This Census was transcribed by Bernadette & Lindel, with additional notes by Lindel. It forms part of the Donegal Genealogy Resources Website

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Early Census Data

1841 - 52 people (27 males & 25 females)  and 8 houses

1851 - 38 people (17 males & 21 females)  and 7 houses

1861 - 43 people (21 males & 22 females) and 7 houses

1871 - 16 people and 5 houses

1881 - 23 people and 3 houses

1891 - 21 people (12 males & 9 females) and 3 houses



Tenants -

Francis Bradley

John Bradley

Patrick Bradley

James McMonigle


1847/48 Attendance at the Letterkenny Dispensary


Date Name Age Complaint
1847, Oct 11 Bradley, Daniel 21 Fever
1847, Aug 12 Bradley, Francis 9 Diarrhoa
1847, Sep 30 Bradley, James 20 Fever
1844, Apr 4 Bradley, John   Scald
1848, Jul 24 Bradley, Michael 21 Psoriasis
1844, Mar 4 Bradley, Paddy   Herpes
1847, Dec 13 Bradley, Rose 60 Contusia
1848, Sep 4 Bradley, Rose   Debility
1848, Jan 20 Bradley, Shane   Scabies
1848, Jun 22 Bradley, Shane 60 Scorbutus
1844, Mar 14 Bradley, Thomas?   Bronchitis
1848, Apr 24 Bradley. Daniel 21 Fever
1848, Mar 9 McMonigle, Fanny   Vermes
1848, May 25 McMonigle, Hannah 40 Dyspepsia
1847, Aug 16 Murray, James 15 Dysinteria
1848, Jun 29 Murry, Hannah 16 Morb cordis




Landlord Benjamin G Humfrey

Daniel, Francis, John and Patrick Bradley

James Gallagher

James McMonigle



No Surname First Relationship Religion Education Age Occupation Status Born    
  James McMonagle and Hannah McDermot Household            
1 McMonagle James Head       Farmer        
  McMonagle Hanna Wife     43 Housekeeper        
  McMonagle Hanna Dau                
  McMonagle Bridget Dau                
  McMonagle Grace Dau                
  McMonagle Fanny Dau                
  McMonagle Margaret Dau                
  McMonagle Rose Dau                
  McMonagle Henry Son     2          
  McMonagle Elizabeth Dau                


James McMonagle and Hannah McDermot married 1830

James d 6 Apr 1868, informant Rose McMonagle

Hannah d Drumenan 1879? See notes for Charles Devenny Household

Children of James and Hannah :

Henry McMonagle married Anabella Doohan, dau of John Doohan and Anne Bradley, Ardaturr?

- children : Son b 1869, twins Charles & John b 1871, Rose b 1873, Anne b 1875, Henry b 12 Mar 1878 (died 20 Mar 1878, marasmus from birth)

- Family moved to Dumbarton, where Anabella d 4 Sep 1890

- Henry in Maghernashangan in 1917, when he applied for the Old Age Pension - see Old Age Pension application

2 Bradley John Head                
  Bradley Rose Wife     64          
  Bradley Daniel Son       Ploughing        
3 Bradley Francis Head       Farmer        
  Bradley Margaret Wife                
  Bradley Daniel Son       Ploughman        
  Bradley Margaret Dau       Sprigging        
  Bradley Ferdy Son                
  Bradley Francis Son                
  Bradley John Son                
  Bradley Patrick Son                
4 Bradley Patrick Head       Farmer        
  Bradley Ellen Wife                
  Bradley Daniel Son       Ploughman        
  Bradley Patrick Son       Labourer        
  Bradley James Son       Labourer        
  Bradley Rose Dau                
  Bradley Margaret Dau                
5 Bradley John Head       Farmer        
  Bradley Fanny Sister       Housekeeper        
6 Gallagher James Head       Farmer        
  Gallagher Hannah Wife                
  Gallagher Margaret Dau                
  Gallagher Ellen Dau       Not attending school        
  Gallagher Rose Dau       Not attending school        
7 Murray Lilly Head       Sewing        
  Murray Hanna Dau     18 Sewing        
  Murray James Son     19 Herding        
8 Ward Godfrey Head RC Can't read 50 Farmer Married Donegal    
  Ward Mary Wife RC Can't read 48   Married Donegal    
  William Doohan and Jane Connaghan household            
9 Doohan Jane Head RC Only reads 46 Farmer Widow Donegal    
  Doohan Charles Son RC RW 27 Labourer Single Donegal    
  Doohan John Son RC RW 26 Cattle dealer Single Donegal    
  Doohan Annabella Dau RC RW 22 Farmer's dau Single Donegal    
  Doohan William Son RC RW 20 Assistant gardner Single Donegal    
  Doohan Ellen Dau RC RW 19 Labourer Single Donegal    
  Doohan Mary Dau RC RW 16 Scholar Single Donegal    
  Doohan Patrick Son RC RW 13 Scholar Single Donegal    
  Doohan Ann Jane Dau RC RW 10 Scholar Single Donegal    
  Doohan Daniel Peter Son RC RW 8 Scholar Single Donegal    
10 Doohan Jane Head RC RW 70 Farmer Widow Donegal    
  Doohan James Son RC RW 29 Farmer's son Single Donegal    
  Doohan Mary Dau RC RW 27 Farmer's dau Single Donegal    
  Doohan Patrick Son RC RW 25 Farmer's son Single Donegal    
  Doohan Daniel Son RC RW ? Farmer's son Single Donegal    
  Gallagher Anne Jane Gdau RC Can't read 3   Single Donegal    


William Doohan son of Charles & Nabla Doohan, Ardaturr - see Ardaturr census

Charles b 27 Nov 1872
John b 3 Jan 1874
Anabella b 22 Apr 1878 married Patrick Gallagher, Fawans, son of Patrick Gallagher & Rose Deeney - see 1901 census Fawans
William b 1 Mar 1880

  Cornelius Kelly and Ellen Connaghan household            
11 Kelly Cornelius Head RC RW 55 Farmer Widower Donegal    
  Kelly James Son RC RW 26 Farmer's son Single Donegal    
  Reilly Susan Dau RC RW 21 Farmer's dau Married Donegal    
  Reilly Ellen Gdau RC Can't read 4   Single Donegal    
  James Kelly and Margaret Gallagher Household            
12 Kelly James Head RC Can't read 35 Farmer Married     Donegal
  Kelly Maggie Wife RC RW 29   Married Married 3 yrs 2 ch born/living Donegal
  Kelly Ellen Dau RC   2   Single     Donegal
  Kelly Catherine Mary Dau RC   8mths   Single     Donegal


Cornelius son of Cornelius and Mary Kelly, evicted from Warrentown in Apr 1861 by the landlord - see Warrentown census

Marriage banns for Cornelius and Ellen dated 5 Oct 1867, Conwal and Leck register

Children of Cornelius and Ellen -

Isabella b 1 Oct 1868 married Patrick Connaghan, Carrowtrasna, son of Neil Connaghan & Ellen Coll, 28 Oct 1894 - see Carrowtrasna census
John b 10 Sept 1870
Annie b 23 Jan 1879
Cornelius b 5 Nov 1872
James b 26 Nov 1874 married Margaret Gallagher, Carrickatimpan, dau of Dan Gallagher & Catherine Carr - see Carrickatimpan census
Bernard b 26 Feb 1881
William b 26 Feb 1881

Susan m Philip O'Reilly, Church Hill, son of Philip Reilly & Jane Porter, Cavan, 9 Nov 1899 - see Altnadague census




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Lindel Buckley

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