

Dau Nabla married Henry McMonagle - see 1851 census Maghernashangan

3 Doohan Connell   Labourer  
Doohan Kitty Wife    
4 McAward Daniel Head Farmer  
McAward Anne Wife    
McAward John Son    
McAward Daniel Son    
McAward Mary Dau    
McAward Anne Dau    
McAward Rose Dau   Absent
5 McDade William Head Labourer  
McDade Mary Wife    
McDade Mary Dau Spinning wool  
McDade Peggy Dau Spinning wool  
McDade William Gson    
Gallagher Biddy Sister-in-law    
Gallagher Mary Niece    
Gallagher Peggy Niece    
McDade Anne Dau   Absent
McDade Biddy Dau   Absent
6 Currin Patrick Head Farmer  
Currin Mary Wife    
Currin Neal Son    
Currin Margaret Dau    
Currin John Son    
7 Friel Bridget Head Widow  
Friel James Son Labourer  
Friel Bridget Dau    
Friel Peter Son    
Friel Catherine Dau    
Friel Daniel Son    
Gallagher Hugh Brother-in-law Pedlar  
Gallagher Mary Sister    
Gallagher Mary Gdau (Niece?)    
Ardaturr Mountain      
8 Doohan Charles Head Farmer  
Doohan Nabla Wife    
Doohan Barney Son    
Doohan William Son    
Doohan Mary Servant    
Doohan Nabla Gdau    


Son William married Jane Conaghan - see Maghernashangan census

Son Barney married Susan Kelly - banns Conwal & Leck dated 4 Feb 1853 (?)



Townland Notes:


1. Anabella Doohan married Henry McMonagle. Son b 12 Mar 1878 in Maghernashangan

2. John Doohan married Anne Bradley. Son John b 7 Jul 1870 in Derrveagh


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Lindel Buckley

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